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API RP 14H-2007


Recommended Practice for Installation, Maintenance and Repair of Surface Safety Valves and Underwater Safety Valves Offshore

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
API 2007 28
Guaranteed Safe Checkout

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1.1 One of the means of assuring positive wellstrean shutoff is the use of the wellhead surface safety valve (SSV) or underwater safety valve (USV). It is imperative that the SSV/USV be mechanically reliable. It should therefore be operated, tested and maintained in a manner to assure continuously reliable performance.

1.2 The purpose of this Recommended Practice (RP) is to provide guidance for inspecting, installing, operating, maintaining, and onsite repairing SSVs/USVs manufactured according to API Spec 6A (17th Edition or later), Clause 10.20 or API Spec 14D (withdrawn). Included are procedures for testing SSVs/USVs.

1.3 This RP covers guidelines for inspecting, installing, maintaining, onsite repairing, and operating SSVs/USVs. Nothing in this RP is to be construed as a fixed rule without regard to sound engineering judgment nor is it intended to override applicable federal, state or local laws.

API RP 14H-2007