IN – PDF Standards Store ?u= Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:38:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png IN – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 Indiana StateClimateSummary 2022 ?u=/product/publishers/in/indiana-stateclimatesummary-2022/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 10:05:08 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/indiana-stateclimatesummary-2022/ Indiana State Climate Summary
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IN 2022 5

IN AdminCode Title 675 2019 ?u=/product/publishers/in/in-admincode-title-675-2019/ Sat, 19 Oct 2024 12:35:25 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/in-admincode-title-675-2019/ Indiana Administrative Code, Title 675 Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission, Latest Update: December 3, 2019
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
IN 2019 872

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1 Current Emergency Rules For Title 675 Fire Prevention and Building Safety
Rule 1. Fire Standards for Health Facilities (Repealed)
Rule 2. Fire Standards for Pre-school Education Centers and Day Care Centers (Repealed)
Rule 3. Fire Standards for Schools (Repealed)
Rule 4. Fire Standards for Hospitals (Repealed)
Rule 5. Fire Standards for Hotels (Repealed)
Rule 6. Wiring Systems in Farm Buildings (Repealed)
Rule 7. Installation and Operation of Dry Cleaning Equipment (Repealed)
Rule 8. Standards for Equipment Containing or Transporting Liqueifed Petroleum Gas (Repealed)
Rule 9. Provisions Governing Permit for Supervised Public Fireworks Displays (Repealed)
Rule 10. Compendium of Life Safety Requirements for Family Homes and Alternate Residences (Repealed)
Rule 1. Administration (Repealed)
Rule 2. Alarm Systems
675 IAC 11.1-2-1 Area separation walls; visual signals to alert handicapped persons (Repealed)
675 IAC 11.1-2-2 Assembly buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 11.1-2-3 Educational buildings and day care centers (Repealed)
675 IAC 11.1-2-4 Hospitals, health facilities, and residential care facilities (Repealed)
675 IAC 11.1-2-5 Hotels (Repealed)
675 IAC 11.1-2-6 Apartment buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 11.1-2-7 Dormitories (Repealed)
675 IAC 11.1-2-8 Mercantile occupancies (Repealed)
675 IAC 11.1-2-9 Office occupancies (Repealed)
14 675 IAC 11.1-2-10 Industrial occupancies (Repealed)
675 IAC 11.1-2-11 National fire protection standards adopted by reference (Repealed)
675 IAC 11.1-2-12 Smoke detectors; number of alarms; annunciator panels; design and installation standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 11.1-2-13 Approval and inspection by state fire marshal (Repealed)
Rule 3. Stairs, Exits, and Occupant Loads (Repealed)
Rule 4. Fire Extinguishing Systems (Repealed)
Rule 5. Motion Picture Projection Rooms (Repealed)
Rule 6. Fire Resistive Standards for Interior Wall and Ceiling Finish (Repealed)
Rule 7. Adoption of National Fire Protection Standards (Repealed)
Rule 8. Fire Safety Emergency Signs in Certain Structures (Repealed)
Rule 1. General Provisions
675 IAC 12-1-1 Definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-2 Legislative authority (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-3 Title (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-4 Purpose (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-5 Standard statewide building code (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-6 Classification of rules (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-7 Applicability (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-8 Application to existing buildings, structures and systems (Repealed)
19 675 IAC 12-1-9 Alternate materials, methods and designs (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-10 Interpretations (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-11 Tests (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-12 Appeals (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-13 Variances (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-14 Construction release (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-15 Application for construction release (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-16 Special releases (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-17 Provisions of construction releases (Repealed)
20 675 IAC 12-1-18 Enforcement (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-19 Building permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-20 Local plan review and permit issuance (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-21 Local fees (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-22 Inspection by local building officials (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-23 Inspection and testing (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-24 Certificate of occupancy (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-1-25 Availability of rules (Repealed)
Rule 1.1. General Provisions
21 675 IAC 12-1.1-1 Title; availability
675 IAC 12-1.1-2 Purpose
675 IAC 12-1.1-3 Statutory authority
675 IAC 12-1.1-4 Definitions
22 675 IAC 12-1.1-5 Organization of the rules of the commission
Rule 2. Approval of Local Building Rules and Regulations (Repealed)
Rule 3. Fee Schedules
675 IAC 12-3-1 Availability (Repealed)
23 675 IAC 12-3-2 Schedule of fees for site built construction
24 675 IAC 12-3-3 Fireworks display permit fee
675 IAC 12-3-4 Variance application fees
25 675 IAC 12-3-5 Explosive magazine permit fee
675 IAC 12-3-6 Construction inspection fees
675 IAC 12-3-7 Statewide fire and building safety education fund
26 675 IAC 12-3-8 Amusement and entertainment permit and inspection fees
675 IAC 12-3-9 Fireworks wholesale permit fees
27 675 IAC 12-3-10 Fireworks retail stand permit fees
675 IAC 12-3-11 Inspection fee for existing buildings
675 IAC 12-3-12 Returned check fee
675 IAC 12-3-13 Boiler and pressure vessel inspection, permitting, and licensing fees
29 675 IAC 12-3-14 Regulated lifting device permitting and certification fees
675 IAC 12-3-15 Regulated lifting device professional licensing fees
Rule 4. Development and Application of Rules
675 IAC 12-4-1 Purpose
30 675 IAC 12-4-2 Definitions
675 IAC 12-4-3 Words and phrases not defined
675 IAC 12-4-4 Statutory authority
31 675 IAC 12-4-5 Rule adoption process
675 IAC 12-4-6 Savings clause
675 IAC 12-4-7 Application of changes in rules of commission to particular construction projects
32 675 IAC 12-4-8 Conflicts within the rules
675 IAC 12-4-9 Maintenance of buildings and structures
33 675 IAC 12-4-10 Moved buildings or structures
675 IAC 12-4-11 Occupancy of existing buildings
35 675 IAC 12-4-12 Existing buildings; additions or alterations
37 Rule 5. Variances
675 IAC 12-5-1 Purpose
675 IAC 12-5-2 Definitions
38 675 IAC 12-5-3 Statutory authority
675 IAC 12-5-4 Application process
39 675 IAC 12-5-5 Application
40 675 IAC 12-5-6 Consideration of applications
41 675 IAC 12-5-7 Architecturally or historically significant structures
675 IAC 12-5-8 Fee refunds
675 IAC 12-5-9 Sanctions imposed on previously issued variances
42 Rule 6. Design Releases
675 IAC 12-6-1 Purpose and scope
675 IAC 12-6-2 Definitions
44 675 IAC 12-6-3 Design release; requirement
675 IAC 12-6-4 Exemptions from design release requirement
47 675 IAC 12-6-5 Application process for design release
675 IAC 12-6-6 Application for construction design release
49 675 IAC 12-6-7 Plans and specifications
51 675 IAC 12-6-8 Fees
52 675 IAC 12-6-9 Design professionals
54 675 IAC 12-6-10 Predesign conferences
675 IAC 12-6-11 Alternative materials, methods, and design
55 675 IAC 12-6-12 Consideration of applications for design releases
56 675 IAC 12-6-13 Denial and subsequent application
675 IAC 12-6-14 Foundation releases
57 675 IAC 12-6-15 Partial design releases
675 IAC 12-6-16 Master plan design release
58 675 IAC 12-6-17 Conditional design releases
675 IAC 12-6-18 Addenda or revised design releases
59 675 IAC 12-6-19 Copy of the design release; posting; maintenance of plans and specifications
675 IAC 12-6-20 Expiration of design releases
60 675 IAC 12-6-21 Compliance with rules
675 IAC 12-6-22 Requirements of other laws
675 IAC 12-6-23 Design release revocations
61 Rule 7. Local Plan Review
675 IAC 12-7-1 Purpose and scope
62 675 IAC 12-7-2 Certification; application
675 IAC 12-7-3 Certification; sanctions
63 675 IAC 12-7-4 Competency testing; written examinations
675 IAC 12-7-5 Local plan review; procedures; seals
64 Rule 8. Indiana Building Rehabilitation Standard (Repealed)
Rule 9. State Fire Marshal; Permits
675 IAC 12-9-1 Purpose
675 IAC 12-9-2 Definitions
65 675 IAC 12-9-3 Amusement and entertainment permits
66 675 IAC 12-9-4 Regulated explosives magazine permits
675 IAC 12-9-5 Permits for supervised public display of fireworks
67 675 IAC 12-9-6 Fireworks stand retail sales permits
675 IAC 12-9-7 Certificate of compliance; wholesale fireworks
675 IAC 12-9-8 Permit fees
675 IAC 12-9-9 Administrative adjudication
68 Rule 10. Building Regulations of State Agencies and Political Subdivisions
675 IAC 12-10-1 Purpose
675 IAC 12-10-2 Definitions
675 IAC 12-10-3 Rules of state agencies
69 675 IAC 12-10-4 Local building codes of political subdivisions
675 IAC 12-10-5 Local revisions to adopted building or equipment rules
675 IAC 12-10-6 Required administrative provisions in local building code ordinances
70 675 IAC 12-10-7 Other local building regulations
675 IAC 12-10-8 Ordinance approval procedure (Voided)
675 IAC 12-10-9 Local inspection programs
71 Rule 11. Statewide Fire and Building Safety Education Fund
675 IAC 12-11-1 Definitions
675 IAC 12-11-2 Purpose
72 675 IAC 12-11-3 Eligibility for assistance
675 IAC 12-11-4 Application for financial assistance
73 675 IAC 12-11-5 Revocation of financial assistance
675 IAC 12-11-6 Local building or fire department education plan
675 IAC 12-11-7 Budget (Repealed)
675 IAC 12-11-8 Reports
74 675 IAC 12-11-9 Records
Rule 12. Underground Storage Tank Certification Program
675 IAC 12-12-1 Authority; definitions
675 IAC 12-12-2 Purpose
75 675 IAC 12-12-3 Application for certification
675 IAC 12-12-3.1 Certification examination
675 IAC 12-12-4 Issuance of certificate
76 675 IAC 12-12-5 Orders; sanctions; appeals
675 IAC 12-12-6 Performance bond
77 675 IAC 12-12-7 Display of certificate
Rule 13. Conversion of Existing Buildings
675 IAC 12-13-1 Purpose
675 IAC 12-13-2 Application
78 675 IAC 12-13-3 Permitted conversions
675 IAC 12-13-4 Inspection
79 Rule 14. Firefighting and Emergency Equipment Revolving Loan Fund
675 IAC 12-14-1 Definitions
80 675 IAC 12-14-2 Use of loan proceeds
675 IAC 12-14-3 Application process
675 IAC 12-14-4 Loan terms and conditions
81 675 IAC 12-14-5 Form of application
82 675 IAC 12-14-6 Loan priority rating system
Rule 1. Fire and Building Safety Standards
675 IAC 13-1-1 Fire safety standards (Expired)
675 IAC 13-1-2 Building safety standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-3 Availability of adopted matter (Expired)
675 IAC 13-1-4 NFPA 11 (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-5 NFPA 12 (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-6 NFPA 12A (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-7 NFPA 12B (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-8 NFPA 13; installation of sprinkler systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-9 NFPA 14 (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-9.5 NFPA 17 (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-9.6 NFPA 17A (Repealed)
85 675 IAC 13-1-10 NFPA 20; installation of stationary pumps for fire protection (Expired)
675 IAC 13-1-11 NFPA 71 (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-12 NFPA 72A (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-12.1 NFPA 72 (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-13 NFPA 72B (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-14 NFPA 72C (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-15 NFPA 72D (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-16 NFPA 72E (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-17 NFPA 96 (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-18 NFPA 231 (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-19 NFPA 231C (Repealed)
86 675 IAC 13-1-20 NFPA 56F (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-21 NFPA 61B
675 IAC 13-1-22 NFPA 82 (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-23 NFPA 664 (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-24 NFPA 72F (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-25 NFPA 13R (Repealed)
87 675 IAC 13-1-26 NFPA 31; standard for the installation of oil burning equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-27 NFPA 37; standard for the installation and use of stationary combustion engines and gas turbines(Repealed)
675 IAC 13-1-28 NFPA 2001 (Repealed)
Rule 2. Indiana Building Code (Repealed)
Rule 2.1. Indiana Building Code, 1989 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 2.2. Indiana Building Code, 1993 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 2.3. 1998 Indiana Building Code (Repealed)
Rule 2.4. 2003 Indiana Building Code (Repealed)
Rule 2.5 2008 Indiana Building Code (Repealed)
Rule 2.6. 2014 Indiana Building Code
675 IAC 13-2.6-1 Adoption by reference
88 675 IAC 13-2.6-2 Chapter 1; administration
89 675 IAC 13-2.6-3 Chapter 2; definitions
92 675 IAC 13-2.6-4 Chapter 3; use and occupancy classification
675 IAC 13-2.6-5 Chapter 4; special detailed requirements based on use and occupancy
94 675 IAC 13-2.6-6 Chapter 5; general building heights and areas
95 675 IAC 13-2.6-7 Chapter 6; types of construction
675 IAC 13-2.6-8 Chapter 7; fire and smoke protection features
96 675 IAC 13-2.6-9 Chapter 8; interior finishes
675 IAC 13-2.6-10 Chapter 9; fire protection systems
101 675 IAC 13-2.6-11 Chapter 10; means of egress
103 675 IAC 13-2.6-12 Chapter 11; accessibility
104 675 IAC 13-2.6-13 Adoption by reference; A117.1
105 675 IAC 13-2.6-14 Chapter 12; interior environment
106 675 IAC 13-2.6-15 Chapter 13; energy efficiency
675 IAC 13-2.6-16 Chapter 14; exterior walls
107 675 IAC 13-2.6-17 Chapter 15; roof assemblies and rooftop structures
675 IAC 13-2.6-18 Chapter 16; structural design
112 675 IAC 13-2.6-19 Chapter 17; special inspections and tests
675 IAC 13-2.6-20 Chapter 18; soils and foundations
113 675 IAC 13-2.6-21 Chapter 19; concrete
675 IAC 13-2.6-22 Chapter 21; masonry
675 IAC 13-2.6-23 Chapter 22; steel
114 675 IAC 13-2.6-24 Chapter 23; wood
131 675 IAC 13-2.6-25 Chapter 24; glass and glazing
132 675 IAC 13-2.6-26 Chapter 26; plastic
675 IAC 13-2.6-27 Chapter 27; electrical
675 IAC 13-2.6-28 Chapter 28; mechanical systems
675 IAC 13-2.6-29 Chapter 29; plumbing systems
134 675 IAC 13-2.6-30 Chapter 30; elevators and conveying systems
675 IAC 13-2.6-31 Chapter 31; special construction
135 675 IAC 13-2.6-32 Chapter 32; encroachments into the public right-of-way
675 IAC 13-2.6-33 Chapter 33; safeguards during construction
675 IAC 13-2.6-34 Chapter 34; existing structures
137 675 IAC 13-2.6-35 Chapter 35; referenced standards
138 675 IAC 13-2.6-36 Appendices
Rule 3. Indiana Building Code Standards (Repealed)
Rule 3.1. Indiana Building Code Standards (Repealed)
Rule 3.2. Indiana Building Code Standards, 1993 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 4. Handicapped Accessibility Code (Repealed)
Rule 4.1. Indiana Handicapped Accessibility Code, Second Edition (Repealed)
Rule 4.2. American National Standard A117.1-1986 (Repealed)
Rule 1. Indiana One and Two Family Dwelling Code (Repealed)
Rule 2. Amendments to the Adopted CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code (Repealed)
Rule 2.1. CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code; Amendments
675 IAC 14-2.1-1 Scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-2 Authority (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-3 Violations (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-4 Penalty (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-5 Right of appeal (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-6 Alternate materials, methods and designs (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-7 Permit required (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-8 Other inspections (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-9 Approval required (Repealed)
140 675 IAC 14-2.1-10 Existing installations (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-11 Definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-12 Climatic and geographic criteria (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-13 Workmanship (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-14 Parapets (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-15 Structural independence (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-16 Bathrooms (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-17 Heating (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-18 Hazardous locations (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-19 Attached garages (Repealed)
141 675 IAC 14-2.1-20 Garages, carports and accessory structures (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-21 Emergency egress openings (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-22 Landings (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-23 Spiral stairs and winders (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-24 Smoke detector required (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-25 Attics and crawlspaces (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-26 Climatic and geographic design criteria; Table No. R-202 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-27 Minimum uniformly distributed live loads; Table No. R-202.4 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-28 Roof live loads; Figure No. R-202.1 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-29 Frost line depth; Figure No. R-202.2 (Repealed)
142 675 IAC 14-2.1-30 Detached garages, detached carports or accessory structures; Table No. R-210 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-31 Soil test (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-32 Concrete (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-33 Footings (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-34 Backfill damage (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-35 Drains required (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-36 Dampproofing for concrete and masonry foundations (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-37 Location required (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-38 Drainage (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-39 Minimum specified compressive strength of concrete; Table No. R-302.3 (Repealed)
143 675 IAC 14-2.1-40 Minimum foundation requirements; Figure No. R-303 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-41 Construction (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-42 Cutting and notching (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-43 Firestopping (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-44 Draftstopping (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-45 Plywood (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-46 Fastener schedule for structural members; Table No. R-402.3.2 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-47 Figure No. R-402.3.2 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-48 Flashing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-49 Flashing (Repealed)
144 675 IAC 14-2.1-50 Weather-resistant siding attachment and minimum thickness; Table No. R-503.6 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-51 Bearing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-52 Base (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-53 Floor underlayment (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-54 Floor construction; Figure No. R-601.2 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-55 Framing details (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-56 Allowable spans (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-57 Bearing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-58 Attic ventilation (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-59 Attic access (Repealed)
145 675 IAC 14-2.1-60 Framing details; Figure No. R-702.3 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-61 Requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-62 Deck preparation (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-63 Composition shingles (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-64 General (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-65 Slopes less than four inches (4″) in twelve inches (12″) but not less than two inches (2″) in twelve inches(12″) (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-66 Fasteners (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-67 Valley flashing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-68 Wall flashing (Repealed)
146 675 IAC 14-2.1-69 Other flashing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-70 Hips and ridges (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-71 Built-up roofing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-72 Roof coverings; Table No. R-801.2 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-73 Support (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-73.1 Flue lining (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-74 Flue area (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-75 Fireplace support (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-76 Fireplace and chimney details; Figure No. R-904 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-77 Installation (Repealed)
147 675 IAC 14-2.1-78 Definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-79 General (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-80 Type of fuel; fuel connection (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-81 Fuel-burning appliance labeling (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-82 Appliance (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-83 General air supply (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-84 Existing buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-85 Prohibited sources (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-86 Interior spaces (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-87 Attic combustion air (Repealed)
148 675 IAC 14-2.1-88 Combustion air (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-89 Ducts (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-90 Area of combustion air openings (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-91 Cold climate (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-92 Appliance room combustion air requirements in cold climates; Table No. M-1211 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-93 Existing furnaces (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-94 Prohibited location (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-95 General (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-96 General (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-97 Circulating air supply–prohibited source (Repealed)
149 675 IAC 14-2.1-98 General (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-99 Floor furnaces (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-100 Floor furnace access (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-101 Floor furnace installation (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-102 General (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-103 Installation requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-104 Access (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-105 Joints and seams of ducts (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-106 Installation (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-107 Installation (Repealed)
150 675 IAC 14-2.1-108 Underfloor plenum; single dwelling (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-109 Ventilation systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-110 Condensate disposal (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-111 Identification (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-112 Containers above ground (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-113 Containers below ground (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-114 Pipe size (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-115 Shutoff valves (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-116 Appliance connectors (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-117 Oil fuel supply (Repealed)
151 675 IAC 14-2.1-118 Application (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-119 Studs in nonbearing partitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-120 Definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-120.5 Building sewers (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-121 Underground (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-122 Number of fixtures per trap (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-123 Vertical leg for waste fixture drains (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-124 Dry vent sizing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-125 Typical single bath wet-vent arrangements; Figure No. P-2207.7.2 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-126 Typical double-bath wet-vent arrangements; Figure No. P-2207.7.3 (Repealed)
152 675 IAC 14-2.1-127 Wastestack serving as wet-vent for laundry group; Figure No. P-2207.7.5 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-128 Typical methods of connecting fixture drains to stack-vented systems; Figure No. P-2207.8.2 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-129 Typical single-stack system for a two-story dwelling; Figure No. P-2207.8.3 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-130 Typical uniformly sized horizontal branch system; Figure No. P-2207.9-A (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-131 Typical horizontal branch system reducing in size utilizing wet venting; Figure No. P-2207.9-B(Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-132 Access to connections (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-133 Seals (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-134 Length of trap arm (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-135 Showers (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-136 General (Repealed)
153 675 IAC 14-2.1-137 Water-supply riser (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-138 Shower heads (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-139 Clothes washer (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-140 Materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-141 Soldered joints (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-142 General (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-143 Minimum sizes of fixture branches (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-144 Chapter 25; sewers and private or individual sewage disposal systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-145 General (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-146 Building sewer materials (Repealed)
154 675 IAC 14-2.1-147 Markings (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-148 Size (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-149 Grade, support (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-150 Cleanouts (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-151 Sewer, water pipes (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-152 Drawing; specifications (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-153 Location (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-154 Abandoned sewers; sewage disposal facilities (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-155 Electrical; energy conservation (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-156 Abbreviations (Repealed)
155 675 IAC 14-2.1-157 Flame-retardant treated wood (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-158 Foundations (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-159 Slabs (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-160 Wall construction (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-161 Wall covering (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-162 Roof covering (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-163 Mechanical materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-164 Mechanical equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-165 Plumbing; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-166 Sewer pipe (Repealed)
156 675 IAC 14-2.1-167 Water piping (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-168 Appendix A (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-169 Appendix B (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-170 Appendix C (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-171 Structural independence (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-172 Exterior walls (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-2.1-173 Openings (Repealed)
Rule 3. Permanent Installation of Manufactured Homes (Repealed)
Rule 4. Indiana One and Two Family Dwelling Code, 1990 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 4.1. Indiana One and Two Family Dwelling Code, 1997 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 4.2. Indiana Residential Code
157 675 IAC 14-4.2-1 Adoption by reference; title; availability; purpose (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-2 Chapter 1; administration (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-3 Section R202; definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-4 Section R301.2; climatic and geographic design criteria (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-5 Sections R301.2.1.1 and R301.2.1.2; design criteria, internal pressure (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-6 Table R301.2(1); climatic and geographical design criteria (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-7 Figures R301.2(1), R301.2(2), R301.2(3), R301.2(4), R301.2(5), R301.2(6), and R301.2(7) (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-8 Table R301.2.1.2 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-9 Section R301.2.2; seismic provisions (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-10 Section R301.2.2.1; determination of seismic design category (Repealed)
158 675 IAC 14-4.2-11 Section R301.; alternate determination of seismic design category (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-12 Section R301.; alternative determination of seismic design category E (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-13 Section R301.2.2.2; determination of seismic design category (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-13.5 Section R301.2.2.3; anchored stone and masonry veneer in seismic design Categories C and C
675 IAC 14-4.2-14 Section R301.2.2.9; irregular buildings in seismic design categories D
675 IAC 14-4.2-15 Section R301.2.4; floodplain construction (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-15.5 Section R301.4; live load (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-16 Table R301.4; minimum uniformly distributed live loads (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-17 Section R302.1; exterior walls (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-18 Section R302.2; openings (Repealed)
159 675 IAC 14-4.2-19 Section R303.1; habitable rooms (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-19.5 Section R303.4; stairway illumination (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-20 Section R305.1; minimum height (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-20.5 Section R308.4; hazardous locations (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-21 Section R309; garages and carports (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-22 Section R310; emergency escape and rescue openings (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-23 Section R311.2; type of lock or latch (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-24 Section R311.5; exit facilities (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-25 Section R312.1, Section R312.1.1 and Section R312.1.2; general, landings for stairways and landings fordoors (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-26 Section R314.2; treads and risers (Repealed)
160 675 IAC 14-4.2-26.5 Section R314.8; under-stair protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-27 Section R314.9; bulkhead enclosure stairways (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-27.5 Section R315.1; handrails (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-28 Section R315.2; handrail grip size (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-29 Section R316.1; guards required (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-30 Section R316.2; guard opening limitations (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-31 Section R317; smoke alarm (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-32 Section R318.2.3; attics and crawl spaces (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-33 Section R322.1; moisture control (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-34 Section R323.1; location required (Repealed)
161 675 IAC 14-4.2-35 Section R323.1.2; geographical areas (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-36 Section R323.1.4; wood columns (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-37 Section R323.2; quality mark (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-37.5 Section R324.1; subterranean termite control (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-38 Section R324.4; foam plastic protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-39 Section R326; accessibility (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-40 Section 327; flood-resistant construction (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-41 Section 401.1; application (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-42 Section R401.3; drainage (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-43 Section R402.1.2; wood treatment (Repealed)
162 675 IAC 14-4.2-44 Section R403.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-45 Table R403.1; minimum width of concrete or masonry footings (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-45.3 Section R403.1.1; minimum size (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-45.5 Section R403.1.2; continuous footings in seismic design categories D
675 IAC 14-4.2-45.6 Section R403.1.3; seismic reinforcing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-46 Section R403.1.3.1; foundations with stemwalls (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-46.5 Section R403.1.3.2; slabs-on-ground with turned-down footings (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-46.6 Section R403.1.4; minimum depth (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-46.8 Section R403.1.6; foundation anchorage (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-47 Section R403.1.7.3; foundation elevation (Repealed)
163 675 IAC 14-4.2-48 Section R403.1.7.4; alternate setback and clearances (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-49 Section R403.1.8; foundations on expansive soils (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-49.1 Section R403.1.8.1; expansive soils classifications (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-49.3 Table R403.2; size of footings supporting piers and columns (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-49.5 Figure R403.3(1); insulation placement for frost-protected footings in heated buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-50 Section R403.3.3; termite damage (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-51 Section R404.1; concrete and masonry foundation walls (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-52 Section R404.1.1; masonry foundation walls (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-53 Section R404.1.2; concrete foundation walls (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-53.7 Section R404.1.5; foundation wall thickness based on walls supported (Repealed)
164 675 IAC 14-4.2-54 Section R404.1.5.1; pier and curtain wall foundations (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-55 Section R404.2.1; wood grade (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-56 Section R404.4; insulating concrete form foundation walls (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-57 Section R404.4.7.2; termite hazards (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-58 Section R 405.2.3; drainage system (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-59 Section R406.2; concrete and masonry foundation waterproofing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-60 Section R407.3; structural requirement (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-61 Section R408.2; openings for under-floor ventilation (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-62 Section R408.3; access (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-63 Section R408.6; flood resistance (Repealed)
165 675 IAC 14-4.2-64 Section R502.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-65 Section R502.1.4; prefabricated wood i-joists (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-66 Section R502.2.1; decks (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-67 Figure R502.2; floor construction (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-67.5 Table R502.3.2(2); floor joists spans for common lumber species (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-68 Section R502.3.3; floor cantilevers (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-69 Table R502.3.3; cantilever spans for floor joists (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-69.5 Section R502.8.1; sawn lumber (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-69.6 Figure R502.8; cutting, notching, and drilling (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-70 Section R502.11.1; design (Repealed)
166 675 IAC 14-4.2-71 Section R502.11.3; alterations to trusses (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-72 Section R502.11.4; truss design drawings (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-73 Section R602.1; identification (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-73.5 Table R602.3(1); fastener schedule for structural members (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-74 Figure R602.3(1); typical wall, floor, and roof framing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-75 Figure R602.3(2); framing details (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-75.5 Table R602.3.1; stud spacing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-76 Section R602.6.1; drilling and notching of top plate (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-77 Figure R602.6.1; top plate framing to accommodate piping (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-77.5 Figure R602.7.2; typical wood structural panel box header construction (Repealed)
167 675 IAC 14-4.2-77.6 Section R602.7; headers (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-77.7 Section R602.8.1; materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-78 Table R602.10.3; wall bracing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-78.5 Table R603.6(5); header to king stud connection requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-79 Section R604.1; identification and grade (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-80 Section R605.1; identification and grade (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-81 Section R606.1.1; professional registration not required (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-81.2 Section R606.2; thickness of masonry (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-81.3 Section R606.2.1; minimum thickness (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-81.7 Section R606.10; anchorage (Repealed)
168 675 IAC 14-4.2-82 Section R606.11; seismic requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-83 Section R606.11.2; seismic design Category C (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-84 Figure R606.10(2); requirements for reinforced grouted masonry construction in Seismic Design CategoryC (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-84.5 Section R607.1.2; masonry in seismic design categories A, B, C and C
675 IAC 14-4.2-85 Section R609.1.5; cleanouts (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-85.5 Section R609.2.2; grout spaces (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-86 Section R609.4.1; construction (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-87 Section R611.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-88 Section R702.4.2; gypsum backer (Repealed)
169 675 IAC 14-4.2-89 Section R 703.4; attachments (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-89.2 Table R703.4; weather-resistant siding attachment and minimum thickness (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-89.5 Section R703.7; stone and masonry veneer, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-89.6 Section R703.7.4.3; mortar or grout filled (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-89.7 Section R703.3.5; flashing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-89.8 Section R703.7.6; weepholes (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-89.9 Sections R703.7.2.1; support by a steel angle; R703.7.2.2; support by roof construction; and R703.7.4.2;air space (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-89.10 Section R703.7.2.2; support by roof construction (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-89.11 Section R703.8; flashing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-90 Section R703.8; flashing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-91 Section R802.1; identification and grade (Repealed)
170 675 IAC 14-4.2-92 Section R802.10.1; truss design drawings (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-93 Section R802.10.2; design (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-94 Section R802.10.3; bracing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-95 Section R802.10.4; alterations to trusses (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-96 Section R802.11; roof tie-down (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-96.2 TABLE R802.11 (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-97 Section R803.2.1; identification and grade (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-97.5 Section R806.1; ventilation required (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-97.9 Section R808.1; combustible insulation (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-98 Section R903.4.1; overflow drains and scuppers (Repealed)
171 675 IAC 14-4.2-99 Section R904.3; material specifications and physical characteristics (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-100 Section R907.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-101 Section R907.3; recovering versus replacement (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-102 Section R1001.6; termination (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-103 Figure R1001.6; chimney termination (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-104 Section R1001.6.1; spark arrestors (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-105 Section R1003.3; seismic reinforcing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-105.5 Section R1003; seismic anchorage (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-106 Section R1005.1; exterior air (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-107 Chapter 11; energy efficiency (Repealed)
172 675 IAC 14-4.2-108 Section M1201.1; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-109 Section M1201.2; application (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-110 Section M1202; existing mechanical systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-111 Section M1303.1; label information (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-112 Section M1307.3.1; protection from impact (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-112.5 Section M1411.3.1; auxiliary and secondary drain systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-113 Section M1501.3; length limitation (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-114 Section M1503.1; installation of microwave oven over a cooking appliance (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-115 Chapter 19; special fuel-burning equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-116 Section M2001; boilers (Repealed)
173 675 IAC 14-4.2-117 Section M2005.5; anchorage of water heaters in seismic design Category C
675 IAC 14-4.2-118 Section M2006; pool heaters (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-119 Section M2201.3; underground tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-120 Section M2301.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-121 Section G2401.1; application (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-122 Section G2403; general definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-123 Section G2404.7; flood hazard (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-124 Section G2405.1; structural safety (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-125 Section G2407.4 and Section G2407.5; process air and ventilation air (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-126 Section G2408.1; general (Repealed)
174 675 IAC 14-4.2-127 Section G2408.3; private garages (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-128 Section G2411.1; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-129 Section G2411.1.1; utility piping systems located within buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-130 Section G2412.2; maximum gas demand (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-131 Section G2413.1; material application (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-132 Section G2413.3; other materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-133 Section G2414.3; piping in concealed locations (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-134 Section G2414.8; protection against corrosion (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-135 Section G2414.9.1; individual outside appliances (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-136 Section G2414.16; testing of piping (Repealed)
175 675 IAC 14-4.2-137 Section G2416; inspection, testing, and purging (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-138 Section G2416.6.2; before turning gas on (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-139 Section G2416.6.3; test for leakage (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-140 Section G2416.7.1; removal from service (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-141 Section G2419.2; meter valve (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-142 Section G2422; CNG gas-dispensing systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-143 Section G2424.1; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-144 Section G2426.8; venting system location (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-145 Section G2426.9; condensation drain (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-146 Section G2426.6.10; marking (Repealed)
176 675 IAC 14-4.2-147 Section G2427.1; definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-148 Section G2430.1; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-149 Section G2436; clothes dryer (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-150 Section G2437.5.1; maximum length (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-151 Section G2438; sauna heaters (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-152 Section G2439; pool and spa heaters (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-153 Section G2445; cooking appliances (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-154 Section G2446.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-155 Section G2450.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-156 Section P2501; general (Repealed)
177 675 IAC 14-4.2-157 Section P2502; existing plumbing systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-158 Section P2503.1; inspection required (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-159 Section P2503.2; concealment (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-160 Section P2503.3; responsibility of permitter (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-161 Section P2503.5.2; finished plumbing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-162 Section P2503.7; inspection and testing of backflow prevention devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-163 Section P2503.7.1; inspections (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-164 Section P2503.7.2; testing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-165 Section P2603.1; protection against physical damage (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-166 Section P2603.2.1; protection against physical damage (Repealed)
178 675 IAC 14-4.2-167 Section P2603.5; pipes through footings or foundation walls (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-168 Section P2604.5; inspection (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-169 Section P2706.2; standpipes (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-170 Section P2706.2.1; laundry tray connection (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-171 Section P2717.3; sink, dishwasher, and food grinder (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-171.5 Section P2801.5; required pan (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-172 Section P2802.2; scald protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-173 Section P2901.1; potable water required (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-174 Section P2903.8.5; support and protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-174.5 Section P2903.5; water hammer (Repealed)
179 675 IAC 14-4.2-175 Section P2903.9.1; service valve (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-176 Section P2907; drinking water treatment units (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-177 Section P3101.4 and SECTION P3103.2; extension outside a structure and frost closure (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-177.5 Section P3103.1; roof extension (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-178 Table P3105.1; maximum distance of fixture trap from vent (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-179 Section P3201.4; building traps (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-180 Table P3201.7; size of traps and trap arms for plumbing fixtures (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-181 Section E3301.2; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-181.1 Section E3301.2; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-182 Section E3301.3; not covered (Repealed)
180 675 IAC 14-4.2-182.1 Section E3302.2; penetrations of fire-resistance-rated assemblies (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-183 Section E3303.2; inspection required (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-184 Section E3304.2; interrupting rating (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-185 Section E3305.6; illumination (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-185.1 Section E3306.5; individual conductor insulation (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-186 Section E3306.6; conductors in parallel (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-187 Section E3401; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-187.1 Section E3501.6.2; service disconnect location (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-187.2 Table E3503.1; service conductor and grounding electrode conductor sizing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-187.3 Section E3504.2.1; above roofs (Repealed)
181 675 IAC 14-4.2-187.4 Section E3505.5; protection of service cables against damage (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-188 Section E3506.3; available short-circuit current (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-189 Section E3509.7; metal gas piping bonding (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-189.2 Section E3509.8; bonding other metal piping (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-190 Section E3602.9.1; minimum branch circuit for ranges (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-190.1 Section E3602.10; branch circuits serving heating loads (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-190.2 Section E3602.12; branch circuits serving room air conditioners (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-190.3 Section E3602.12.1; where no other loads are supplied (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-190.4 Section E3602.12.2; where lighting units or other appliances are also supplied (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-190.5 Section E3703.3; protection from damage (Repealed)
182 675 IAC 14-4.2-191 Figure E3801.4; countertop receptacles (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-191.1 Section E3801.4.5; receptacle outlet location (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-191.2 Section E3801.6; bathroom (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-191.3 Section E3801.9; basements and garages (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-191.4 Section E3801.11; HVAC outlet; Section E3802; ground-fault and arc-fault circuit-interrupterprotection (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-191.5 Section E3802.8; exempt receptacles (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-192 Section E3802; ground-fault and arc-fault circuit-interrupter protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-192.1 Section E3803.3; additional locations (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-192.2 Section E3805.1; box, conduit body, or fitting; where required (Repealed)
183 675 IAC 14-4.2-192.3 Section E3805.3.1; nonmetallic-sheathed cable and nonmetallic boxes (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-192.4 Section E3805.3.2; securing to box (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-192.5 Section E3806.5; in wall or ceiling (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-192.6 Section E3806.8.2.1; nails (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-193 Section E3808.7; load-side equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-193.1 Section E3808.8; types of equipment grounding conductors (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-193.2 Section E3901.3; indicating (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-193.3 Section E3902.12; outdoor installation (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-193.4 Section E3903.11; fixtures in clothes closets (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-193.5 Table E4103.5; overhead conductor clearances (Repealed)
184 675 IAC 14-4.2-194 Section E4103.6; underground wiring (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-194.1 Section E4104.1; bonded parts (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-194.2 Section E4106.8.2; other enclosures (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-194.3 Section E4106.9.2; wiring methods (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-194.4 Section E4106.10; electrically operated pool covers (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-194.5 Section E4106.12.2; permanently wired radiant heaters (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-194.6 Section E4201.2; definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-194.7 Section E4201.3; spread of fire or products of combustion (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-195 Chapter 43; referenced standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-196 Appendix A; sizing and capacities of gas pipe (Repealed)
185 675 IAC 14-4.2-197 Appendix B; sizing of venting systems serving appliances equipped with draft hoods, Category 1appliances, and appliances listed for use and Type B vents (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-198 Appendix C; exit terminals of mechanical draft and direct-vent systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-199 Appendix D; recommend procedure for safety inspection of an existing appliance installation (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-200 Appendix E; manufactured housing used as dwellings (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-201 Appendix F; radon control methods (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-202 Appendix G; swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-203 Appendix H; patio covers (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-204 Appendix I; private sewage disposal (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-205 Appendix J; existing buildings and structures (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.2-206 Appendix K; sound transmission (Repealed)
186 Rule 4.3. 2005 Indiana Residential Code
675 IAC 14-4.3-1 Adoption by reference; title; purpose
675 IAC 14-4.3-2 Chapter 1; administration
188 675 IAC 14-4.3-3 Section R202; definitions
190 675 IAC 14-4.3-4 Section R301.2; climatic and geographic design criteria
675 IAC 14-4.3-5 Sections R301.2.1.1 and R301.2.1.2; design criteria, internal pressure
675 IAC 14-4.3-6 Table R301.2(1); climatic and geographical design criteria
194 675 IAC 14-4.3-7 Figures R301.2(1), R301.2(2), R301.2(3), R301.2(4), R301.2(5), R301.2(6), R301.2(7), and R301.2(8)
195 675 IAC 14-4.3-8 Table R301.2.1.2
675 IAC 14-4.3-9 Section R301.2.2; seismic provisions
675 IAC 14-4.3-10 Section R301.2.2.1; determination of seismic design category
675 IAC 14-4.3-11 Section R301.; alternate determination of seismic design category
196 675 IAC 14-4.3-12 Section R301.; alternative determination of seismic design category E
675 IAC 14-4.3-13 Section R301.2.2.2; seismic limitations
675 IAC 14-4.3-13.5 Section R301.; weight of materials
675 IAC 14-4.3-14 Section R301.; irregular buildings
675 IAC 14-4.3-15 Section R301.2.2.3; Seismic Design Category C
197 675 IAC 14-4.3-16 Section R301.2.4; flood plain construction
675 IAC 14-4.3-17 Section R301.5; live load
675 IAC 14-4.3-18 Table R301.5; minimum uniformly distributed live loads
198 675 IAC 14-4.3-19 Section R302.1; exterior walls
675 IAC 14-4.3-20 Section R302.2; openings
199 675 IAC 14-4.3-21 Section R303.1; habitable rooms
675 IAC 14-4.3-22 Section R303.4.2; exhaust openings
675 IAC 14-4.3-23 Section R303.6; stairway illumination
675 IAC 14-4.3-23.5 Section R304.3; minimum dimensions
675 IAC 14-4.3-24 Section R305.1; minimum height
200 675 IAC 14-4.3-25 Section R308.4; hazardous locations
675 IAC 14-4.3-26 Section R309; garages and carports
201 675 IAC 14-4.3-27 Section R310; emergency escape and rescue openings
202 675 IAC 14-4.3-28 Section R311.4.3; landings at doors
675 IAC 14-4.3-29 Section R311.4.4; type of lock or latch
675 IAC 14-4.3-30 Section R311.5.3.1; riser height
203 675 IAC 14-4.3-31 Section R311.5.3.2; tread depth
675 IAC 14-4.3-32 Section R311.5.6.2; continuity
675 IAC 14-4.3-33 Section R311.5.6.3; handrail grip size
675 IAC 14-4.3-34 Section R311.5.8.1; bulkhead enclosure stairways (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.3-34.5 Section R311.6.1; maximum slope
204 675 IAC 14-4.3-35 Section R312.1; guards required
675 IAC 14-4.3-36 Section R312.2; guard opening limitations
675 IAC 14-4.3-37 Section R313; smoke alarms
205 675 IAC 14-4.3-38 Section R314.2.3; attics and crawlspaces
206 675 IAC 14-4.3-38.5 Section R317.1; two-family dwellings
675 IAC 14-4.3-39 Section R317.3.2; membrane penetrations
675 IAC 14-4.3-40 Section R318.1; moisture control
675 IAC 14-4.3-41 Section R319.1; location required
207 675 IAC 14-4.3-42 Section R319.1.2; R319.1; location required
675 IAC 14-4.3-43 Section R319.1.2; geographical areas
675 IAC 14-4.3-44 Section R319.1.3; post, poles, and columns
675 IAC 14-4.3-45 Section R319.2; quality mark
675 IAC 14-4.3-46 Section R319.3; fasteners
208 675 IAC 14-4.3-47 Section R320.1; subterranean termite control
675 IAC 14-4.3-48 Section R320.4; foam plastic protection
675 IAC 14-4.3-49 Section R322; accessibility
675 IAC 14-4.3-50 Section R323; flood-resistant construction
675 IAC 14-4.3-51 Section R401.1; application
209 675 IAC 14-4.3-52 Section R401.3; drainage
675 IAC 14-4.3-53 Section R402.1.2; wood treatment
675 IAC 14-4.3-54 Section R403.1; general
675 IAC 14-4.3-55 Section R403.1.1; minimum size
675 IAC 14-4.3-56 Section R403.1.2; continuous footings in seismic design categories D
210 675 IAC 14-4.3-57 Section R403.1.3; seismic reinforcing
675 IAC 14-4.3-58 Section R403.1.3.1; foundations with stemwalls
675 IAC 14-4.3-59 Section R403.1.3.2; slabs-on-ground with turned-down footings
675 IAC 14-4.3-60 Section R403.1.4.2; seismic conditions
675 IAC 14-4.3-61 Section R403.1.4.1; frost protection
211 675 IAC 14-4.3-62 Section R403.1.6; foundation anchorage
675 IAC 14-4.3-63 Section R403.1.7.3; foundation elevation
675 IAC 14-4.3-64 Section R403.1.7.4; alternate setback and clearances
675 IAC 14-4.3-65 Section R403.1.8; foundations on expansive soils
212 675 IAC 14-4.3-66 Table R403.2; size of footings supporting piers and columns
675 IAC 14-4.3-67 Section R403.3.4; termite damage
213 675 IAC 14-4.3-68 Section R404.1; concrete and masonry foundation walls
675 IAC 14-4.3-69 Section R404.1.1; masonry foundation walls
675 IAC 14-4.3-70 Section R404.1.2; concrete foundation walls
675 IAC 14-4.3-71 Section R404.1.5; foundation wall thickness based on walls supported
214 675 IAC 14-4.3-72 Section R404.1.5.1; pier and curtain wall foundations
675 IAC 14-4.3-73 Section R404.1.6; height above finished grade
675 IAC 14-4.3-74 Section R404.2.1; identification
675 IAC 14-4.3-75 Section R404.4; insulating concrete form foundation walls
675 IAC 14-4.3-76 Section R404.4.7.2; termite hazards
215 675 IAC 14-4.3-77 Section R405.2.3; drainage system
675 IAC 14-4.3-78 Section R407.3; structural requirement
675 IAC 14-4.3-78.5 Section R408.1; ventilation
675 IAC 14-4.3-79 Section R408.2; openings for under-floor ventilation
216 675 IAC 14-4.3-80 Section R408.3; access
675 IAC 14-4.3-81 Section R408.6; flood resistance
217 675 IAC 14-4.3-82 Section R502.1; identification
675 IAC 14-4.3-83 Section R502.2.1; decks
675 IAC 14-4.3-85 Figure R502.2; floor construction
218 675 IAC 14-4.3-86 Table R502.3.3(2); cantilever spans for floor joists supporting exterior balcony
675 IAC 14-4.3-86.5 Table R502.5(1); girder spans and header spans for exterior bearing walls
220 675 IAC 14-4.3-87 Section R502.8.1; sawn lumber
221 675 IAC 14-4.3-88 Figure R502.8; cutting, notching, and drilling
675 IAC 14-4.3-89 Section R502.11.1; design
222 675 IAC 14-4.3-89.5 Section R502.11.2; bracing
675 IAC 14-4.3-90 Section R502.11.3; alterations to trusses
675 IAC 14-4.3-91 Section R502.11.4; truss design drawings
675 IAC 14-4.3-92 Section R602.1; identification
675 IAC 14-4.3-93 Section R602.3; design and construction
675 IAC 14-4.3-93.5 Section R602.3.2; top plate
223 675 IAC 14-4.3-94 Figure R602.3(1); typical wall, floor, and roof framing
675 IAC 14-4.3-94.5 Table R602.3.1; maximum allowable length of wood wall studs exposed to wind speeds of 100 mph orless in seismic design categories A, B, C, and D
675 IAC 14-4.3-94.6 Section R602.6.1; drilling and notching of top plate
675 IAC 14-4.3-95 Figure R602.6(2); notching and bored hole limitations for interior nonbearing walls
224 675 IAC 14-4.3-96 Section R602.7; headers
675 IAC 14-4.3-96.5 Section R602.8; fireblocking required
225 675 IAC 14-4.3-97 Section R602.10.1; braced wall lines (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.3-98 Section R602.10.1.1; spacing
675 IAC 14-4.3-99 Table R602.10.1; wall bracing
675 IAC 14-4.3-100 Section R602.10.5; continuous structural panel sheathing
226 675 IAC 14-4.3-100.5 Section R602.10.8; connections
675 IAC 14-4.3-101 Table R602.10.11; adjustment of bracing amounts for interior braced wall lines according to bracedwall line spacing
227 675 IAC 14-4.3-102 Section R604.1; identification and grade
675 IAC 14-4.3-103 Section R604.3; installation
675 IAC 14-4.3-104 Section R605.1; identification and grade
675 IAC 14-4.3-105 Section R606.1.1; professional registration not required
675 IAC 14-4.3-106 Section R606.2; thickness of masonry
675 IAC 14-4.3-107 Section R606.2.1; minimum thickness
228 675 IAC 14-4.3-108 Section R606.10; anchorage
675 IAC 14-4.3-109 Section R606.11; seismic requirements
675 IAC 14-4.3-110 Section R606.11.2; seismic design category C
675 IAC 14-4.3-111 Figure R606.10(2); requirements for reinforced grouted masonry construction in Seismic DesignCategory C
229 675 IAC 14-4.3-112 Section R607.1.2; masonry in seismic design categories A, B, C, and C
675 IAC 14-4.3-113 Section R609.1.5; cleanouts
675 IAC 14-4.3-114 Section R609.4.1; construction
675 IAC 14-4.3-115 Section R611.1; general
675 IAC 14-4.3-115.5 Section R702.3.7; limitations
230 675 IAC 14-4.3-115.6 Section R702.4.4; cement, fiber-cement, and glass mat gypsum backers
675 IAC 14-4.3-116 Table 703.4; weather-resistant siding attachment and minimum thickness
675 IAC 14-4.3-117 Section R703.7; stone and masonry veneer, general
675 IAC 14-4.3-118 Figure R703.7; masonry veneer wall details
231 675 IAC 14-4.3-119 Section R703.7.4.2; air space
675 IAC 14-4.3-120 Section R703.7.4.3; mortar or grout filled
675 IAC 14-4.3-121 Section R703.7.6; weepholes
232 675 IAC 14-4.3-122 Section R703.8; flashing
675 IAC 14-4.3-123 Section R802.1; identification and grade
675 IAC 14-4.3-124 Section R802.10.1; truss design drawings
233 675 IAC 14-4.3-125 Section R802.10.2; design
675 IAC 14-4.3-125.5 Section R802.10.3; bracing
675 IAC 14-4.3-126 Section R802.10.4; alterations to trusses
675 IAC 14-4.3-127 Section R802.10.5; truss to wall connection
234 675 IAC 14-4.3-128 Section R803.2.1; identification and grade
675 IAC 14-4.3-129 Section R806.1; ventilation required
675 IAC 14-4.3-130 Section R808.1; combustible insulation
675 IAC 14-4.3-131 Section R903.4.1; overflow drains and scuppers
675 IAC 14-4.3-132 Section R904.3; material specifications and physical characteristics
235 675 IAC 14-4.3-132.5 Section R905.2.8.1; base and cap flashing
675 IAC 14-4.3-132.6 Section R905.2.8.2; valleys
675 IAC 14-4.3-132.7 Section R905.2.8.3; crickets and saddles
675 IAC 14-4.3-133 Section R905.5.3; underlayment
675 IAC 14-4.3-134 Section R907.3; recovering versus replacement (Repealed)
236 675 IAC 14-4.3-135 Figure R1001.6; termination
675 IAC 14-4.3-136 Section R1003.3; seismic reinforcing
675 IAC 14-4.3-137 Section R1003.4; seismic anchorage
675 IAC 14-4.3-138 Section R1005.1; exterior air (Repealed)
237 675 IAC 14-4.3-139 Chapter 11; energy efficiency (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.3-139.1 Chapter 11; energy efficiency
246 675 IAC 14-4.3-140 Section M1201.1; scope
675 IAC 14-4.3-141 Section M1201.2; application
675 IAC 14-4.3-142 Section M1202; existing mechanical systems
247 675 IAC 14-4.3-143 Section M1303.1; label information
675 IAC 14-4.3-143.5 Section M1305.1.3; appliances in attics
675 IAC 14-4.3-144 Section M1307.3.1; protection from impact
675 IAC 14-4.3-144.5 Section M1308.3; foundations and supports
248 675 IAC 14-4.3-144.6 Section M1406.2; clearances
675 IAC 14-4.3-144.7 Section M1410.1; general
675 IAC 14-4.3-145 Section M1411.3.1; auxiliary and secondary drain systems
675 IAC 14-4.3-145.5 Section M1411.4; insulation of refrigerant piping
249 675 IAC 14-4.3-146 Section M1501.3; length limitation
675 IAC 14-4.3-146.3 Section M1601.3.6; duct separation
675 IAC 14-4.3-146.5 Section M1703.2.1; size of openings
675 IAC 14-4.3-147 Section M2001.1; installation
250 675 IAC 14-4.3-148 Section M2005.5; anchorage of water heaters
675 IAC 14-4.3-148.5 Section M2101.5; contact with building material
675 IAC 14-4.3-149 Section M2201.3; underground tanks
675 IAC 14-4.3-150 Section M2301.1; general
251 675 IAC 14-4.3-151 Section G2401.1; application
675 IAC 14-4.3-152 Section G2403; general definitions
675 IAC 14-4.3-153 Section G2404.7; flood hazard
675 IAC 14-4.3-153.5 Section G2404.10; auxiliary and secondary drain systems
252 675 IAC 14-4.3-154 Section G2405.1; structural safety
675 IAC 14-4.3-154.5 Section G2405.3; engineered wood products
675 IAC 14-4.3-155 Section G2408.1; general
675 IAC 14-4.3-155.5 Section G2411.1; gas pipe bonding
253 675 IAC 14-4.3-156 Section G2408.3; private garages
675 IAC 14-4.3-157 Section G2412.1; scope
675 IAC 14-4.3-158 Section G2412.1.1; utility piping systems located within buildings
675 IAC 14-4.3-159 Section G2413.2; maximum gas demand
675 IAC 14-4.3-160 Section G2414.3; other materials
675 IAC 14-4.3-161 Section G2415.8; protection against corrosion
254 675 IAC 14-4.3-162 Section G2415.9.1; individual outside appliances
675 IAC 14-4.3-163 Section G2415.16; testing of piping
675 IAC 14-4.3-164 Section G2417; inspection, testing, and purging
675 IAC 14-4.3-165 Section G2417.6.2; before turning gas on
255 675 IAC 14-4.3-166 Section G2417.6.3; test for leakage
675 IAC 14-4.3-167 Section G2417.7.1; removal from service
675 IAC 14-4.3-168 Section G2420.2; meter valve
675 IAC 14-4.3-168.5 Section G2422.1; connecting appliances
675 IAC 14-4.3-169 Section G2423; CNG gas-dispensing systems
675 IAC 14-4.3-170 Section G2425.1; scope
256 675 IAC 14-4.3-171 Section G2427.6.10; marking
675 IAC 14-4.3-172 Section G2427.8; venting system termination location
675 IAC 14-4.3-173 Section G2427.9; condensation drain
675 IAC 14-4.3-174 Section G2428.1; definitions
675 IAC 14-4.3-175 Section G2431.1; scope
257 675 IAC 14-4.3-176 Section G2438; clothes dryers
675 IAC 14-4.3-177 Section G2439.5.1; maximum length
675 IAC 14-4.3-178 Section G2448.1; general
675 IAC 14-4.3-179 Section G2452.1; general
675 IAC 14-4.3-180 Section P2501; general
258 675 IAC 14-4.3-181 Section P2502; existing plumbing systems
675 IAC 14-4.3-182 Section P2503.1; inspection required
675 IAC 14-4.3-183 Section P2503.2; concealment
675 IAC 14-4.3-184 Section P2503.3; responsibility of permitter
675 IAC 14-4.3-185 Section P2503.5.2; finished plumbing
675 IAC 14-4.3-186 Section P2503.7; inspection and testing of backflow prevention devices
259 675 IAC 14-4.3-187 Section P2503.7.1; inspections
675 IAC 14-4.3-188 Section P2503.7.2; testing
675 IAC 14-4.3-189 Section P2603.1; general
675 IAC 14-4.3-190 Section P2603.2.1; protection against physical damage
675 IAC 14-4.3-191 Section P2603.5; pipes through footings or foundation walls
260 675 IAC 14-4.3-191.5 Section P2605.1; general
675 IAC 14-4.3-192 Section P2706.2; standpipes
675 IAC 14-4.3-193 Section P2706.2.1; laundry tray connection
675 IAC 14-4.3-194 Section P2717.3; sink, dishwasher, and food grinder
675 IAC 14-4.3-195 Section P2801.5; required pan
261 675 IAC 14-4.3-196 Section P2802.2; temperature control
675 IAC 14-4.3-197 Section P2901.1; potable water required
675 IAC 14-4.3-198 Section P2903.5; water hammer
675 IAC 14-4.3-199 Section P2903.9.1; service valve
675 IAC 14-4.3-200 Section P3007.1; sewage ejectors or sewage pumps
675 IAC 14-4.3-201 Section P3007.1.1; ejectors alarms
262 675 IAC 14-4.3-202 Section P3101.4; extension outside a structure
675 IAC 14-4.3-203 Section P3101.5; flood resistance
675 IAC 14-4.3-204 Section P3103.1; roof extension
675 IAC 14-4.3-205 Section P3103.2; frost closure
675 IAC 14-4.3-206 Section P3105.1; maximum distance of fixture trap to vent
263 675 IAC 14-4.3-207 Table P3201.4; building traps
675 IAC 14-4.3-208 Table P3201.7; size of traps and trap arms for plumbing fixtures
675 IAC 14-4.3-209 Section E3301.2; scope
675 IAC 14-4.3-210 Section E3301.3; not covered
264 675 IAC 14-4.3-211 Section E3303.2; inspection required
675 IAC 14-4.3-212 Section E3304.2; interrupting rating
675 IAC 14-4.3-213 Section E3305.6; illumination
675 IAC 14-4.3-214 Section E3306.5; individual conductor insulation (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.3-214.5 Section E3307.1; grounded conductors
675 IAC 14-4.3-215 Section E3401; general
265 675 IAC 14-4.3-216 Section E3501.6.2; service disconnect location
675 IAC 14-4.3-217 Table E3503.1; service conductor and grounding electrode conductor sizing (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.3-218 Section E3504.2.1; above roofs
675 IAC 14-4.3-219 Section E3505.5; protection of service cables against damage
266 675 IAC 14-4.3-220 Section E3506.3; available short-circuit current
675 IAC 14-4.3-220.1 Section E3507.3; two or more buildings or structures supplied from a common service
675 IAC 14-4.3-220.2 Section E3507.3.1; equipment grounding conductor
675 IAC 14-4.3-220.3 Section E3508.1; grounding electrode system
675 IAC 14-4.3-220.6 Section E3509.7; bonding other metal piping
267 675 IAC 14-4.3-220.7 Section E3510.1; installation
675 IAC 14-4.3-220.8 Section E3510.2; enclosures for grounding electrode conductors
675 IAC 14-4.3-221 Section E3511.1; methods of grounding conductor connection to electrodes
675 IAC 14-4.3-222 Section E3602.9.1; minimum branch circuit for ranges
268 675 IAC 14-4.3-223 Section E3602.10; branch circuits serving heating loads
675 IAC 14-4.3-224 Section E3602.12; branch circuits serving room air conditioners
675 IAC 14-4.3-225 Section E3602.12.1; where no other loads are supplied
675 IAC 14-4.3-226 Section E3602.12.2; where lighting units or other appliances are also supplied
675 IAC 14-4.3-226.2 Section E3603.1; branch circuits for heating
269 675 IAC 14-4.3-227 Section E3604.4; feeder neutral load
675 IAC 14-4.3-227.1 Table E3701.4; allowable applications for wiring methods
675 IAC 14-4.3-227.3 Section E3701.5; isolation from gas piping
675 IAC 14-4.3-227.5 Section E3702.4; in unfinished basements
675 IAC 14-4.3-227.6 Section E3703.3; grounding
675 IAC 14-4.3-228 Section E3703.4; protection from damage
270 675 IAC 14-4.3-229 Figure E3801.4; countertop receptacles
675 IAC 14-4.3-229.5 Section E3801.4.1; wall counter space
271 675 IAC 14-4.3-230 Section E3801.4.5; receptacle outlet location
675 IAC 14-4.3-231 Section E3801.6; bathroom
675 IAC 14-4.3-232 Section E3801.9; basements and garages
272 675 IAC 14-4.3-233 Section E3801.11; HVAC outlet
675 IAC 14-4.3-233.3 Section E3802.4; crawlspace receptacles
675 IAC 14-4.3-233.5 Section E3802.7; bar sink receptacles
675 IAC 14-4.3-234 Section E3802.8; boathouse receptacles
675 IAC 14-4.3-235 Section E3802.11; bedroom outlets
273 675 IAC 14-4.3-236 Section E3803.3; additional locations (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.3-237 Section E3805.1; box, conduit body, or fitting; where required
675 IAC 14-4.3-238 Section E3805.3.1; nonmetallic-sheathed cable and nonmetallic boxes
675 IAC 14-4.3-239 Section E3805.3.2; securing to box
675 IAC 14-4.3-239.5 Section E3805.12.2.1; conductor fill
274 675 IAC 14-4.3-240 Section E3806.5; in wall or ceiling
675 IAC 14-4.3-241 Section E3806.8.2.1; nails and screws
675 IAC 14-4.3-241.5 Section E3807.2; damp or wet locations
675 IAC 14-4.3-242 Section E3807.7; cables
275 675 IAC 14-4.3-243 Section E3808.7; load side equipment
675 IAC 14-4.3-244 Section E3808.8; types of equipment grounding conductors
675 IAC 14-4.3-244.5 Section E3808.8.3; nonmetallic sheathed cable
675 IAC 14-4.3-245 Section E3901.3; indicating (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.3-246 Section E3902.9; outdoor locations
276 675 IAC 14-4.3-247 Section E3902.10; exterior wet locations
675 IAC 14-4.3-247.5 Section E3902.11; bathtub and shower space
675 IAC 14-4.3-248 Section E3902.13; outdoor installation
675 IAC 14-4.3-248.5 Section E3903.10; bathtub and shower areas
675 IAC 14-4.3-249 Section E3903.11; fixtures in clothes closets
675 IAC 14-4.3-249.5 Section E4103.1.3; GFCI protection
277 675 IAC 14-4.3-250 Table E4103.5; overhead conductor clearances
675 IAC 14-4.3-251 Section E4104.1; bonded parts (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.3-251.1 Section E4104.1; bonded parts
675 IAC 14-4.3-251.5 Section E4104.3; methods of bonding
278 675 IAC 14-4.3-251.6 Section E4104.4; pool water
675 IAC 14-4.3-252 Section E4106.8.2; other enclosures (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.3-253 Section E4106.10; electrically operated pool covers (Repealed)
675 IAC 14-4.3-254 Section E4106.12.2; permanently wired radiant heaters
675 IAC 14-4.3-254.5 Section E4107.2; ground-fault circuit-interrupters required
279 675 IAC 14-4.3-254.7 Section E4107.4; receptacle locations
675 IAC 14-4.3-255 Section E4201.2; definitions
675 IAC 14-4.3-256 Section E4201.3; spread of fire or products of combustion
675 IAC 14-4.3-257 Chapter 43; referenced standards
280 675 IAC 14-4.3-258 Appendix A; sizing and capacities of gas pipe
675 IAC 14-4.3-259 Appendix B; sizing of venting systems serving appliances equipped with draft hoods, Category 1appliances, and appliances listed for use and Type B vents
675 IAC 14-4.3-260 Appendix C; exit terminals of mechanical draft and direct-vent systems
675 IAC 14-4.3-261 Appendix D; recommend procedure for safety inspection of an existing appliance installation
281 675 IAC 14-4.3-262 Appendix E; manufactured housing used as dwellings
282 675 IAC 14-4.3-263 Appendix F; radon control methods
675 IAC 14-4.3-264 Appendix G; swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs
283 675 IAC 14-4.3-265 Appendix H; patio covers
675 IAC 14-4.3-266 Appendix I; private sewage disposal
675 IAC 14-4.3-267 Appendix J; existing buildings and structures
675 IAC 14-4.3-268 Appendix K; sound transmission
675 IAC 14-4.3-269 Appendix L; ICC International Residential Electrical Provisions/National Electrical Code CrossReference
675 IAC 14-4.3-270 Swimming pools; special provisions
284 675 IAC 14-4.3-271 Swimming pools; definitions
290 675 IAC 14-4.3-272 Structural design
291 675 IAC 14-4.3-273 Materials of construction
675 IAC 14-4.3-274 Dimensional design
675 IAC 14-4.3-275 Walls
292 675 IAC 14-4.3-276 Floor slope
675 IAC 14-4.3-277 Water depth
675 IAC 14-4.3-278 Minimum vertical clearances
293 675 IAC 14-4.3-279 Pool types
300 675 IAC 14-4.3-280 Offset ledges and underwater seat benches
301 675 IAC 14-4.3-281 Decks and deck equipment
302 675 IAC 14-4.3-282 Circulation piping
303 675 IAC 14-4.3-283 Pool egress
304 675 IAC 14-4.3-284 Diving equipment
305 675 IAC 14-4.3-285 Swimming pool slides
675 IAC 14-4.3-286 Circulation system
306 675 IAC 14-4.3-287 Filters
675 IAC 14-4.3-288 Pumps
307 675 IAC 14-4.3-289 Return inlets and suction outlets
308 675 IAC 14-4.3-290 Surface skimmer systems
675 IAC 14-4.3-291 Electrical requirements
675 IAC 14-4.3-292 Heaters
309 675 IAC 14-4.3-293 Water supply
675 IAC 14-4.3-294 Wastewater disposal
310 675 IAC 14-4.3-295 Disinfectant; oxidation; chemical feeder equipment
675 IAC 14-4.3-296 Safety features
Rule 1. Special Administrative Rules for Industrialized Building Systems and Mobile Structures
675 IAC 15-1-1 Title; purpose; applicability; availability (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-2 Definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-3 Alternate materials, methods, and designs (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-4 Undefined terms; interpretation of rules (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-5 Design release for manufacture; requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-6 Applications (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-7 Plans; specifications; requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-8 Table No. 1A (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-8.1 Table No. 1A (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-9 Reciprocity; agreements with other states (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-10 Enforcement; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-11 Issuance of seal acceptance (Repealed)
313 675 IAC 15-1-12 Inspections; travel expenses; sanctions (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-13 Stop work (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-14 Right of entry (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-15 Insurance (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-16 Manufacturer’s data plate (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-17 Relationships; state, manufacturers, third parties (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-18 Failure of completed industrialized building systems to comply (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-19 Third party inspection agency authorization; application (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-20 Third party inspection agency utilization (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-21 Sanctions concerning third party inspection agency authorizations (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-22 Fees (Repealed)
675 IAC 15-1-23 Third party inspection authorization fees (Repealed)
314 Rule 1.1. Title; Purpose; Applicability; Definitions
675 IAC 15-1.1-1 Title; purpose; applicability
675 IAC 15-1.1-2 Definitions
316 Rule 1.2. Administrative Rules for Industrialized Building Systems and Mobile Structures
675 IAC 15-1.2-1 Scope
675 IAC 15-1.2-2 Design release for manufacture; requirements
317 675 IAC 15-1.2-3 Design release application requirements
675 IAC 15-1.2-4 Signatories to design release application
318 675 IAC 15-1.2-5 Plans; specifications; requirements.
320 675 IAC 15-1.2-6 Applicable codes for design and construction
675 IAC 15-1.2-7 Alternate materials, methods, and designs
321 675 IAC 15-1.2-8 Design professional
675 IAC 15-1.2-9 Issuance of the design release
322 675 IAC 15-1.2-10 Expiration of design release
675 IAC 15-1.2-11 Addenda to released system
323 675 IAC 15-1.2-12 Prototype
675 IAC 15-1.2-13 Maintenance of design release; plans and specifications
675 IAC 15-1.2-14 Compliance with rules
324 675 IAC 15-1.2-15 Quality control program
675 IAC 15-1.2-16 Manufacturer’s data plate
325 675 IAC 15-1.2-17 Responsibility; manufacturer
Rule 1.3. In-Plant Inspection Enforcement and Indiana Seal of Acceptance Affixed for IndustrializedBuilding Systems and Mobile Structures
326 675 IAC 15-1.3-1 Purpose
675 IAC 15-1.3-2 Scope
675 IAC 15-1.3-3 Inspections; required
675 IAC 15-1.3-4 Inspections; procedure
675 IAC 15-1.3-5 In-plant inspection; travel
327 675 IAC 15-1.3-6 Seal of acceptance; required
675 IAC 15-1.3-7 Seal of acceptance
675 IAC 15-1.3-8 Seal of acceptance; reporting use
675 IAC 15-1.3-9 Seal of acceptance; affixed
328 675 IAC 15-1.3-10 Seal of acceptance; manufacturing ceasing production
675 IAC 15-1.3-11 Seal of acceptance; damaged or missing
675 IAC 15-1.3-12 Seal of acceptance; unaccounted
Rule 1.4. Certification of Industrialized Building Systems and Mobile Structures without IndianaCertification
675 IAC 15-1.4-1 Applicability
329 675 IAC 15-1.4-2 Compliance with commission rules
675 IAC 15-1.4-3 Design release for certification; requirement
675 IAC 15-1.4-4 Application
675 IAC 15-1.4-5 Issuance of construction design release
330 675 IAC 15-1.4-6 In-plant inspection; required
675 IAC 15-1.4-7 Quality control program
331 675 IAC 15-1.4-8 Data plate
675 IAC 15-1.4-9 Seal of acceptance
Rule 1.5. Third Party Inspection Agency Authorization
675 IAC 15-1.5-1 Purpose; applicability
675 IAC 15-1.5-2 Application process
332 675 IAC 15-1.5-3 Qualifications
675 IAC 15-1.5-4 Conflict of interest
333 675 IAC 15-1.5-5 Third party inspection agency; approval process
675 IAC 15-1.5-6 Third party inspection agency; renewal of authorization
Rule 1.6. Schedule of Fees for Industrialized Building Systems and Mobile Structures
675 IAC 15-1.6-1 General
334 675 IAC 15-1.6-2 Construction design release fees
675 IAC 15-1.6-3 Penalty fees
335 675 IAC 15-1.6-4 Prototype fees
675 IAC 15-1.6-5 Inspection fee
675 IAC 15-1.6-6 Seal of acceptance fee
675 IAC 15-1.6-7 Third party inspection agency authorization fees
336 675 IAC 15-1.6-8 Third party inspection agency audit fees
675 IAC 15-1.6-9 Mileage fee
675 IAC 15-1.6-10 Travel fee
675 IAC 15-1.6-11 Returned check fee
Rule 1.7. Sanctions Regarding Design Release, Seals of Acceptance and Third Party Inspection Agencies
675 IAC 15-1.7-1 Purpose
337 675 IAC 15-1.7-2 Sanctions; design release
675 IAC 15-1.7-3 Sanctions; seal of acceptance
338 675 IAC 15-1.7-4 Sanctions; third party inspection agency
Rule 2. Indiana Mobile Structures Code
675 IAC 15-2-1 Title, classification, availability, and applicability of rule
339 675 IAC 15-2-2 Definitions
675 IAC 15-2-3 Source of design and construction standards
340 675 IAC 15-2-4 Scope of design and construction standards
675 IAC 15-2-5 Basic principles of design and construction
675 IAC 15-2-6 Definitions for design and construction
341 675 IAC 15-2-7 General design and construction requirements
675 IAC 15-2-8 Design dead loads
675 IAC 15-2-9 Design live loads
342 675 IAC 15-2-10 Wind, roof, and snow loads
343 675 IAC 15-2-11 Fastening of structural systems
675 IAC 15-2-12 Walls
675 IAC 15-2-13 Floors
344 675 IAC 15-2-14 Design load deflection
675 IAC 15-2-15 Structural load tests
675 IAC 15-2-16 Weather resistance
345 675 IAC 15-2-17 Condensation resistance for residential systems
675 IAC 15-2-18 Interior walls, partitions, and ceilings
675 IAC 15-2-19 Rodent resistance
675 IAC 15-2-20 Heat loss; mobile system
346 675 IAC 15-2-21 Design considerations
347 675 IAC 15-2-22 Ceiling height
675 IAC 15-2-23 Exits
675 IAC 15-2-24 Room and hallway sizes
348 675 IAC 15-2-25 Glass and glazed openings
675 IAC 15-2-26 Smoke detectors
675 IAC 15-2-27 Smoke detector locations
349 675 IAC 15-2-28 Alarm sounding devices
675 IAC 15-2-29 Detector trouble signals
675 IAC 15-2-30 Testing detectors
675 IAC 15-2-31 In-transit design requirements
351 675 IAC 15-2-32 Scope of plumbing standards
675 IAC 15-2-33 Basic principles of plumbing standards
352 675 IAC 15-2-34 Definitions for plumbing standards
354 675 IAC 15-2-35 General plumbing requirements
675 IAC 15-2-36 Protection of plumbing system
355 675 IAC 15-2-37 Material standards
675 IAC 15-2-38 Joints and connections
356 675 IAC 15-2-39 Traps
675 IAC 15-2-40 Cleanouts
357 675 IAC 15-2-41 Fixtures and connections
675 IAC 15-2-42 Toilets; shower compartments; dishwashers; washing machines
359 675 IAC 15-2-43 Installation of fixtures
675 IAC 15-2-44 Piping strains and stresses
675 IAC 15-2-45 Piping supports
360 675 IAC 15-2-46 Hangers and anchors
675 IAC 15-2-47 Water supply piping; hot water supply system
675 IAC 15-2-48 Water connections and outlets
361 675 IAC 15-2-49 Water heaters; relief valves; prohibited location
675 IAC 15-2-50 Material standards for water piping and fittings
362 675 IAC 15-2-51 Installation of piping
675 IAC 15-2-52 Size of water supply piping
363 675 IAC 15-2-53 Drainage systems; materials
675 IAC 15-2-54 Drain outlets
675 IAC 15-2-55 Drain connections
364 675 IAC 15-2-56 Size of drainage piping
675 IAC 15-2-57 Wet-vented drainage system
675 IAC 15-2-58 Offsets and branch fittings
365 675 IAC 15-2-59 Grade of horizontal drainage piping
675 IAC 15-2-60 Vent piping and fittings
675 IAC 15-2-61 Material standards for vent piping and fittings
366 675 IAC 15-2-62 Size of vent piping
675 IAC 15-2-63 Anti-siphon trap vent
367 675 IAC 15-2-64 Horizontal vent connections and grade
675 IAC 15-2-65 Vent terminal
675 IAC 15-2-66 Vent caps
675 IAC 15-2-67 Water pressure tests
368 675 IAC 15-2-68 Waste and vent system tests
675 IAC 15-2-69 Fixture tests
675 IAC 15-2-70 Shower compartment tests
369 675 IAC 15-2-71 Scope of heating, cooling, and fuel-burning system standards
675 IAC 15-2-72 Definitions for heating, cooling, and fuel-burning systems
370 675 IAC 15-2-73 LP-gas systems; service line pressure
371 675 IAC 15-2-74 LP-gas containers
372 675 IAC 15-2-75 Oil tanks
675 IAC 15-2-76 Gas piping systems
376 675 IAC 15-2-77 Oil piping systems
377 675 IAC 15-2-78 General appliance standards
378 675 IAC 15-2-79 Gas clothes dryers
675 IAC 15-2-80 Installation of appliances
380 675 IAC 15-2-81 Venting and combustion air systems
381 675 IAC 15-2-82 Operating instructions
675 IAC 15-2-83 Appliance information
675 IAC 15-2-84 Access to appliances
675 IAC 15-2-85 Location of appliances
382 675 IAC 15-2-86 Clearances
675 IAC 15-2-87 Circulating air system
384 675 IAC 15-2-88 Scope of electrical standards
675 IAC 15-2-89 Definitions for electrical standards
387 675 IAC 15-2-90 Power supply
388 675 IAC 15-2-91 Disconnecting means and branch-circuit protective equipment
389 675 IAC 15-2-92 Receptacle outlets
390 675 IAC 15-2-93 Fixtures; appliances
391 675 IAC 15-2-94 Wiring methods and materials
392 675 IAC 15-2-95 Grounding
675 IAC 15-2-96 Insulated neutral
675 IAC 15-2-97 Equipment grounding
393 675 IAC 15-2-98 Bonding of noncurrent-carrying metal parts
675 IAC 15-2-99 Electrical tests
394 675 IAC 15-2-100 Load calculations
396 675 IAC 15-2-101 Interconnection of multiple section mobile residential structures
675 IAC 15-2-102 Outdoor fixtures, outlets, and appliances
675 IAC 15-2-103 Painting of wiring
397 675 IAC 15-2-104 Polarization
Rule 1. Indiana Plumbing Code (Repealed)
Rule 1.1. Indiana Plumbing Code, 1989 (Repealed)
Rule 1.2. Indiana Plumbing Code, 1991 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 1.3. Indiana Plumbing Code, 1999 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 1.4. 2012 Indiana Plumbing Code
675 IAC 16-1.4-1 Adoption by reference
675 IAC 16-1.4-2 Chapter 1; administration
399 675 IAC 16-1.4-3 Chapter 2; definitions
401 675 IAC 16-1.4-4 Chapter 3; general regulations
403 675 IAC 16-1.4-5 Chapter 4; fixtures, faucets, and fixture fittings
675 IAC 16-1.4-6 Chapter 5; water heaters
404 675 IAC 16-1.4-7 Chapter 6; water supply and distribution
405 675 IAC 16-1.4-8 Chapter 7; sanitary drainage
675 IAC 16-1.4-9 Chapter 8; indirect/special waste
406 675 IAC 16-1.4-10 Chapter 9; vents
675 IAC 16-1.4-11 Chapter 10; traps, interceptors, and separators
675 IAC 16-1.4-12 Chapter 11; storm drainage
407 675 IAC 16-1.4-13 Chapter 12; special piping and storage systems
675 IAC 16-1.4-14 Chapter 13; referenced standards
675 IAC 16-1.4-15 Appendix A; plumbing permits fee schedule
675 IAC 16-1.4-16 Appendix B; rate of rainfall for various cities
675 IAC 16-1.4-17 Appendix C; gray water recycling systems
408 675 IAC 16-1.4-18 Appendix D; degree day and design temperatures
675 IAC 16-1.4-19 Appendix E; sizing of water piping system
675 IAC 16-1.4-20 Appendix F; structural safety
675 IAC 16-1.4-21 Appendix G; vacuum drainage system
675 IAC 16-1.4-22 ASME 112.19.19-2006, Vitreous China Nonwater Urinals
409 Rule 2. American Society of Sanitary Engineers Standard 1051-1998 (Repealed)
Rule 1. Electrical Code (Repealed)
Rule 1.1. Indiana Electrical Code (Repealed)
Rule 1.2. Indiana Electrical Code (Repealed)
Rule 1.3. Indiana Electrical Code, 1993 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 1.4. Indiana Electrical Code, 1997 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 1.5. Indiana Electrical Code, 1999 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 1.6. Indiana Electrical Code, 2002 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 1.7. Indiana Electrical Code, 2005 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 1.8. Indiana Electrical Code, 2009 Edition
675 IAC 17-1.8-1 Adoption by reference
675 IAC 17-1.8-2 Title; availability
411 675 IAC 17-1.8-3 Section 90.2; scope
675 IAC 17-1.8-4 Section 90.4; enforcement
675 IAC 17-1.8-5 Section 90.6; formal interpretations
412 675 IAC 17-1.8-6 Section 90.8; wiring planning
675 IAC 17-1.8-7 Section 90.9; units of measurement
675 IAC 17-1.8-8 Article 100; definitions
413 675 IAC 17-1.8-9 Section 210.12(B); dwelling units
675 IAC 17-1.8-10 Section 225.30(B); special occupancies
675 IAC 17-1.8-11 Section 230.2; number of services
675 IAC 17-1.8-12 Section 250.104(B); other metal piping
675 IAC 17-1.8-13 Section 300.3; conductors
414 675 IAC 17-1.8-14 Table 314.16(A); metal boxes
675 IAC 17-1.8-15 Section 334.10; uses permitted
675 IAC 17-1.8-16 Section 334.12; uses not permitted
675 IAC 17-1.8-17 Section 362.10; uses permitted
415 675 IAC 17-1.8-18 Section 362.12; uses not permitted
675 IAC 17-1.8-19 Section 406.11; tamper-resistant receptacles in dwelling units
675 IAC 17-1.8-20 Section 430.111(B)(3); oil switch
675 IAC 17-1.8-21 Section 525.5; overhead conductor clearances
675 IAC 17-1.8-22 Section 547.1; scope
416 675 IAC 17-1.8-23 Section 550.4; general requirements
675 IAC 17-1.8-24 Section 600.1; scope
675 IAC 17-1.8-25 Section 680.26(B)(1); conductive pool shells
675 IAC 17-1.8-26 Section 680.26(B)(2); perimeter surfaces
417 675 IAC 17-1.8-27 Section 680.26(B)(2)(b); alternate means
Rule 2. Indiana Safety Code for Health Care Facilities (Repealed)
Rule 3. Safety Code for Health Care Facilities (Repealed)
Rule 1. Indiana Mechanical Code (Repealed)
Rule 1.1. Indiana Mechanical Code, 1989 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 1.2. Indiana Mechanical Code, 1992 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 1.3. Indiana Mechanical Code, 1997 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 1.4. Indiana Mechanical Code, 2003 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 1.5 Indiana Mechanical Code, 2008 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 1.6. 2014 Indiana Mechanical Code
675 IAC 18-1.6-1 Adoption by reference
675 IAC 18-1.6-2 Chapter 1; administration
419 675 IAC 18-1.6-3 Chapter 2; definitions
421 675 IAC 18-1.6-4 Chapter 3; general regulations
422 675 IAC 18-1.6-5 Chapter 4; ventilation
675 IAC 18-1.6-6 Chapter 5; exhaust systems
424 675 IAC 18-1.6-7 Chapter 6; duct systems
675 IAC 18-1.6-8 Chapter 8; chimneys and vents
675 IAC 18-1.6-9 Chapter 9; specific appliances, fireplaces and solid fuel-burning equipment
425 675 IAC 18-1.6-10 Chapter 10; boilers, water heaters, and pressure vessels
675 IAC 18-1.6-11 Chapter 11; refrigeration
675 IAC 18-1.6-12 Adoption by reference; ASME B16.51
Rule 1. Indiana Energy Conservation Code (Repealed)
Rule 2. Modifications to the Model Energy Code (Repealed)
Rule 3. Indiana Energy Conservation Code, 1992 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 4. 2010 Indiana Energy Conservation Code
675 IAC 19-4-1 Adoption by reference
675 IAC 19-4-2 Section 2 amendments
675 IAC 19-4-3 Section 3 amendments
427 675 IAC 19-4-4 Section 4 amendments
675 IAC 19-4-5 Section 5 amendments
428 675 IAC 19-4-6 Section 6 amendments
429 675 IAC 19-4-7 Section 7 amendments
675 IAC 19-4-8 Section 8 amendments
675 IAC 19-4-9 Section 9 amendments
430 675 IAC 19-4-10 Section 10 amendments
675 IAC 19-4-11 Section 11 amendments
Rule 1. Indiana Swimming Pool Code (Repealed)
Rule 1.1. General Provisions and Definitions
675 IAC 20-1.1-1 Title and availability
675 IAC 20-1.1-2 Definitions; general
675 IAC 20-1.1-3 Definitions “A”
432 675 IAC 20-1.1-4 Definitions “B”
675 IAC 20-1.1-5 Definitions “C”
433 675 IAC 20-1.1-6 Definitions “D”
434 675 IAC 20-1.1-7 Definitions “E”
675 IAC 20-1.1-8 Definitions “F”
435 675 IAC 20-1.1-9 Definitions “H”
675 IAC 20-1.1-10 Definitions “I”
675 IAC 20-1.1-11 Definitions “J”
436 675 IAC 20-1.1-12 Definitions “L”
675 IAC 20-1.1-13 Definitions “M”
437 675 IAC 20-1.1-14 Definitions “N”
675 IAC 20-1.1-15 Definitions “O”
675 IAC 20-1.1-16 Definitions “P”
438 675 IAC 20-1.1-17 Definitions “R”
439 675 IAC 20-1.1-18 Definitions “S”
441 675 IAC 20-1.1-19 Definitions “T”
675 IAC 20-1.1-20 Definitions “U”
675 IAC 20-1.1-21 Definitions “V”
442 675 IAC 20-1.1-22 Definitions “W”
443 Rule 2. Public Swimming Pools
675 IAC 20-2-1 Content of plans; filing requirements
444 675 IAC 20-2-2 Materials of construction
675 IAC 20-2-3 Structural design
675 IAC 20-2-4 Dimensional design
445 675 IAC 20-2-5 Floor
446 675 IAC 20-2-6 Walls
675 IAC 20-2-7 Depths
675 IAC 20-2-8 Diving equipment
447 675 IAC 20-2-9 Swimming pool slides
448 675 IAC 20-2-9.1 Play features, water activity equipment, and interactive play attractions
675 IAC 20-2-10 Offset ledges and underwater seat benches
675 IAC 20-2-11 Maximum bather load (Repealed)
675 IAC 20-2-12 Wading pools and separation distance
449 675 IAC 20-2-13 Deck requirements
450 675 IAC 20-2-14 Means of entry and exit
451 675 IAC 20-2-15 Figure No. 2-1
452 675 IAC 20-2-16 Figure 2-2 and Table 16-2
456 675 IAC 20-2-17 Circulation systems
457 675 IAC 20-2-18 Filters
458 675 IAC 20-2-19 Pumps
675 IAC 20-2-20 Inlets
459 675 IAC 20-2-20.1 Outlets
460 675 IAC 20-2-21 Surface skimmer systems
461 675 IAC 20-2-22 Electrical, mechanical, and illumination requirements
675 IAC 20-2-23 Waste water disposal
462 675 IAC 20-2-24 Disinfectant equipment and chemical feeders
675 IAC 20-2-25 Water supply
675 IAC 20-2-26 Safety requirements
463 675 IAC 20-2-27 Bathhouse construction standards
465 Rule 3. Public Spas
675 IAC 20-3-0.5 Content of plans; filing requirements
675 IAC 20-3-1 Materials of construction
466 675 IAC 20-3-2 Dimensional design; minimum volume
675 IAC 20-3-3 Means of entry and exit
467 675 IAC 20-3-4 Decks
675 IAC 20-3-5 Electrical, mechanical, and illumination requirements
468 675 IAC 20-3-6 Inlets
675 IAC 20-3-6.1 Outlets
675 IAC 20-3-7 Circulation systems
469 675 IAC 20-3-8 Waste water disposal
675 IAC 20-3-9 Enclosure
675 IAC 20-3-10 Disinfectant equipment and chemical feeders
470 675 IAC 20-3-11 Water supply
Rule 4. Residential Swimming Pools (Repealed)
Rule 5. Water Attractions
675 IAC 20-5-1 Water attractions, water attraction complexes; general
675 IAC 20-5-2 Content of plans; filing requirements
471 675 IAC 20-5-3 Materials of construction
675 IAC 20-5-4 Structural design
472 675 IAC 20-5-5 Dimensional design
473 675 IAC 20-5-6 Floor
675 IAC 20-5-7 Walls
675 IAC 20-5-8 Depths
675 IAC 20-5-9 Diving equipment
474 675 IAC 20-5-10 Offset ledges
675 IAC 20-5-11 Separation distance
675 IAC 20-5-12 Deck requirements
475 675 IAC 20-5-13 Means of entry and exit
477 675 IAC 20-5-14 Circulation systems
478 675 IAC 20-5-15 Filters
675 IAC 20-5-16 Pumps
479 675 IAC 20-5-17 Inlets
675 IAC 20-5-18 Outlets
480 675 IAC 20-5-19 Perimeter overflow systems
481 675 IAC 20-5-20 Electrical, mechanical, and illumination requirements
675 IAC 20-5-21 Wastewater disposal
482 675 IAC 20-5-22 Water supply
675 IAC 20-5-23 Disinfectant equipment and chemical feeders
483 675 IAC 20-5-24 Safety requirements
484 675 IAC 20-5-25 Bathhouse construction standards
485 675 IAC 20-5-26 Water attraction slides
675 IAC 20-5-27 Design and installation
486 675 IAC 20-5-28 Slide flume water
Rule 1. Administration
675 IAC 21-1-1 Installation and alteration permit; registration; application; expiration
675 IAC 21-1-1.5 Signatories; affirmation
489 675 IAC 21-1-2 Variances; interpretations (Repealed)
675 IAC 21-1-2.1 Inspection and test periods (Repealed)
675 IAC 21-1-3 Acceptance inspections (Repealed)
675 IAC 21-1-3.1 Operating certificate; display; location
490 675 IAC 21-1-4 Periodic inspections; reports; compliance orders (Repealed)
675 IAC 21-1-5 Existing installations; maintenance
675 IAC 21-1-6 Limited certificates of operation (Repealed)
675 IAC 21-1-7 Accident reports and investigations
491 675 IAC 21-1-8 Fee schedule (Repealed)
675 IAC 21-1-9 Title
675 IAC 21-1-10 Definitions
492 Rule 2. Elevators Installed Prior to January 1, 1975 (Repealed)
Rule 3. Elevator Safety Code
675 IAC 21-3-1 Adoption by reference
675 IAC 21-3-2 Amendments to adopted code
497 675 IAC 21-3-3 Classification and availability of rule (Repealed)
Rule 4. Personnel Hoists
675 IAC 21-4-1 Adoption by reference
498 675 IAC 21-4-2 Amendments to adopted standard
500 675 IAC 21-4-3 Classification and availability of rule (Repealed)
Rule 5. Manlifts
675 IAC 21-5-1 Adoption by reference
675 IAC 21-5-2 Classification and availability of rule (Repealed)
675 IAC 21-5-3 Amendments to adopted standard
501 Rule 6. Sewage Lift Station Personnel Hoists (Repealed)
Rule 7. Handpowered Personnel Hoists (Repealed)
Rule 8. Platform and Stairway Chair Lifts
675 IAC 21-8-1 Adoption by reference
502 675 IAC 21-8-2 Amendments to adopted code
504 Rule 9. Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators
675 IAC 21-9-1 Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators
675 IAC 21-9-2 Amendments to adopted code
508 Rule 10. Standard for the Qualification of Elevator Inspectors
675 IAC 21-10-1 ASME QEI-1; Standard for the Qualification of Elevator Inspectors
675 IAC 21-10-2 Amendments to the adopted standard
509 Rule 11. Automated People Mover Standards – Part 1
675 IAC 21-11-1 ANSI/ASCE/T&DI 21-05; Automated People Mover Standards – Part 1
510 675 IAC 21-11-2 ASCE 21-08; Automated People Mover Standards – Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4
Rule 1. Indiana Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Gases Code
675 IAC 22-1-1 Title and purpose of rule (Expired)
675 IAC 22-1-2 Applicability of rule; existing facilities and equipment (Expired)
675 IAC 22-1-3 NFPA 30; flammable and combustible liquids code (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-1-4 NFPA 30A; automotive and marine service station code (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-1-5 NFPA 33; standard for spray application using flammable and combustible materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-1-6 NFPA 52; standard for compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicular fuel systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-1-7 NFPA 58; standard for the storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gases (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-1-8 NFPA 59; standard for the storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gases at utility gas plants (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-1-9 NFPA 59A; standard for the production, storage and handling of liquefied natural gas (LNG) (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-1-10 NFPA 395; standard for the storage of flammable and combustible liquids on farms and isolatedconstruction projects (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-1-11 Authority having jurisdiction; referenced publications (Expired)
675 IAC 22-1-12 Availability of adopted standards (Repealed)
512 675 IAC 22-1-13 NFPA 15; water spray fixed systems for fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-1-14 NFPA 385; standard for tank vehicles for flammable and combustible liquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-1-15 NFPA 386; standard for portable shipping tanks for flammable and combustible liquids (Repealed)
Rule 2. Indiana Fire Prevention Code
675 IAC 22-2-1 Adoption by reference (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-2 Title; availability (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-3 Section 1.102(a); intent (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-4 Section 1.103(b); scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-5 Article 2, Division I; organization and authority (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-6 Section 2.101; state fire marshal’s powers and duties (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-7 Section 2.102; enforcement (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-8 Section 2.103; inspections; reports (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-9 Section 2.105; issuance and service of orders (Repealed)
513 675 IAC 22-2-10 Article 2, Division II, deletion (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-11 Section 2.301; alternate materials and methods (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-12 Section 2.302; approvals (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-13 Standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-14 Section 2.303(e); recognized standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-15 Article 3; compliance with orders and notices (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-16 Article 4; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-17 Definitions “A” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-18 Definitions “B” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-19 Section 9.105; definitions, “C” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-20 Definitions “D” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-21 Definitions “E” (Repealed)
514 675 IAC 22-2-22 Definitions “F” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-23 Definitions “H” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-24 Section 9.112; definitions, “J” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-25 Section 9.115; definitions, “M” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-26 Section 9.117; definitions, “O” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-27 Section 9.118; definitions, “P” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-28 Section 9.121; definitions, “S” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-29 Section 9.123; definitions, “U” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-30 Section 9.124; definitions, “V” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-31 Article 10, Divisions I and II; general provisions for fire safety (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-32 Section 10.301(a) and (b); installation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-33 Section 10.301(c); water supply (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-34 Section 10.301(e); approval and testing (Repealed)
515 675 IAC 22-2-35 Section 10.302(a); maintenance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-36 Section 10.302(c); obstruction of fire protection equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-37 Section 10.303(b); halon extinguishers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-38 Section 10.305; recreational vehicle and mobile home parks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-39 Section 10.306; fire alarm systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-40 Section 10.309; sprinkler system alarms (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-41 Section 10.310; permissible sprinkler omissions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-42 Section 10.311(c); standpipes (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-43 Section 10.314(d); portable extinguishers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-44 Article 11, Division I; incinerators and open burning (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-45 Section 11.101; regulatory board (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-46 Section 11.102; discarding burning objects (Repealed)
516 675 IAC 22-2-47 Section 11.103; hot ashes and other dangerous materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-48 Section 11.202; handling of readily combustible materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-49 Section 11.203(a); permit required (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-50 Flammable decorative materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-51 Section 11.208; parade floats (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-52 Section 11.210; interior finishes (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-53 Section 11.302(b); false alarms (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-54 Section 11.404(a); heating appliance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-55 Section 11.410; open-flame devices in marinas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-56 Section 12.101; exits; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-57 Section 12.103(a); obstruction of exits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-58 Section 12.104; doors (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-59 Section 12.106(e); stairway numbering system (Repealed)
517 675 IAC 22-2-60 Section 12.113(b); illumination of exits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-61 Section 12.114; exit signs (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-62 Section 12.115; fire escapes (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-63 Section 12.116; emergency signs for Group R occupancies (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-64 Section 13.102; smoking (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-65 Section 13.103; “no smoking” signs (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-66 Section 24.101; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-67 Section 24.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-68 Section 24.105; application of flammable or combustible liquid finishes (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-69 Section 24.107; drip pans (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-70 Section 24.108; open flames (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-71 Section 24.112; combustible storage (Repealed)
518 675 IAC 22-2-72 Section 24.113; portable extinguishers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-73 Section 24.121; regulations not covered (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-74 Section 24.201; construction of refueler units (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-75 Section 24.202; use of refueler units (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-76 Section 24.203; fueling and defueling (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-77 Section 24.206; maintenance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-78 Section 25.101; assembly places; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-79 Section 25.103; decorative materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-80 Section 25.106(b); Group A, division 2, 2.1, and 3 occupancies (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-81 Section 25.108(c); seat spacing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-82 Section 25.112; plan exits and aisles (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-83 Section 25.114(b); occupancy load (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-84 Section 25.116(a); candles and other open-flame devices (Repealed)
519 675 IAC 22-2-85 Section 25.117; standby personnel (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-86 Article 25, Division 4; carnivals and fairs (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-87 Section 25.401; carnivals and fairs; applicability (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-88 Grounds (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-89 Section 25.403; concession stands (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-90 Section 25.404; internal combustion power sources (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-91 Section 25.405; flammable liquids and gases (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-92 Section 25.501; haunted houses and similar temporary installations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-93 Article 25, Division VI; liquid or gas fueled equipment in assembly buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-94 Section 25.601; temporary displays (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-95 Section 25.602; competitions or demonstrations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-96 Section 26.102; permits (Repealed)
520 675 IAC 22-2-97 Section 27.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-98 Section 27.104; storage and handling (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-99 Section 28.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-100 Section 28.105; storage of agricultural products (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-101 Section 29.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-102 Section 30.101; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-103 Section 30.102; open yard storage (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-104 Section 30.103(a); fire hazards in lumber yards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-105 Section 30.104(b); fire-extinguishing equipment in open yards and buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-106 Section 30.105(b); woodworking plants (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-107 Section 31.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-108 Section 32.101; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-109 Section 32.104(e); location of tents and air-supported structures (Repealed)
521 675 IAC 22-2-110 Section 32.105; structural stability of tents and air-supported structures (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-111 Section 32.106; flame-retardant material (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-112 Section 32.107; fire-resistive standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-113 Section 32.108; smoking; open flames (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-114 Section 32.109; fire protection equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-115 Section 32.111; abatement of fire or panic hazards not covered in this rule (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-116 Section 32.112(h); exits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-117 Section 32.118(a); heating and cooking equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-118 Section 32.120(b); storage of flammable materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-119 Section 33.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-120 Section 34.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-121 Section 34.104; burning of wrecked or discarded vehicles (Repealed)
522 675 IAC 22-2-122 Section 34.108; storage of flammable and combustible liquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-123 Section 35.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-124 Section 35.103; special provisions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-125 Section 36.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-126 Article 37; educational and institutional fire drills (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-127 Section 37.101; drills required (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-128 Section 37.102; frequency of drills (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-129 Section 37.103; records of drills (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-130 Section 37.104; evacuations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-131 Section 45.101; spraying, dipping, and coating operations; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-132 Section 45.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-133 Section 45.103; smoking prohibited (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-134 Section 45.104; welding, grinding, or open flame; warning sign (Repealed)
523 675 IAC 22-2-135 Section 45.207; limited spraying areas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-136 Section 45.209(b); fire protection equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-137 Section 45.304; storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-138 Section 45.306; operations and maintenance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-139 Section 45.307(a); fire extinguishing equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-140 Section 45.401(d); guards and signs (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-141 Section 45.501(a); automobile undercoating spray operations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-142 Section 45.604; ventilation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-143 Section 45.707; personnel qualifications (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-144 Section 46.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-145 Section 46.103(a); use of ethylene (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-146 Section 47.102; permits (Repealed)
524 675 IAC 22-2-147 Section 48.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-148 Section 49.101; general requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-149 Section 49.109(c); calcium carbide storage (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-150 Section 50.103; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-151 Section 50.113(a); fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-152 Section 51.102; definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-153 Section 51.103; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-154 Section 51.108(b); handling hazardous materials within exit corridors (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-155 Section 51.111(a); emergency plans (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-156 Section 61.106; portable unvented oil-burning heaters (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-157 Section 62.101; industrial baking and drying ovens (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-158 Section 62.102; permits and plans (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-159 Section 62.105(a); safety controls (Repealed)
525 675 IAC 22-2-160 Section 63.101; refrigeration systems; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-161 Section 63.103; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-162 Section 63.106; operating and emergency instructions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-163 Section 63.107; emergency signs and labels (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-164 Section 63.108; diffusion systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-165 Article 64; unvented fuel-burning portable heaters (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-166 Section 64.101; scope of article (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-167 Section 64.102; prohibited use (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-168 Section 64.103; use in detached single family residences (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-169 Section 64.104; temporary use (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-170 Section 74.103; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-171 Section 74.104; storage containers (Repealed)
526 675 IAC 22-2-172 Section 74.105; compressed gas cylinders (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-173 Section 74.106; bulk oxygen systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-174 Section 74.107(a); storage and use of cylinders (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-175 Section 74.109; operation instructions and maintenance of bulk oxygen systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-176 Division 2; medical (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-177 Section 75.103; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-178 Section 75.104; cryogenic fluid containers, equipment, and devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-179 Section 75.105(b); electrical equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-180 Section 75.107; warning labels and signs (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-181 Section 75.108; dispensing areas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-182 Section 75.201; container design, construction, and testing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-183 Section 75.205; nameplates (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-184 Section 75.402(c); valves and accessory equipment (Repealed)
527 675 IAC 22-2-185 Section 76.102; applicable standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-186 Section 76.103(g); general requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-187 Scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-188 Section 77.102; exceptions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-189 Section 77.104, deletion (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-190 Insurance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-191 Section 77.106; explosives manufacture (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-192 Storage of explosives (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-193 Table No. 77.201 (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-194 Gunpowder storage/magazines (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-195 Gunpowder (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-196 Section 77.204, deletion (Repealed)
528 675 IAC 22-2-197 Section 77.301; handling and use of explosives (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-198 Transportation of explosives (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-199 Section 77.303(e); explosives and blasting agents at terminals (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-200 Blasting agents; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-201 Mixed blasting agents (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-201.5 Transportation of blasting agents (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-202 Section 77.307; seizure of explosives and blasting agents (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-203 Location of explosive detonations for testing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-203.5 Alternative criteria for explosive laboratory operations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-204 Section 77.410(a); disposal of waste explosives and fireworks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-205 Section 78.102; permits for manufacture, distribution, sale, and display of fireworks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-206 Section 78.103; certificate of insurance for public display (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-207 Section 78.106; seizure of fireworks (Repealed)
529 675 IAC 22-2-208 Section 78.107; public display of fireworks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-209 Section 79.101; bulk storage and dispensing of flammable and combustible liquids and gases; scope(Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-210 Section 79.103; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-211 Section 79.104; portable tanks and containers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-212 Section 79.105; design and construction of tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-213 Section 79.106; change of tank contents (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-214 Section 79.108(a); warning signs (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-215 Section 79.111; cleaning with Class I and Class II flammable liquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-216 Section 79.114; out-of-service tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-217 Section 79.115; fire protection standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-218 Article 79, Division II; containers and portable tanks inside buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-219 Article 79, Division III; stationary tanks inside buildings (Repealed)
530 675 IAC 22-2-220 Article 79, Division IV; containers and portable tanks outside buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-221 Section 79.401; applicable standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-222 Section 79.402; location on property; protection of storage areas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-223 Section 79.403; fencing; weeds and debris (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-224 Section 79.404; warning signs (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-225 Section 79.405; outside dispensing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-226 Section 79.406; storage of empty containers and tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-227 Section 79.407; fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-228 Article 79, Division V; aboveground stationary tanks outside buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-229 Section 79.501; applicable standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-230 Section 79.502; location restrictions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-231 Section 79.503; tank labels (Repealed)
531 675 IAC 22-2-232 Section 79.504; fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-233 Article 79, Division VI; underground tanks outside or beneath buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-234 Section 79.601; applicable standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-235 Section 79.602; leaking tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-236 Testing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-237 Article 79, Division VII; pipes, valves, and fittings; applicable standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-238 Section 79.802(a); inside dispensing and mixing operations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-239 Section 79.804; design and construction of dispensing and mixing rooms (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-240 Section 79.805; fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-241 Section 79.806(d); outside dispensing operations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-242 Section 79.807; loading and unloading facilities (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-243 Section 79.808; unloading operations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-244 Article 79, Division IX; service stations (Repealed)
532 675 IAC 22-2-245 Article 79, Division X; storage of flammable and combustible liquids on farms and isolated constructionprojects (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-246 Section 79.1102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-247 Section 79.1104(c); waste control (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-248 Section 79.1202; tank vehicles (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-249 Article 79, Division XIII; industrial plants (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-250 Article 79, Division XIV; bulk plants and terminals (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-251 Article 79, Division XV; processing and chemical plants (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-252 Article 79, Division XVI; refineries and distilleries (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-253 Article 79, Division XVII; transportation pipelines (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-254 Section 79.1803; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-255 Section 79.1804(a); solvent classification changes (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-256 Section 79.1806; applicable standards (Repealed)
533 675 IAC 22-2-257 Section 79.1808; heating equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-258 Section 79.1809; electrical equipment and lighting (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-259 Section 79.1810(c); venting (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-260 Section 79.1815(b); solvent types (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-261 Section 79.1816; fire extinguishers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-262 Section 80.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-263 Section 80.103; general requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-264 Section 80.104(b); oxidizing materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-265 Section 80.107(a); highly toxic materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-266 Section 80.111(a); identification of aboveground tanks and vessels (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-267 Section 81.101; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-268 Section 81.104; classification of contents (Repealed)
534 675 IAC 22-2-269 Section 81.106; automatic fire-extinguishing systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-270 Section 81.108(a); aisles (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-271 Section 81.109; access to buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-272 Section 81.110; small hose connections (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-273 Section 81.111; high-rack storage systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-274 Section 82.101; installation and storage of liquefied petroleum gases (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-275 Section 82.102; records of installations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-276 Section 82.103; inspections of installations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-277 Section 82.104; installation of equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-278 Section 82.105; location of containers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-279 Section 82.108(a); dispensing and overfilling (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-280 Section 82.110(a); smoking and open flame devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-281 Section 83.101; permits (Repealed)
535 675 IAC 22-2-282 Section 83.105; retail storage (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-283 Section 85.109; unapproved appliances (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-284 Section 86.103(a); identification of storage buildings, rooms, and areas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-285 Section 86.104; fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-286 Section 87.102; approval (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-287 Section 87.103; fire safety during construction (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-288 Appendix 1-A; emergency exit sign sample (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-289 Appendix 1-B; emergency information sample (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-290 Appendix Division II; community environmental hazard controls (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-291 Appendix Division III; fire protection systems; Appendix III-C fire alarm systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-292 Appendix Division IV; flammable floor coverings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2-293 Appendix Division V; standards (Repealed)
536 675 IAC 22-2-294 Appendix Division VI; informational (Repealed)
Rule 2.1. Indiana Fire Prevention Code, 1990 Edition
675 IAC 22-2.1-1 Adoption by reference (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-2 Title; availability (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-3 Section 1.102; intent (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-4 Section 1.103(b); scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-5 Article 2, Division I; organization and authority (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-6 Article 2, Division II; duties and procedures (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-7 Section 2.301; approval (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-8 Section 2.302; technical assistance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-9 Section 2.303; standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-10 Section 2.304; NFPA standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-11 Section 2.305; NFPA 34; dipping and coating processes using flammable or combustible liquids(Repealed)
537 675 IAC 22-2.1-12 Section 2.306; NFPA 51; oxygen-fuel gas system for welding, cutting and allied processes (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-13 Section 2.307; NFPA 51B; cutting and welding processes (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-14 Section 2.308; NFPA 86; ovens and furnaces (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-15 Section 2.309; NFPA 407; aircraft fuel servicing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-16 Section 2.310; NFPA 704; identification of the fire hazards of materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-17 Section 2.311; NFPA 1123; public display of fireworks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-18 Section 2.312; NFPA 10; standard for portable fire extinguishers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-19 Section 2.313; NFPA 50; standard for bulk oxygen systems at consumer sites (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-20 Section 2.314; value of services rendered (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-21 Article 3; compliance with orders and notices (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-22 Article 4; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-23 Section 9.101; amendments (Repealed)
538 675 IAC 22-2.1-24 Section 9.102; definitions and abbreviations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-25 Section 9.103; definitions “A” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-26 Section 9.104; definitions “B” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-27 Section 9.105; definitions “C” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-28 Section 9.106; definitions “D” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-29 Section 9.107; definitions “E” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-30 Section 9.108; definitions “F” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-31 Section 9.110; definitions “H” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-32 Section 9.111; definitions “I” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-33 Section 9.112; definitions “J” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-34 Section 9.115; definitions “M” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-35 Section 9.117; definitions “O” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-36 Section 9.118; definitions “P” (Repealed)
539 675 IAC 22-2.1-37 Section 9.120; definitions “R” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-38 Section 9.121; definitions “S” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-39 Section 9.122; definitions “T” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-40 Section 9.123; definitions “U” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-41 Section 9.124; definitions “V” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-42 Section 9.125; definitions “W” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-43 Article 10, Division I; general provisions for fire safety (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-44 Section 10.201; tampering with fire equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-45 Section 10.202; tampering with fire hydrant or fire appliance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-46 Section 10.203; hydrant use approval (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-47 Section 10.204; tampering with barricades (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-48 Section 10.205; closure of roads or trails (Repealed)
540 675 IAC 22-2.1-49 Section 10.206; obstruction of fire protection equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-50 Section 10.207(b); fire apparatus access roads; where required (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-51 Section 10.207(i); bridges (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-52 Section 10.208(b); premises identification (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-53 Section 10.301(a); installation; type required (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-54 Section 10.301(b); special hazards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-55 Section 10.301(c); water supply (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-56 Section 10.301(d); fire hydrant markers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-57 Section 10.301(e); timing of installation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-58 Section 10.301(f); approval and testing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-59 Section 10.302(a); maintenance; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-60 Section 10.302(b); systems in high-rise buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-61 Section 10.302(c); smoke-control systems (Repealed)
541 675 IAC 22-2.1-62 Section 10.303; portable fire extinguishers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-63 Section 10.304; fire protection in recreational vehicle and mobile home parks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-64 Section 10.305(b); approvals (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-65 Section 10.305(d); installation of fixed fire protection systems; standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-66 Section 10.306; automatic fire-extinguishing systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-67 Section 10.307; sprinkler system supervision alarms (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-68 Section 10.308; permissible sprinkler omissions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-69 Section 10.309; standpipes (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-70 Section 10.310; buildings under construction (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-71 Section 10.311; basement pipe inlets (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-72 Section 10.312; ventilating hood and duct systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-73 Section 10.313; fire-extinguishing equipment for protection of kitchen grease hoods and ducts (Repealed)
542 675 IAC 22-2.1-74 Section 10.402(c); identification (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-75 Section 11.101(a); bonfires and outdoor rubbish fires (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-76 Section 11.105(e); types and construction of incinerators (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-77 Section 11.112; hours of burning (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-78 Section 11.113; burning on public property (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-79 Section 11.114; offensive smoke and odors (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-80 Section 11.115; attendant for fire (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-80.1 Section 11.201(b); containers and removal (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-81 Section 11.202; handling of readily combustible materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-82 Section 11.203(a); storage of readily combustible materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-83 Section 11.204; flammable decorative materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-84 Section 11.208; parade floats (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-85 Section 11.404(a); heating appliances (Repealed)
543 675 IAC 22-2.1-86 Section 11.410; open-flame devices in marinas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-87 Section 12.101; maintenance of exits; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-88 Section 12.104(b); doors; locking devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-89 Section 12.106(d); stairways and ramps; stairway identification (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-90 Section 12.108(a); exit signs; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-91 Section 12.108(c); exit signs; graphics (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-92 Section 12.108(e); exit signs; maintenance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-93 Section 12.110; fire escapes (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-94 Section 12.111; emergency signs for “R” occupancies (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-95 Section 12.202; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-96 Section 13.102; smoking (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-97 Section 13.103; “no smoking” signs (Repealed)
544 675 IAC 22-2.1-98 Article 14; fire alarm systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-99 Section 14.101; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-100 Section 14.102; definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-101 Section 14.103; general requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-102 Section 14.104; special provisions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-103 Section 14.105; maintenance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-104 Section 14.106; automatic telephone dialing devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-105 Section 14.107; false alarms (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-106 Section 24.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-107 Section 24.105; application of flammable or combustible liquid finishes (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-108 Section 24.107; drip pans (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-109 Section 24.108; open flame (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-110 Section 24.112; combustible storage (Repealed)
545 675 IAC 22-2.1-111 Section 24.121; regulations not covered (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-112 Section 24.201(a); construction of aircraft refuelers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-113 Section 24.305; federal aviation approval (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-114 Section 25.101; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-115 Section 25.102(b); places of assembly; communication (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-116 Section 25.103; decorative material (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-117 Section 25.106(b); Group A, Divisions 2, 2.1 and 3 Occupancies (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-118 Section 25.106(b); Group A, Divisions 2, 2.1 and 3 Occupancies (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-118.1 Section 25.107; aisles (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-118.2 Section 25.108; seat spacing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-119 Section 25.112; plan of exit ways and aisles; announcements (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-120 Section 25.114(b); determination of occupant load (Repealed)
546 675 IAC 22-2.1-121 Section 25.116(a); permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-121.1 Article 25, Division II; reviewing stands, grandstands and bleachers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-121.2 Article 25, Division III; folding and telescoping seating (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-122 Article 25, Division IV; securing of chairs (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-123 Section 25.401; carnivals and fairs; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-124 Section 25.402; grounds (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-125 Section 25.403; concession stands (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-126 Section 25.404; internal combustion power sources (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-127 Section 25.405; flammable liquids and gases (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-128 Section 25.406; inspection required (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-129 Article 25, Division V; haunted houses and similar temporary installations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-130 Article 25, Division VI; liquid or gas fueled equipment in assembly buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-131 Section 25.601; temporary display (Repealed)
547 675 IAC 22-2.1-132 Section 25.602; competition or demonstrations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-133 Section 26.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-134 Section 27.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-135 Section 27.104; storage and handling (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-136 Section 28.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-137 Section 28.105; storage of agricultural products (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-138 Section 28.106; dust-collecting systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-139 Section 29.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-140 Section 29.103(a); cleaning with Class I or II liquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-141 Section 30.101; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-142 Section 30.102(a); open yard storage (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-143 Section 30.102(d); open yard storage (Repealed)
548 675 IAC 22-2.1-144 Section 30.103(a); operational fire hazards in lumber yards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-145 Section 30.104(a); fire extinguishing appliances in open yards and buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-146 Section 31.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-147 Section 31.105; ventilation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-147.1 Section 32.102; definitions; temporary membrane structure (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-147.2 Section 32.102; definitions; temporary (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-148 Section 32.103; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-148.1 Section 32.104; use period (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-149 Table No. 32.105; location, access and parking (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-150 Section 32.106; structural stability (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-151 Section 32.108; smoking and open flames (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-152 Section 32.109; portable fire extinguishers and other fire protection appliances (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-153 Section 32.110; standby personnel (Repealed)
549 675 IAC 22-2.1-154 Section 32.111(e); exits; aisles (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-155 Section 32.117(a); heating and cooking equipment; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-156 Section 32.119; housekeeping (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-157 Section 33.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-158 Section 33.104; storage and handling (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-159 Section 34.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-160 Section 34.104; burning operations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-161 Section 34.108; storage of flammable and combustible liquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-162 Section 35.103; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-163 Section 35.104; fueled equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-164 Section 35.104(d); flammable liquids or gas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-165 Section 36.102; permits (Repealed)
550 675 IAC 22-2.1-166 Article 37; educational and institutional fire drills (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-167 Section 37.101; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-168 Section 37.102; frequency (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-169 Section 37.103; records (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-170 Section 37.104; evacuation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-171 Section 37.105; notification (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-172 Section 45.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-173 Section 45.103; smoking prohibited (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-174 Section 45.104; welding warning signs (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-175 Section 45.203; spray booths; separation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-176 Section 45.207; limited spraying areas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-177 Section 45.211(d); drying apparatus (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-178 Section 45.304; storage and handling of flammable or combustible liquids (Repealed)
551 675 IAC 22-2.1-179 Section 45.306; operating and maintenance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-180 Section 45.401; equipment type and location (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-181 Section 45.405; ventilation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-182 Section 45.501(a); operations included (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-183 Section 45.707; personnel qualifications (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-184 Section 46.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-185 Section 46.103(a); use of ethylene (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-186 Section 46.103(c); use of ethylene (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-187 Section 47.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-188 Section 47.104; notification of fumigation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-189 Section 47.105; breathing apparatus required (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-190 Section 47.111; warehouse fumigations (Repealed)
552 675 IAC 22-2.1-191 Section 48.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-192 Section 49.101(c); general requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-193 Section 49.109(c); storage of calcium carbide in buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-194 Section 50.103; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-195 Section 51.102; definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-196 Section 51.103; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-197 Section 51.105; fabrication area; ventilation controls (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-198 Section 51.109; handling of hazardous production materials within service corridors (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-199 Section 51.110(b); storage of hazardous production materials within buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-200 Section 51.111(a); emergency plan (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-201 Section 61.106(c); portable unvented oil-burning heating appliances (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-202 Section 62.102; permits and plans required (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-203 Section 63.101; scope (Repealed)
553 675 IAC 22-2.1-204 Section 63.102; classifications (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-205 Section 63.103; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-206 Section 63.106; instructions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-207 Section 63.107; emergency signs and labels (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-208 Section 63.108; diffusion system (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-209 Section 74.103; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-210 Section 74.104; storage containers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-211 Section 74.105; cylinder systems for compressed gases (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-212 Section 74.107; storage and use of cylinders; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-213 Section 74.109; operations and maintenance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-214 Article 74, Division II; medical (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-215 Section 74.201; general (Repealed)
554 675 IAC 22-2.1-216 Section 75.103; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-217 Section 75.104; approval of containers, equipment, and devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-218 Section 75.105(b); electrical equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-219 Section 75.107; warning labels (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-220 Section 75.108; dispensing areas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-221 Section 75.201; container design, construction and testing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-222 Section 75.205; nameplate (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-223 Section 75.302; drainage for aboveground containers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-224 Section 75.601; containers, tanks and vessels (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-225 Section 75.602; vehicles (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-226 Section 76.102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-227 Section 76.103; grounding (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-228 Section 77.104; permits (Repealed)
555 675 IAC 22-2.1-229 Section 77.105; insurance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-230 Section 77.106; general requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-231 Section 77.201; storage of explosives (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-232 Table No. 77.201-A (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-233 Table No. 77.201-B (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-234 Section 77.202; magazines (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-235 Section 77.203; gunpowder (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-236 Section 77.204; Class II magazines (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-237 Section 77.301; use and handling of explosives (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-238 Section 77.302; transportation of explosives (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-239 Section 77.303; explosives and blasting agents at terminals (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-240 Section 77.304; blasting agents; general (Repealed)
556 675 IAC 22-2.1-241 Section 77.305; mixing blasting agents (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-242 Section 77.306; transportation of blasting caps (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-243 Section 77.307; seizure of explosives and blasting agents (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-244 Section 77.401; manufacturing, assembling, and testing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-245 Section 77.409; location of explosive detonations for testing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-246 Section 77.410(a); disposal of waste explosives and fireworks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-247 Article 77, Division V; alternative criteria for explosive laboratory operations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-248 Section 78.102; permits for manufacture, sale and discharge (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-249 Section 78.103; bond for fireworks display required (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-250 Section 78.106; seizure of fireworks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-251 Section 78.107; public display of fireworks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-252 Section 79.101; scope; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-253 Section 79.102(b); definitions (Repealed)
557 675 IAC 22-2.1-254 Section 79.103; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-255 Section 79.104; portable tanks, containers and equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-256 Section 79.105(c); atmospheric tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-257 Section 79.105(d); low-pressure tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-258 Section 79.105(e); pressure vessels (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-259 Section 79.105(f); design and construction of tanks; materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-260 Section 79.108; warning signs (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-261 Section 79.115; abandonment and status of tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-262 Section 79.201(e); quantities allowed within specified buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-263 Section 79.202; inside liquid storage room (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-264 Section 79.203; liquid storage rooms (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-265 Section 79.204; liquid storage warehouses (Repealed)
558 675 IAC 22-2.1-266 Section 79.301; stationary tank storage inside buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-267 Section 79.302(a); tank connections; normal venting; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-268 Sections 79.401 and 79.402; container and portable tank storage outside buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-269 Section 79.501; restricted locations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-270 Section 79.503(g); use of open space on adjacent property (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-271 Section 79.505; supports, foundations and anchorage (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-272 Section 79.507; drainage dikes and walls for aboveground tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-273 Section 79.509; tank connections (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-274 Section 79.510; fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-275 Section 79.601(c); anchorage (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-276 Section 79.603; corrosion protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-277 Section 79.604; tank connections (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-278 Section 79.605; testing (Repealed)
559 675 IAC 22-2.1-279 Section 79.701(a); materials and design; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-280 Section 79.705; swing joints (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-281 Section 79.708; testing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-282 Section 79.802(a); inside operations; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-283 Section 79.804; design and construction of inside use, dispensing and mixing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-284 Section 79.807(c); loading and unloading facilities; fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-285 Section 79.902; storage; general provisions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-286 Section 79.903; dispensing services (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-287 Section 79.904; pressure delivery service stations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-288 Section 79.905; electrical equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-289 Section 79.910; marine service stations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-290 Section 79.911(d); fire protection; hose stations (Repealed)
560 675 IAC 22-2.1-291 Section 79.912; vapor recovery (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-292 Section 79.1002; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-293 Section 79.1006; individual containers of 60 gallon or less capacity each (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-294 Section 79.1102; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-295 Section 79.1104(c); waste control; clearing around walls and tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-296 Section 79.1106; prevention of blowouts (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-297 Section 79.1108; soundproofing material (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-298 Section 79.1201; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-299 Section 79.1202; tank vehicle construction (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-300 Section 79.1203(a); full trailers and semitrailers; attachments (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-301 Section 79.1204(j); operation of tank vehicles; liquid temperature (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-302 Section 79.1306; separation of unstable liquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-303 Section 79.1312(d); fire protection; special extinguishing equipment (Repealed)
561 675 IAC 22-2.1-304 Section 79.1403(a); ventilation; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-305 Section 79.1408; ignition sources (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-306 Section 79.1503(b); location of processing vessel; interior location (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-307 Section 79.1505(a); ventilation; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-308 Section 79.1508(c); piping valves and fittings; identification (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-309 Section 79.1602; locations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-310 Section 79.1605; pressure vessels (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-311 Division XVII; transportation pipelines (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-312 Section 79.1803; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-313 Section 79.1804(a); solvents; changes in class (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-314 Section 79.1806(a); occupancy requirements; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-315 Section 79.1810(f); solvent containers, tanks transferring equipment; treatment tanks (Repealed)
562 675 IAC 22-2.1-316 Section 79.1813; drying tumblers and cabinets (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-317 Section 80.101; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-318 Section 80.102; definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-319 Section 80.103; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-320 Section 80.104; general requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-321 Section 80.105; construction requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-322 Section 80.107; facility closure plans (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-323 Section 80.108; out-of-service facilities (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-324 Section 80.109; reactive and unstable materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-325 Article 80, Division II; classification by hazard (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-326 Section 80.301; storage requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-327 Section 80.303; compressed gases (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-328 Section 80.305(a); flammable solids; indoor storage; exempt amounts (Repealed)
563 675 IAC 22-2.1-329 Section 80.306(a); liquid and solid oxidizers; indoor storage; exempt amounts (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-330 Section 80.307(a); organic peroxides; indoor storage; exempt amounts (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-331 Section 80.308(a); pyrophoric materials; indoor storage; exempt amounts (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-332 Section 80.309(a); unstable (reactive) materials; indoor storage; exempt amounts (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-333 Section 80.310(a); water-reactive materials; indoor storage (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-334 Section 80.312; highly toxic solids and liquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-335 Section 80.313; radioactive materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-336 Section 80.314; corrosives (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-337 Section 80.315; other health hazard solids, liquids and gases (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-338 Section 80.401; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-339 Section 80.402; dispensing and use; exempt amounts (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-340 Section 80.403; handling (Repealed)
564 675 IAC 22-2.1-341 Table No. 80.402-A (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-342 Table No. 80.402-B (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-343 Section 81.102; definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-344 Section 81.103; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-345 Section 81.104; classification of contents (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-346 Section 81.105; fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-347 Table No. 81.105; requirements for fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-348 Section 81.106; automatic fire extinguishing systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-349 Section 81.108; aisles (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-350 Subsection 81.109(b); access to building; access doors (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-351 Section 81.110; small hose connections (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-352 Section 81.111; high-rack storage systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-353 Section 82.101; scope (Repealed)
565 675 IAC 22-2.1-354 Section 82.102; permits and reports of installations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-355 Section 82.103; installation of equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-356 Section 82.104; location of containers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-357 Subsection 82.106(d); dispensing and overfilling; dispensing location (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-358 Section 82.108; smoking and other sources of ignition (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-359 Section 82.111; fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-360 Section 82.112; storage of portable containers awaiting resale (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-361 Subsection 82.113(b); containers not in service; permanently out of service (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-362 Section 82.114; parking and garaging (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-363 Sections 83.101; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-364 Section 83.105; storage by retailers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-365 Section 84.101; scope (Repealed)
566 675 IAC 22-2.1-366 Subsection 85.103(c); use of temporary wiring; attachment to structures (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-366.1 Section 85.108; access (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-367 Section 85.109; nonapproved appliances (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-368 Article 86; pesticides-storage (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-369 Section 87.102; approval (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-370 Section 87.103; fire safety during construction (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-370.1 Section 88.101; purpose, scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-370.2 Section 88.102; definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-370.3 Section 88.103; fire safety requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-371 Appendix I-A; emergency escape plan (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-372 Appendix I-B; emergency information (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-373 Appendix I-C; stairway identification (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-374 Division II; environmental hazard controls (Repealed)
567 675 IAC 22-2.1-375 Division III; fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-376 Division IV; flammable floor coverings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-377 Division V; standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-378 Division VI-A; hazardous materials classifications; intent (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-379 Appendix VI-A, subsection 2(a)2(iii); corrosive (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-380 Appendix VI-A, subsection 2(a)2(iv); highly toxic (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-381 Appendix VI-A, subsection 2(a)2(v); toxic (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-382 Appendix VI-A; oxidizers; organic peroxides; unstable (reactive) material; water-reactive materials(Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-383 Appendix VI-A, subsection 2(a)10(iii); corrosive (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-384 Appendix VI-A, subsection 2(a)10(v); highly toxic (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-385 Appendix VI-A, subsection 2(b); health hazards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-386 Appendix VI-A, section 3; evaluation of hazards (Repealed)
568 675 IAC 22-2.1-387 Appendix VI-A, section 4; reference publications; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-388 Appendix VI-B; emergency relief venting for fire exposure for aboveground tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-389 Appendix VI-C; model citation program (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-390 Appendix VI-D; reference tables from 675 IAC 13, the Indiana building code (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-391 Appendix VI-D; Table No. 5-B; required separation in buildings of mixed occupancy (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-392 Appendix VI-D; Table No. 5-C; basic allowable floor area for buildings one (1) story in height(Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-393 Appendix VI-D; Table No. 5-D; maximum height of buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-394 Appendix VI-D; Table No. 17-A; types of construction; fire-resistive construction (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.1-395 Appendix VI-D; Table No. 33-A; minimum egress and access requirements (Repealed)
Rule 2.2. 1998 Indiana Fire Code
675 IAC 22-2.2-1 Adoption by reference (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-2 Section 101.1; title; availability (Repealed)
569 675 IAC 22-2.2-3 NFPA 10; standard for portable fire extinguishers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-4 NFPA 15; standard for water spray fixed systems for fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-5 NFPA 25; standard for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of water-based fire protection systems(Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-6 NFPA 33; standard for spray application using flammable and combustible materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-7 NFPA 34; dipping and coating processes using flammable or combustible liquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-8 NFPA 50; standard for bulk oxygen systems at consumer sites (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-9 NFPA 50B; standard for liquefied hydrogen systems at consumer sites (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-10 NFPA 51; oxygen-fuel gas system for welding, cutting, and allied processes (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-11 NFPA 51A; standard for acetylene cylinder charging plants (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-12 NFPA 51B; standard for fire prevention in use of cutting and welding processes (Repealed)
570 675 IAC 22-2.2-13 NFPA 52; standard for compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicular fuel systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-14 NFPA 58; standard for the storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gases (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-15 NFPA 59; standard for storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gases at utility gas plants (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-16 NFPA 59A; standard for production, storage, and handling of liquefied natural gas (LNG) (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-17 NFPA 72; national fire alarm code (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-18 NFPA 86; standard for ovens and furnaces (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-19 NFPA 231; standard for general storage (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-20 NFPA 231C; standard for rack storage of materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-21 NFPA 385; standard for tank vehicles for flammable and combustible liquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-22 NFPA 386; standard for portable shipping tanks for flammable and combustible liquids
571 675 IAC 22-2.2-23 NFPA 407; standard for aircraft fuel servicing (Repealed)
572 675 IAC 22-2.2-24 NFPA 704; standard system for the identification of the fire hazards of materials for emergency response(Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-25 NFPA 1123; code for public display of fireworks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-26 NFPA 1126; use of pyrotechnics before a proximate audience
574 675 IAC 22-2.2-27 (Reserved)
675 IAC 22-2.2-28 Section 101.2; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-29 Section 101.3; subjects not specifically regulated by this code (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-30 Section 101.4; supplemental rules and regulations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-31 Section 101.5; liability (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-32 Section 101.9; amendments (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-33 Section 102.1; existing conditions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-34 Section 103.1.1; technical assistance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-35 Section 103.1.2; alternate materials and methods (Repealed)
575 675 IAC 22-2.2-36 Section 103.1.3; practical difficulties (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-37 Section 103.1.4; appeals (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-38 Section 103.1.5; appendix (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-39 Section; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-40 Section; fire prevention bureau personnel and police (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-41 Section 103.2.2; organization of the fire prevention bureau (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-42 Section 103.3; inspection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-43 Section 103.4; enforcement (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-44 Section 104.2; investigation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-45 Section 104.3; records and reports (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-46 Section 105; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-47 Section 202-A; definitions “A” (Repealed)
576 675 IAC 22-2.2-48 Section 203-B; definitions “B” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-49 Section 204-C; definitions “C” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-49.5 Definitions “C” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-50 Section 206-E; definitions “E” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-51 Section 207-F; definitions “F” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-52 Section 209-H; definitions “H” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-53 Section 210-I; definitions “I” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-54 Section 214-M; definitions “M” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-55 Section 216.O; definitions “O” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-56 Section 217-P; definitions “P” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-57 Section 218-Q; definitions “Q” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-58 Section 220-S; definitions “S” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-59 Section 221-T; definitions “T” (Repealed)
577 675 IAC 22-2.2-60 Section 222-U; definitions “U” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-61 Section 224-W; definitions “W” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-62 Section 227-Z; definitions “Z” (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-63 Section 901.2.1; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-64 Section 901.2.2.1; fire apparatus access (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-65 Section 901.2.2.2; fire hydrant systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-66 Section 901.3; timing of installation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-67 Section 901.4.2; fire apparatus access roads (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-68 Section 901.4.3; fire protection equipment and fire hydrants (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-69 Section 901.4.4; premises identification (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-70 Section 901.4.5; street or road signs (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-71 Section 901.6; fire protection in recreational vehicles, mobile home and manufactured housing parks,sales lots, and storage lots (Repealed)
578 675 IAC 22-2.2-72 Section 902.2.1; required access (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-73 Section 902.2.2.1; dimensions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-74 Section 902.2.2.2; surface (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-75 Section 902.2.2.3; turning radius (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-76 Section 902.2.2.4; dead ends (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-77 Section 902.2.2.5; bridges (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-78 Section 902.2.2.6; grade (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-79 Section 902.2.4.1; obstruction and control of fire apparatus access, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-80 Section 902.2.4.2; closure of accessways (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-81 Section 902.3.1; required access (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-82 Section 902.3.2; maintenance of exterior doors and openings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-83 Section 902.4; key boxes (Repealed)
579 675 IAC 22-2.2-84 Section 903.2; required water supply for fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-85 Section 903.3; type of water supply (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-86 Section 903.4.2; required installations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-87 Section 903.4.3; protection, marking, and obstruction of hydrants (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-88 Section 1001.3; plans (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-89 Section 1001.4; installation acceptance testing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-90 Section 1001.5; maintenance, inspection, and testing systems out of service (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-91 Section 1001.5.5; smoke-control systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-92 Section 1001.7.2; clear space around hydrants (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-93 Section 1001.8; marking of fire protection equipment and fire hydrants (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-94 Section 1001.9; special hazards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-95 Section 1001.10; fire appliances (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-96 Section 1002.1; portable fire extinguishers, general (Repealed)
580 675 IAC 22-2.2-97 Section 1003; fire-extinguishing systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-98 Section 1004; standpipes (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-99 Section 1005; basement pipe inlets (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-100 Section 1006.1; ventilating hood and duct systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-101 Section 1006.2.1; where required (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-102 Section 1006; protection of commercial cooking operations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-103 Section 1006.2.7; portable fire extinguishers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-104 Section 1006.2.8; operations and maintenance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-105 Section 1007.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-106 Section 1007.2.9.2; existing Group R occupancies (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-107 Section 1007.3.1; design standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-107.1 Section 1007.; visual alarms (Expired)
581 675 IAC 22-2.2-108 Section 1007.3.3.4; connections to other systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-109 Section 1007.; monitoring, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-110 Section 1007.; automatic telephone dialing devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-111 Section 1007.3.3.7; annunciation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-112 Section 1007.3.4.1; acceptance test (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-113 Section 1007.3.4.2; certification (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-114 Section 1007.3.4.3; instructions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-115 Section 1101.1; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-116 Section 1101.3; permits and plans (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-117 Section 1102.2.5; discontinuance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-118 Section 1102.3.4; time and atmospheric restrictions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-119 Section 1102.3.7; attendance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-120 Section 1102.3.8; discontinuance (Repealed)
582 675 IAC 22-2.2-121 Section 1102.4.5; discontinuance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-122 Section 1103.2.4; combustible vegetation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-123 Section 1103.3.2.2; ceiling clearance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-124 Section 1103.3.2.4; equipment rooms (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-125 Section 1103.3.3.1; use of combustible decorative materials, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-126 Section 1103.3.3.4; foam plastics (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-127 Section 1103.3; storage, use, and handling of miscellaneous combustible materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-128 Section 1103.3.5.1; location (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-129 Section 1103.3.6.3; separation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-130 Section 1103.3.6.3; separation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-131 Section 1103.3.6; outside storage of tires (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-132 Section 1106; gas meters and piping (Repealed)
583 675 IAC 22-2.2-133 Section 1109.4.1; designated areas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-134 Section 1109.4.2; hazardous environmental conditions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-134.5 Section 1109.8.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-135 Section 1109.8.3; religious ceremonies (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-136 Section 1109.8.4; theatrical performances (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-137 Section 1111.2.3; identification (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-138 Section 1202.1; adequacy of means of egress in existing occupancies, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-139 Section 1202.2; abatement of buildings and structures with inadequate exits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-140 Section 1205; fire escapes (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-141 Section 1207.3; locking devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-142 Section 1210.5; enclosures (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-143 Section 1213.2; means of egress plans (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-144 Section 1302.1; reporting of emergencies and false alarms, general (Repealed)
584 675 IAC 22-2.2-145 Section 1302.2; reporting emergencies (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-146 Section 1303.1; emergency plans and procedures, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-147 Section 1303.3.3.2; fire drills (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-148 Section 1303.3.4.2; training (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-149 Section 1303.3.5.2; means of egress diagrams (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-150 Section 1303.3.5.2; sign (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-151 Section 1303.; fire emergency guide for apartment buildings, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-152 Section 1303.3.6; Group R, Division 4 occupancies (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-153 Section 1303.4.1; emergency plans, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-154 Section 1303.4.2; review (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-155 Section 1303.5; employee duties, assignments, and training (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-156 Section 1303.5; employee duties, assignment, and training (Repealed)
585 675 IAC 22-2.2-157 Section 1303.6; fire drills (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-158 Section 2401.2; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-159 Section 2401.4; transferring fuel (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-160 Section 2401.5; application of flammable and combustible liquid finishes (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-161 Section 2401.12; combustible storage (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-162 Section 2401.13.1; portable fire extinguishers, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-163 Section 2402.5.2; garaging (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-164 Section 2402.6; conditions of equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-165 Section 2403.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-166 Section 2501.3; permits and plans (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-167 Section 2501.4.2; communication (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-168 Section 2501.4; supervision and communication system (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-169 Section 2501.5; decorative materials (Repealed)
586 675 IAC 22-2.2-170 Section 2501.14; plan of exit ways and aisles (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-171 Section 2501.16.2; determination of occupant load (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-172 Section 2501.16.3; overcrowding (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-173 Section 2501.18; standby personnel (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-174 Section 2504.2.2.1; vehicular traffic (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-175 Section 2504.3.1; concession stands, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-176 Section 2504.4.1; internal combustion power source, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-177 Section 2504.4.2; fueling (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-178 Section 2504; outdoor carnivals and fairs (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-179 Section 2504; outdoor carnivals and fairs (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-180 Section 2505.2; displays (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-181 Section 2505.2.3.2; quantity limit (Repealed)
587 675 IAC 22-2.2-182 Section 2505.3; competitions and demonstrations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-183 Section 2506; haunted houses and similar temporary installations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-184 Section 2602; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-185 Section 2703; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-186 Section 2705; storage and handling (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-187 Section 2706; fire protection equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-188 Section 2803; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-189 Section 2901.2; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-190 Section 2904; repair of fuel tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-191 Section 2905; housekeeping (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-192 Section 3003; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-193 Section 3004.4.2; access plan (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-194 Section 3006.5; emergency plan (Repealed)
588 675 IAC 22-2.2-195 Section 3008.6; static pile protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-196 Section 3008.10; emergency plan (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-197 Section 3203; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-198 Section 3204; use period (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-199 Section 3211.5; aisles (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-200 Section 3212; maintenance of means of egress (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-201 Section 3215.2; fireworks, open flames, and hot objects (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-202 Section 3216.1; cooking and heating, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-203 Section 3221.3; storage (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-204 Section 3302; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-205 Section 3304; storage and handling (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-206 Section 3403; permits (Repealed)
589 675 IAC 22-2.2-207 Section 3409; burning operations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-208 Section 3410.3; mitigation for vehicle fluid leaks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-209 Section 3503; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-210 Section 3504.3; fueled equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-211 Section 3504.4; hazardous materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-212 Section 3601.3; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-213 Section 3601.5.1; changes in class (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-214 Section 3602.2.3; exhaust ventilation systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-215 Section 3603.11; drying tumblers and cabinets (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-216 Article 37; fire safety in race track stables (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-217 Section 4501.3; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-218 Section 4502.1; location of spray-finishing operations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-219 Section 4502.2.7; separation (Repealed)
590 675 IAC 22-2.2-220 Section 4502.5.5; duct material and termination point (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-221 Section 4502.6.1; limited spraying areas, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-221.5 Section 4503; dipping operations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-222 Section 4602; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-223 Section 4603.1; use of ethylene, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-224 Section 4702; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-225 Section 4704; notification of fumigation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-226 Section 4802; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-227 Section 4901.3; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-228 Section 4901.5.2; prohibited areas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-229 Section 5003; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-230 Section 5101.3; existing buildings and existing fabrication areas (Repealed)
591 675 IAC 22-2.2-231 Section 5101.5; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-232 Section 5101.8; construction requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-233 Section 5101.9.1.1; plans and diagrams (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-234 Section 5101.9.1.2; plans updating (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-235 Section 5101.9.1.3; emergency response team (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-236 Section 5101.10.2; manual fire alarm system (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-237 Section 5101.; service corridors (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-238 Section 5101.12.2; where required (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-239 Section 5103.2.3.2; protection of vessels (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-240 Section 5201.3.1; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-240.1 Section 5201.3.2; plans and specifications (Expired)
675 IAC 22-2.2-241 Section 5201.5.1; protection of dispensers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-241.1 Section 5201.5.3; emergency shutdown devices (Expired)
592 675 IAC 22-2.2-242 Section 5201.6.2; attendants (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-243 Section 5202.3.3; fueling from portable tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-243.1 Section 5202.3.4; storage tanks at bulk plants (Expired)
675 IAC 22-2.2-244 Section 5202.3.9; inventory control (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-245 Section 5202.4.1; aboveground tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-245.2 Section 5202.4.4.2; nozzles (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-245.5 Section 5202.4.8; special-type dispensers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-246 Section 5202.5.1; pressure delivery motor vehicle fuel-dispensing stations, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-247 Section 5202.5.2; pits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-248 Section 5202.6.3; classified area (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-249 Section 5202.10.1; motor vehicle fuel-dispensing stations located inside buildings, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-250 Section 5202.11.3.5; flexible connections (Repealed)
593 675 IAC 22-2.2-251 Section 5202.11.4.2; location of tanks and pumps (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-252 Section 5202.11.4.6; liquefied petroleum gas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-253 Section 5202.13.2.1; dispensing devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-254 Section 5202.13.3.2; location (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-255 Section 5202.13.3.3; installation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-256 Section 5202.13.3.12; site control (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-257 Section 5202.13.4; maintenance, tests, and inspection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-258 Section 5203; liquefied petroleum gas motor vehicle fuel-dispensing stations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-259 Section 5204.6; private fueling of motor vehicles (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-260 Section 5204.10.2.2; use-closed transfer system (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-261 Section 5204.; plans and specifications (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-262 Section 5204; compressed natural gas motor vehicle fuel-dispensing stations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-263 Section 6103; permits (Repealed)
594 675 IAC 22-2.2-264 Section 6106.3; location (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-265 Section 6202; permits and plans (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-266 Section 6301; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-267 Section 6304; permits and plans (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-268 Section 6306; access (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-269 Section 6310.1; refrigeration machinery room, when required (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-270 Section 6320.2; periodic testing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-271 Section 6320.4; frequency of testing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-272 Section 6320.5; personnel qualifications (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-273 Section 6323; changing of refrigerant type (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-274 Section 6324; records (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-275 Section 6403; permits (Repealed)
595 675 IAC 22-2.2-276 Section 6404.3; occupancy separations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-277 Section 7401.3; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-278 Section 7401.10; service and repair (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-279 Section 7401.12; exposure to fire (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-280 Section 7401.15; overhead cover (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-281 Section 7404.2.1.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-282 Section 7501.3; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-283 Section 7501.4.2; nonstandard containers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-284 Section 7501.11.2; systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-285 Section 7501.14; lighting (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-286 Section 7502.3.2.2; drainage (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-287 Section 7503.1.2; cryogenic fluid systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-288 Section 7503.1.3.2; design and construction (Repealed)
596 675 IAC 22-2.2-289 Section 7503.1.3.5; physical protection and support (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-290 Section 7502.3.1.3; drainage (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-291 Section 7601.3; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-292 Section 7701.3.1; permits, required (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-293 Section 7701.3.2; unsafe material or practice (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-294 Section 7701.4; bond (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-295 Section 7701.7.1; manufacturing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-296 Section 7701.7.2; limits established by law (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-297 Section 7701.7.3; limits based on location (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-298 Section 7701.8; seizure of explosive materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-299 Section 7702.1.15; yard maintenance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-300 Section 7702.2.6; repackaging of damaged containers (Repealed)
597 675 IAC 22-2.2-301 Section 7702.3.3; location (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-302 Section 7702.3.10; indoor magazines (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-303 Section 7703.1.1; hours of operation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-304 Section 7703.1.6; utilities notification (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-305 Section 7703.1.12; disposal of packaging (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-306 Section 7703.2.1; public conveyance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-307 Section 7703.2.3; authorization (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-308 Section 7703.2.5; fire extinguisher maintenance and placement (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-309 Section 7703.2.12; transportation routes (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-310 Section 7703.2.15; passengers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-311 Section 7703.3.1; quantities at terminals (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-312 Section 7703.3.5; terminal requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-313 Section 7703.4.2; ammonium nitrate storage (Repealed)
598 675 IAC 22-2.2-314 Section 7703.4.3; intraplant operations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-315 Section 7703.5.1; mixing facilities (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-316 Section 7703.5.6; disposal of oxidizer bags (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-317 Section 7704.9.1; disposal site safeguards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-318 Section 7801.1; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-319 Section 7801.2.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-320 Section 7801.3.1.1; manufacturing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-321 Section 7801.3.1.2; displays (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-322 Section 7801.3.2; pyrotechnic special effects material (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-323 Section 7802.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-324 Section 7802.2; seizure of fireworks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-325 Section 7802.3; prohibition (Repealed)
599 675 IAC 22-2.2-326 Section 7802.4.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-327 Section 7802.4.2; pyrotechnic operator (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-328 Section 7802.4.3; insurance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-329 Section 7802.4.4.1; site criteria (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-330 Table 7802.3-A; minimum mortar separation distances (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-331 Section 7802.4.9.2; fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-332 Section 7803.; outside of buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-333 Section 7803.8.1.1; demonstration and approval (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-334 Section 7803.8.2; smoke control (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-335 Section 7803.8.3; binary explosives (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-336 Section 7901.3; permits and plans (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-337 Section 7901.3.1; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-338 Section 7901.3.2; plans (Repealed)
600 675 IAC 22-2.2-339 Section 7901.4.2.1; flammable liquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-340 Section 7901.4.3; other applications (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-341 Section 7901.7.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-342 Section 7901.7.4; site assessment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-343 Section 7901.9.1; labeling and signs, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-344 Section 7901.9.3; location (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-345 Section 7901.11.10; testing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-346 Section 7902.1.2; change of tank contents (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-347 Section 7902.1.3.1; smoking and open flame (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-348 Section 7902.; underground tanks out of service for one year (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-349 Section 7902.; reinstallation of underground tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-350 Section 7902.; aboveground tanks out of service for one year (Repealed)
601 675 IAC 22-2.2-351 Section 7902.; removing tanks, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-352 Section 7902.; use of tank cars and tank vehicles as storage tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-353 Section 7902.; use of tank cars and tank vehicles as storage tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-354 Section 7902.; pressure limitations for tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-355 Section 7902.; locations subject to flooding (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-356 Section 7902.; acceptance testing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-357 Section 7902.; product compatibility (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-358 Section 7902.; use of combustible materials in tank construction (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-359 Section 7902.; existing oil storage reservoirs (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-360 Section 7902.1.11.2; vent lines (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-361 Section 7902.1.14.4; fire protection of supports (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-362 Section 7902.2.2.7; reduction of separation distance to adjacent property (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-363 Section 7902.2.4.1; foam fire protection, required systems (Repealed)
602 675 IAC 22-2.2-364 Section 7902.; reductions in required venting for stable liquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-365 Section 7902.2.8.1; drainage control and diking, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-365.2 Section 7902.; equipment, controls, and piping in diked areas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-365.5 Section 7902.5.6.2; displacement protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-366 Section 7902.; storage plan (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-367 Section 7902.; fire-extinguishing systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-368 Section 7902.; fire-extinguishing systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-368.1 Section 7902.6.1; general (Expired)
675 IAC 22-2.2-369 Section 7902.6.7; location subject to flooding (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-369.5 Section 7902.6.5.3; overfill prevention system (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-370 Section 7902.6.10; tank lining (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-371 Section 7902.6.11; secondary containment (Repealed)
603 675 IAC 22-2.2-372 Section 7902.6.13; leak detection installation and maintenance (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-373 Section 7902.6.15; corrosion protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-374 Section 7902.6.16.1; testing of underground tanks, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-375 Section 7902.16.3; existing tanks and piping (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-376 Table 7902.1-A; maximum size of containers and portable tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-377 Section 7903.1.3.5; Class I and II liquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-378 Section 7903.2.1.2; closure of mixing or blending vessels (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-378.5 Section 7903.; spill control and secondary containment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-379 Table 7903.2-B; exemption amounts for use, dispensing, and mixing of flammable and combustibleliquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-380 Section 7903.3.3; location on property (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-381 Section 7903.4.3; manufacturer’s instruction manual (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-382 Section 7904.1; special operations, general (Repealed)
604 675 IAC 22-2.2-383 Section 7904.2; storage and dispensing of flammable and combustible liquids on farms and constructionsites (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-384 Section 7904.2.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-385 Section 7904.2.7; portable fire extinguishers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-386 Section 7904.2.8.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-387 Section 7904.3.7; soundproofing (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-388 Section 7904.4.2.2; means of egress (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-389 Section 7904.4.5; overfill protection of Class 1 liquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-390 Section 7904.4.6.7; mechanical work (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-391 Section 7904.5.2.6; security (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-392 Section 7904.5.3.6; security (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-393 Section 7904.; marine craft and special equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-394 Section 7904.; emergency refueling (Repealed)
605 675 IAC 22-2.2-395 Section 7904.; fueling of vehicles at farms, construction sites, and similar areas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-396 Section 7904.5.4.3; time limit or unloading (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-397 Section 7904.5.4.4; unloading inside buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-398 Section 7904.; parking near residential, educational, and institutional occupancies and other high-risk areas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-399 Section 7904.6.6; garaging (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-400 Section 8001.1.2; material classification (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-401 Section 8001.1.3; application (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-402 Section 8001.1.4; existing buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-403 Section 8001.2; definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-404 Section 8001.3.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-405 Section 8001.3.2; hazardous materials management plan (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-406 Section 8001.3.3; hazardous materials inventory statement (Repealed)
606 675 IAC 22-2.2-407 Section 8001.4.7.2; tanks out-of-service for 90 days (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-408 Section 8001.5.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-409 Section 8001.5.2.1; records (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-410 Section 8001.5.2.2; notification (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-411 Section 8001.5.2.5; responsibility for cleanup (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-412 Section 8001.6; material safety data sheets (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-412.5 Section 8001.11.3; protection from vehicles (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-413 Section 8001.7; identification signs (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-414 Section 8001.11.9; shelf storage (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-415 Section 8001.12.2; required use of carts and trucks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-416 Section 8001.13.1; temporarily out-of-service facilities (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-417 Section 8001.13.2; permanently out-of-service facilities (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-418 Section 8001.13.3; plan (Repealed)
607 675 IAC 22-2.2-419 Section 8001.15.2.4; Group E occupancies (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-420 Table 8001.15-B; exempt amounts of hazardous materials presenting a health hazard (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-421 Section 8001.16.2.2; ignition source control (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-422 Section 8003.1.2; signs (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-423 Section 8003.1.4.2; system requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-424 Section 8003.1.6; fire-extinguishing systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-425 Section 8003.1.11; supervision (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-426 Table 8003.5-A; flammable compressed gases distance from storage to exposures (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-427 Table 8003.6-B; Class 4 oxidizers liquids and solids separation of detached and outdoor storage fromother buildings, property lines, streets, alleys, public ways, or exits to a public way (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-428 Table 8003.6-G; oxidizing gases-distance from use to exposures (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-429 Table 8003.8-A; pyrophoric gases-distance from storage to exposures (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-430 Section 8003.12.1.3; exhaust scrubber (Repealed)
608 675 IAC 22-2.2-431 Section 8003.12.2.3; fire-extinguishing systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-432 Section 8003.13; radioactive materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-433 Section 8004.1.10; fire-extinguishing systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-434 Section 8004.1.15; liquid transfer (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-435 Section 8004.2.2.3; fire-extinguishing system (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-436 Section 8004.; spill control for hazardous materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-437 Section 8004.2.3.2; closed systems, use (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-437.5 Section 8004.2.3.4; fire-extinguishing system (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-437.7 Section 8004.; spill control for hazardous materials liquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-438 Section 8101.3; permits and plan submittal (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-439 Section 8101.3.1; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-440 Section 8101.3.2; plans and specifications submittal (Repealed)
609 675 IAC 22-2.2-441 Section 8101.3.3; evacuation plan (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-442 Section 8102.1; general fire protection and life safety features, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-443 Section 8102.6.1; access roadways (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-443.5 Section 8102.6.2.2; number of doors required (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-444 Section 8102.7.1; smoke and heat removal, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-445 Section 8102.9.1; small hose stations (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-446 Section 8102.10.1; aisles, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-447 Section 8104.5.1; required approvals (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-448 Section 8104.5.2; fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-449 Table 81-A; general fire protection and life safety requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-450 Section 8202; permits, plans, and records (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-451 Section 8202.1; permits and plans (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-452 Section 8202.2; records (Repealed)
610 675 IAC 22-2.2-453 Section 8203.2.1; portable containers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-454 Section 8203.2.1.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-455 Section 8203.2.1.3; construction and temporary heating (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-456 Section 8203.2.1.5; educational and institutional uses (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-457 Section 8203.2.1.6; demonstration uses (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-458 Section 8204.1; location of containers, general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-459 Section 8204.2; maximum capacity within established limits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-460 Section 8204.3; container location (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-461 Section 8204.4; multiple container installation (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-462 Section 8205.2; release to the atmosphere (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-463 Section 8210; protecting containers from vehicles (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-464 Section 8212.12; location of storage outside of buildings (Repealed)
611 675 IAC 22-2.2-465 Section 8212.13; protection of containers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-466 Section 8212.14; alternate location and protection of storage (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-467 Section 8213.2; permanently out of service (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-468 Section 8214.1; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-469 Section 8214.2.1; near residential, educational, and institutional occupancies and other high-risk areas(Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-470 Table 8212-A; location of containers awaiting use (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-471 Section 8503.1; during construction (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-472 Section 8503.3; attachment to structures (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-473 Section 8506.2.3; power supply (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-474 Section 8509.3; labeling (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-475 Section 8702; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-476 Section 8704.2; access roads (Repealed)
612 675 IAC 22-2.2-477 Section 8704.4.2; fire extinguishers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-478 Section 8704.4.4; fire protection (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-479 Section 8704.7; heating devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-480 Section 8704.8; smoking (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-481 Section 8704.15; building access (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-482 Section 8704.16; emergency telephone (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-483 Section 8705; alterations of buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-484 Section 8706.5; burning of combustible waste (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-485 Section 8801.3; permits (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-486 Section 8803.2.2; storage (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-487 Section 8901.1; purpose, scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-488 Section 8902.1; definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-489 Section 8903.1; fire safety requirements (Repealed)
613 675 IAC 22-2.2-490 Section 9001.3; recognized standards (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-491 Appendix I-A; life safety requirements for existing buildings other than high-rise buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-492 Appendix I-B; life safety requirements for existing high-rise buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-493 Appendix I-C; stairway identification (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-494 Appendix II-A; suppression and control of hazardous fire areas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-495 Appendix II-B; protection of flammable and combustible liquid tanks in locations subject to flooding(Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-496 Appendix II-C; marinas (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-497 Appendix II-D; rifle ranges (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-498 Appendix II-E; hazardous materials management plans and hazardous materials inventory statements(Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-499 Appendix II-F; protected aboveground tanks for motor vehicle fuel-dispensing stations outside buildings(Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-500 Appendix II-G; secondary containment for underground tank systems containing flammable orcombustible liquids (Repealed)
614 675 IAC 22-2.2-501 Appendix II-H; site assessments for determining potential fire and explosion risks from undergroundflammable or combustible liquid tank leaks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-502 Appendix II-I; ozone gas-generating equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-503 Appendix II-J; storage of flammable and combustible liquids in tanks located within below grade vaults(Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-504 Appendix III-A; fire-flow requirements for buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-505 Appendix III-B; fire hydrant locations and distribution (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-506 Appendix III-C; testing automatic sprinkler and standpipe systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-507 Appendix III-D; basement pipe inlets (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-508 Appendix IV-A; interior floor finish (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-509 Appendix IV-B; Christmas trees (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-510 Appendix V-A; nationally recognized standards of good practice (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-511 Appendix VI-A; hazardous materials classifications (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-511.1 Appendix VI-B; hazard ranking (Expired)
615 675 IAC 22-2.2-512 Appendix VI-C; emergency relief venting for fire exposure for aboveground tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-513 Appendix VI-D; model citation program (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-514 Appendix VI-E; reference tables from the Uniform Building Code (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-515 Appendix VI-F; recommended separation distances for explosive materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-515.1 Appendix VI-G; cryogenic fluids weight and volume equivalents (Expired)
675 IAC 22-2.2-516 Appendix VI-H; refrigerant groups and properties (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-517 Appendix VI-I; unit conversion tables (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-518 Uniform Fire Code Standard 10-1; installation, inspection, maintenance, and testing of portable fireextinguishers (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-519 Uniform Fire Code Standard 10-2; installation, maintenance, and use of sprinkler alarm and fire alarmsystems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-520 Uniform Fire Code Standard 24-1; aircraft fueling (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-521 Uniform Fire Code Standard 52-1; compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicular fuel systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-522 Uniform Fire Code Standard 62-1; ovens and furnaces (Repealed)
616 675 IAC 22-2.2-523 Uniform Fire Code Standard 74-1; industrial and institutional bulk oxygen systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-524 Uniform Fire Code Standard 79-1; foam fire protection standard (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-525 Uniform Fire Code Standard 79-2; fixed water-spray automatic fire protection systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-526 Uniform Fire Code Standard 79-3; identification of health, flammability, and reactivity hazards ofhazardous materials (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-527 Uniform Fire Code Standard 79-4; vehicles for transporting flammable or combustible liquids(Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-528 Uniform Fire Code Standard 79-5; portable flammable or combustible liquid tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-529 Uniform Fire Code Standard 79-6; interior lining of underground storage tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-530 Uniform Fire Code Standard 79-7; testing requirements for protected aboveground tanks (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-531 Uniform Fire Code Standard 80-1; storage, dispensing, and use of silane and its mixtures (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-532 Uniform Fire Code Standard 80-2; industrial and institutional bulk oxygen systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-533 Uniform Fire Code Standard 80-3; flammable cryogenic fluid systems at consumer sites (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-534 Uniform Fire Code Standard 80-4; inert cryogenic fluid systems at consumer sites (Repealed)
617 675 IAC 22-2.2-535 Uniform Fire Code Standard 81-1; high-piled general storage of combustibles in buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-536 Uniform Fire Code Standard 81-2; high-piled storage of combustibles on racks in buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-537 Uniform Fire Code Standard 81-3; mechanical smoke removal systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-538 Uniform Fire Code Standard 81-4; high-piled storage of combustible records in buildings (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-539 Uniform Fire Code Standard 82-1; liquefied petroleum gas storage and use (Repealed)
675 IAC 22-2.2-540 Uniform Fire Code Standard A-III-C-1; inspection, testing, and maintenance of water based fire-protection systems (Repealed)
Rule 2.3. Indiana Fire Code, 2003 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 2.4 Indiana Fire Code, 2008 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 2.5. 2014 Indiana Fire Code
675 IAC 22-2.5-1 Adoption by reference
618 675 IAC 22-2.5-2 Chapter 1; administration
619 675 IAC 22-2.5-3 Chapter 2; definitions
626 675 IAC 22-2.5-4 Chapter 3; general precautions against fire
631 675 IAC 22-2.5-5 Chapter 4; emergency planning and preparedness
632 675 IAC 22-2.5-6 Chapter 5; fire services features
634 675 IAC 22-2.5-7 Chapter 6; building services and systems
636 675 IAC 22-2.5-8 Chapter 7; fire-resistance-rated construction
675 IAC 22-2.5-9 Chapter 8; interior finish, decorative materials and furnishings
675 IAC 22-2.5-10 Chapter 9; fire protection systems
642 675 IAC 22-2.5-11 Chapter 10; means of egress
645 675 IAC 22-2.5-12 Chapter 11; construction requirements for existing buildings
675 IAC 22-2.5-13 Chapter 20; aviation facilities
646 675 IAC 22-2.5-14 Chapter 21; dry cleaning
675 IAC 22-2.5-15 Chapter 22; combustible dust-producing operations
675 IAC 22-2.5-16 Chapter 23; motor fuel dispensing facilities and repair garages
650 675 IAC 22-2.5-17 Chapter 24; flammable finishes
675 IAC 22-2.5-18 Chapter 25; fruit and crop ripening
675 IAC 22-2.5-19 Chapter 26; fumigation and thermal insecticidal fogging
675 IAC 22-2.5-20 Chapter 27; semiconductor fabrication facilities
651 675 IAC 22-2.5-21 Chapter 28; lumber yards and woodworking facilities
675 IAC 22-2.5-22 Chapter 29; manufacture of organic coatings
675 IAC 22-2.5-23 Chapter 30; industrial ovens
675 IAC 22-2.5-24 Chapter 31; tents and other membrane structures
653 675 IAC 22-2.5-25 Chapter 32; high piled combustible storage
654 675 IAC 22-2.5-26 Chapter 33; fire safety during construction and demolition
675 IAC 22-2.5-27 Chapter 34; tire rebuilding and tire storage
675 IAC 22-2.5-28 Chapter 35; welding and other hot work
675 IAC 22-2.5-29 Chapter 36; marinas
655 675 IAC 22-2.5-30 Chapter 50; hazardous materials–general provisions
657 675 IAC 22-2.5-31 Chapter 51; aerosols
675 IAC 22-2.5-32 Chapter 52; combustible fibers
675 IAC 22-2.5-33 Chapter 53; compressed gases
675 IAC 22-2.5-34 Chapter 54; corrosive materials
658 675 IAC 22-2.5-35 Chapter 55; cryogenic fluids
675 IAC 22-2.5-36 Chapter 56; explosives and fireworks
660 675 IAC 22-2.5-37 Chapter 57; flammable and combustible liquids
662 675 IAC 22-2.5-38 Chapter 58; flammable gases
675 IAC 22-2.5-39 Chapter 59; flammable solids
675 IAC 22-2.5-40 Chapter 60; highly toxic and toxic materials
675 IAC 22-2.5-41 Chapter 61; liquefied petroleum gases
663 675 IAC 22-2.5-42 Chapter 62; organic peroxides
675 IAC 22-2.5-43 Chapter 63; oxidizers, oxidizing gases, and oxidizing cryogenic fluids
675 IAC 22-2.5-44 Chapter 64; pyrophoric materials
675 IAC 22-2.5-45 Chapter 65; pyroxylin (cellulose nitrate) plastics
675 IAC 22-2.5-46 Chapter 66; unstable (reactive) materials
664 675 IAC 22-2.5-47 Chapter 67; water-reactive solids and liquids
675 IAC 22-2.5-48 Appendix A; board of appeals
675 IAC 22-2.5-49 Appendix A-1 and A-2; emergency escape plan and emergency information
675 IAC 22-2.5-50 Appendices B through G
675 IAC 22-2.5-51 Appendix VI-F; recommended separation distances for explosives
Rule 1. Amusement Device Code
675 IAC 23-1-1 Title, purpose, availability (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-2 Administration, Part I; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-3 Exempted devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-4 Definitions (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-5 Responsibility for compliance (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-6 Prohibited use (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-7 Enforcement (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-8 Powers and duties (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-9 Annual operating permit (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-10 Operating permit form; application (Repealed)
675 675 IAC 23-1-11 Reciprocity (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-12 Annual inspection (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-13 Inspection seal (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-14 Periodic onsite inspection (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-15 Correction order (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-16 Sealed out of service (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-17 Subsequent inspection (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-18 Reinspections (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-19 Inspections; written reports (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-20 Penalty (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-21 Reporting injuries, deaths and mechanical failures (Repealed)
676 675 IAC 23-1-22 Technical requirements, Part II; scope (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-23 General provisions (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-24 Maintenance (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-25 Amusement device identification (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-26 Non-destructive testing (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-27 Major modifications of amusement devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-28 Repairs (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-29 Welding, cutting and brazing (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-30 Operator responsibilities (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-31 Overloading and overspeeding (Repealed)
677 675 IAC 23-1-32 Wind and storm hazards (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-33 Public protection; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-34 Signal systems (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-35 Assembly and disassembly; supervision (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-36 Assembly (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-37 Inspection of parts (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-38 Tools and equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-39 Location (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-40 Leveling and alignment (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-41 Number of exits (Repealed)
678 675 IAC 23-1-42 Access and egress; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-43 Lighting (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-44 Design and construction; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-45 Brakes (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-46 Speed limiting devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-47 Machinery guards (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-48 Driving mechanism guards (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-49 Mechanical power transmission (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-50 Interior finish (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-51 Safety equipment (Repealed)
679 675 IAC 23-1-52 Enclosed amusement device structures; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-53 Air compressors (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-54 Internal combustion power sources (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-55 Hydraulic systems; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-56 Relief devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-57 Electrical safety requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-58 Elevators, escalators and moving walks; general (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-59 Ski equipment (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-60 Adoption by reference (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-1-61 Recommended practice (Repealed)
680 675 IAC 23-1-62 Fee schedule, Part III; scope
675 IAC 23-1-63 Annual inspection fees
675 IAC 23-1-64 Administrative, Part I (Repealed)
681 Rule 2. Regulated Amusement Device Training and Certification Rules
675 IAC 23-2-1 Title; purpose; availability (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-2-2 Standard specification for physical information to be provided for amusement rides and devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-2-3 Standard terminology relating to amusement rides and devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-2-4 Standard practice for operation procedures for amusement rides and devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-2-5 Standard guide for testing performance of amusement rides and devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-2-6 Standard practice for maintenance procedures for amusement rides and devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-2-7 Standard guide for inspection of amusement rides and devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-2-8 Standard practice for the design and manufacture of amusement rides and devices (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-2-9 Standard practice for an amusement ride and device manufacturer quality assurance program (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-2-10 Standard guide for the classification of amusement ride and device related injuries and illnesses (Repealed)
682 675 IAC 23-2-11 Standard for passenger tramways-aerial tramways and lifts, surface lifts, and tows (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-2-12 Training requirements (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-2-13 Operation and maintenance (Repealed)
675 IAC 23-2-14 Inspectors (Repealed)
Rule 1. Migrant Day Care Nursery Fire Safety Code
675 IAC 24-1-1 Title, purpose, availability
675 IAC 24-1-2 Scope, enforcement
675 IAC 24-1-3 Definitions
684 675 IAC 24-1-4 Inspections
675 IAC 24-1-5 Additional regulations
675 IAC 24-1-6 Location of exempted center
675 IAC 24-1-7 Egress requirements
685 675 IAC 24-1-8 Cooking equipment
686 675 IAC 24-1-9 Flammable and combustible liquids
675 IAC 24-1-10 Fire extinguishers
675 IAC 24-1-11 General fire safety
675 IAC 24-1-12 Fire drills
687 675 IAC 24-1-13 Notification of fire department
Rule 1. Indiana Fuel Gas Code, 2003 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 2. Indiana Fuel Gas Code, 2008 Edition (Repealed)
Rule 3. 2014 Indiana Fuel Gas Code
675 IAC 25-3-1 Adoption by reference
675 IAC 25-3-2 Chapter 1; administration
690 675 IAC 25-3-3 Chapter 2; definitions
691 675 IAC 25-3-4 Chapter 3; general regulations
675 IAC 25-3-5 Chapter 4; gas piping installations
692 675 IAC 25-3-6 Chapter 8; referenced standards
Rule 1. Definitions
675 IAC 26-1-1 Definitions
694 Rule 2. Licensure Requirements
675 IAC 26-2-1 Purpose
675 IAC 26-2-2 Application for licensure as a licensed regulated explosive use-blaster
675 IAC 26-2-3 Licensure examination
696 675 IAC 26-2-4 Issuance of licensed regulated explosive use-blaster license; reciprocity; renewal of license; maintenanceand sanctions
697 675 IAC 26-2-5 Application for licensure as a licensed regulated explosive use-operator
675 IAC 26-2-6 Issuance of licensed regulated explosive use-operator license; maintenance; renewal
675 IAC 26-2-7 Orders, sanctions, and appeals
698 Rule 3. Use Requirements
675 IAC 26-3-1 Adoption of NFPA 495; Explosive Materials Code
Rule 1. Indiana Visitability Rule
675 IAC 27-1-1 Scope and enforcement
675 IAC 27-1-2 Definitions
703 675 IAC 27-1-3 Design and construction requirements
704 675 IAC 27-1-4 Entrances
675 IAC 27-1-5 Usable doors
705 675 IAC 27-1-6 Maneuvering clearances at doors
706 675 IAC 27-1-7 Maneuvering clearances at doorways without doors
675 IAC 27-1-8 Accessible route into and through the dwelling unit
707 675 IAC 27-1-9 Light switches, electrical receptacle outlets, thermostats, and other environmental controls in accessiblelocations
709 675 IAC 27-1-10 Reinforced walls for grab bars
711 675 IAC 27-1-11 Visitable kitchens
675 IAC 27-1-12 Visitable bathrooms
714 675 IAC 27-1-13 Floor or ground surfaces
715 675 IAC 27-1-14 Exterior accessible routes
Rule 1. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards
675 IAC 28-1-1 Purpose
675 IAC 28-1-2 NFPA 10; standard for portable fire extinguishers
721 675 IAC 28-1-3 NFPA 11; standard for low-, medium-, and high-expansion foam
723 675 IAC 28-1-4 NFPA 12; standard on carbon dioxide extinguishing systems
725 675 IAC 28-1-5 NFPA 13; Standard for the installation of sprinkler systems
729 675 IAC 28-1-6 NFPA 13R; Standard for the installation of sprinkler systems in residential occupancies up to and includingfour stories in height
731 675 IAC 28-1-7 (Reserved)
732 675 IAC 28-1-8 NFPA 15; standard for water spray fixed systems for fire protection
734 675 IAC 28-1-9 NFPA 17; standard for dry chemical extinguishing systems
735 675 IAC 28-1-10 NFPA 17A; standard for wet chemical extinguishing systems
736 675 IAC 28-1-11 (Reserved)
675 IAC 28-1-12 NFPA 25; standard for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of water-based fire protection systems
740 675 IAC 28-1-13 NFPA 33; standard for spray application using flammable and combustible materials
743 675 IAC 28-1-14 NFPA 34; dipping and coating processes using flammable or combustible liquids (Repealed)
675 IAC 28-1-15 NFPA 37; standard for the installation and use of stationary combustion engines and gas turbines
744 675 IAC 28-1-16 NFPA 50; standard for bulk oxygen systems at consumer sites
746 675 IAC 28-1-17 NFPA 50B; standard for liquefied hydrogen systems at consumer sites
747 675 IAC 28-1-18 NFPA 51; standard for the design and installation of oxygen-fuel gas system for welding, cutting, and alliedprocesses
749 675 IAC 28-1-19 (Reserved)
675 IAC 28-1-20 NFPA 51B; standard for fire prevention during welding, cutting and other hot work (Repealed)
675 IAC 28-1-21 NFPA 52; compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicular fuel systems code
752 675 IAC 28-1-22 NFPA 58; liquefied petroleum gas code (Repealed)
675 IAC 28-1-23 NFPA 59; utility lp-gas plant code
754 675 IAC 28-1-24 NFPA 59A; standard for the production, storage, and handling of liquefied natural gas (LNG)
757 675 IAC 28-1-25 (Reserved)
675 IAC 28-1-26 (Reserved)
675 IAC 28-1-27 (Reserved)
675 IAC 28-1-28 NFPA 72; national fire alarm and signaling code
767 675 IAC 28-1-29 (Reserved)
675 IAC 28-1-30 NFPA 82; standard on incinerators, waste and linen handling systems and equipment
768 675 IAC 28-1-31 NFPA 86; standard for ovens and furnaces
771 675 IAC 28-1-32 (Reserved)
675 IAC 28-1-33 (Reserved)
675 IAC 28-1-34 NFPA 385; standard for tank vehicles for flammable and combustible liquids
772 675 IAC 28-1-35 (Reserved)
675 IAC 28-1-36 NFPA 407; standard for aircraft fuel servicing
774 675 IAC 28-1-37 (Reserved)
675 IAC 28-1-38 NFPA 704; standard system for the identification of the fire hazards of materials for emergency response
775 675 IAC 28-1-39 NFPA 1123; code for fireworks display
777 675 IAC 28-1-40 NFPA 2001; standard on clean agent fire extinguishing systems
Rule 1. General Provisions
675 IAC 29-1-1 Scope
675 IAC 29-1-2 Applicability
675 IAC 29-1-3 Definitions
781 675 IAC 29-1-4 Exemptions
Rule 2. Installation and Use Requirements
675 IAC 29-2-1 Plans and specifications for outdoor event equipment
782 675 IAC 29-2-2 ASCE/SEI 7-10; minimum design loads for buildings and other structures
675 IAC 29-2-3 Submission of plans and specifications
675 IAC 29-2-4 Maintenance of outdoor event equipment
783 675 IAC 29-2-5 Inspections of outdoor event equipment
675 IAC 29-2-6 Responsibility of titleholder for outdoor equipment
675 IAC 29-2-7 Installation of outdoor event equipment
675 IAC 29-2-8 Emergency response plan
Rule 1. Adoption by Reference; Title; Scope; Applicability; Classification; Availability of Rule; Violations; Penalties; Appeals
675 IAC 30-1-1 Adoption by reference; approval of revisions
675 IAC 30-1-2 Title; scope; applicability; definition
786 675 IAC 30-1-3 Classification; availability of rule
675 IAC 30-1-4 Violations; appeals
675 IAC 30-1-5 Exemptions
787 Rule 2. Variances
675 IAC 30-2-1 Purpose
675 IAC 30-2-2 Statutory authority
675 IAC 30-2-3 Application process
788 675 IAC 30-2-4 Application
789 Rule 3. Administration
675 IAC 30-3-1 Duties of director of the division
675 IAC 30-3-2 Registration of owner or user inspection agencies; applications; certificates of authority
790 675 IAC 30-3-3 Inspector’s license; examination; application for license
791 675 IAC 30-3-4 Application fee for an inspector’s license
675 IAC 30-3-5 Issuance of license; record of qualifications; identification card; suspension or revocation
792 675 IAC 30-3-6 Reciprocal license; waiver of examination
675 IAC 30-3-7 Inspectors’ conflict of interest
675 IAC 30-3-8 Manufacturers’ data reports
675 IAC 30-3-9 Frequency of inspections
793 675 IAC 30-3-10 Preparation for inspection; notice
794 675 IAC 30-3-11 Reports by inspection agencies
675 IAC 30-3-12 Notice of unsafe boilers and pressure vessels; corrective measures; suspension of inspection certificate
675 IAC 30-3-13 Notice of new, canceled, or suspended insurance risks
795 675 IAC 30-3-14 Fees for reports, inspections, and inspection certificates
675 IAC 30-3-15 Posting of inspection certificates; retention of inspection reports
796 675 IAC 30-3-16 Validity of inspection certificate; expiration; suspension
675 IAC 30-3-17 Replacement of boilers and unfired pressure vessels
675 IAC 30-3-18 Assignment of state serial numbers
797 675 IAC 30-3-19 Restamping
675 IAC 30-3-20 Condemned boilers and pressure vessels; stamp; penalties for use or sale
675 IAC 30-3-21 Incident reports
798 675 IAC 30-3-22 Used installations
675 IAC 30-3-23 Reinstallations
675 IAC 30-3-24 Nonstandard boilers and pressure vessels
675 IAC 30-3-25 Safety factors for regulated equipment
799 Rule 4. Definitions
675 IAC 30-4-1 Boiler and unfired pressure vessel terms; applicability
675 IAC 30-4-2 “API-ASME” defined
675 IAC 30-4-3 “API 510” defined
675 IAC 30-4-4 “ASME code” defined
800 675 IAC 30-4-5 “Boiler” defined
675 IAC 30-4-6 “Btu” defined
675 IAC 30-4-7 “Certificate inspection” defined
675 IAC 30-4-8 “Chief inspector” defined
801 675 IAC 30-4-9 “Commercial toy boiler” defined
675 IAC 30-4-10 “Commission” defined
675 IAC 30-4-11 “Commissioner” defined
675 IAC 30-4-12 “Boiler or unfired pressure vessel prohibited from further use or operation” defined
802 675 IAC 30-4-13 “Director” defined
675 IAC 30-4-14 “Division” defined
675 IAC 30-4-15 “Domestic water heater” defined
675 IAC 30-4-16 “Exhibition traction engine boiler” defined
803 675 IAC 30-4-17 “Existing installation” defined
675 IAC 30-4-18 “External inspection” defined
675 IAC 30-4-19 “Hot water heating boiler” defined
675 IAC 30-4-20 “Hot water supply boiler” defined
804 675 IAC 30-4-21 “Inspection agency” defined
675 IAC 30-4-22 “Inspection certificate” defined
675 IAC 30-4-23 “Inspector” defined
675 IAC 30-4-24 “Inspector commission” defined
805 675 IAC 30-4-25 “Inspector’s license” defined
675 IAC 30-4-26 “Internal inspection” defined
675 IAC 30-4-27 “Low pressure heating boiler” defined
675 IAC 30-4-28 “Major repair” defined
806 675 IAC 30-4-29 “Miniature boiler” defined
675 IAC 30-4-30 “Model boiler” defined
675 IAC 30-4-31 “National Board” defined
807 675 IAC 30-4-32 “NBIC” defined
675 IAC 30-4-33 “New installation” defined
675 IAC 30-4-34 “Nonstandard boiler or unfired pressure vessel” defined
675 IAC 30-4-35 “Operating permit” defined
808 675 IAC 30-4-36 “Owner or user” defined
675 IAC 30-4-37 “Owner or user inspection agency” defined
675 IAC 30-4-38 “Place of public assembly” defined
675 IAC 30-4-39 “Power boiler” defined
809 675 IAC 30-4-40 “Psi” defined
675 IAC 30-4-41 “Psig” defined
675 IAC 30-4-42 “Reinstalled boiler or unfired pressure vessel” defined
675 IAC 30-4-43 “Rules board” defined
810 675 IAC 30-4-44 “Secondhand boiler or unfired pressure vessel” defined
675 IAC 30-4-45 “Service water heater” defined
675 IAC 30-4-46 “Special inspector” defined
675 IAC 30-4-47 “Standard boiler or unfired pressure vessel” defined
811 675 IAC 30-4-48 “State inspector” defined
675 IAC 30-4-49 “Steam cleaner” defined
675 IAC 30-4-50 “Unfired pressure vessel” defined
675 IAC 30-4-51 “Waste heat boiler” defined
812 Rule 5. General Requirements
675 IAC 30-5-1 Inspections
675 IAC 30-5-2 Preparation for inspection
813 675 IAC 30-5-3 Improper preparation for inspection
675 IAC 30-5-4 Lap seam cracks
814 675 IAC 30-5-5 Hydrostatic pressure tests; procedures; standards; alternative tests
675 IAC 30-5-6 Safety appliances; removal or alteration
675 IAC 30-5-7 Low water fuel cut-off devices
815 675 IAC 30-5-8 Blow-off tanks; outlets and discharges
675 IAC 30-5-9 Location of discharge piping outlets
816 675 IAC 30-5-10 Pressure reducing valves; relief or safety valves; hand-controlled bypasses
675 IAC 30-5-11 Repairs or alterations to boilers and pressure vessels
817 675 IAC 30-5-12 Shop inspections; fees
675 IAC 30-5-13 Masonry or structural supports
675 IAC 30-5-14 Service water heaters; exceptions; relief valves
818 675 IAC 30-5-15 Conditions not covered by this article
Rule 6. New Installations of Boilers
675 IAC 30-6-1 Compliance with ASME code; special designs
675 IAC 30-6-2 Inspection; stamping of serial number
819 675 IAC 30-6-3 Access for inspection of drum heads
Rule 7. New Installations of Unfired Pressure Vessels
675 IAC 30-7-1 Compliance with ASME code; special designs
675 IAC 30-7-2 Inspection; stamping of serial number
820 Rule 8. Existing Installations of Power Boilers
675 IAC 30-8-1 Maximum allowable working pressure for standard boilers
675 IAC 30-8-2 Maximum allowable working pressure for nonstandard boilers
821 675 IAC 30-8-3 Maximum working pressure for all boilers
675 IAC 30-8-4 Maximum allowable working pressure for water tube boilers
822 675 IAC 30-8-5 Cast iron boilers; use as power boiler prohibited
675 IAC 30-8-6 Access for inspection of drum heads
675 IAC 30-8-7 Stamping of serial number; alternative standards
675 IAC 30-8-8 Feed supply and piping
823 675 IAC 30-8-9 Fire-actuated fusible plugs
675 IAC 30-8-10 Water columns, gage cocks, and gage glasses
824 675 IAC 30-8-11 Steam gages; shutoff valves; nipple and globe valves
675 IAC 30-8-12 Stop valves; drainage
825 675 IAC 30-8-13 Blow-off piping; heat protection; fittings
675 IAC 30-8-14 Safety valves; prohibited types; installation; standards; relieving capacity
826 675 IAC 30-8-15 Repair or replacement of fittings or appliances
675 IAC 30-8-16 Conditions not covered by this article
Rule 9. Existing Installations of Miniature Boilers
675 IAC 30-9-1 Maximum allowable working pressure
827 675 IAC 30-9-2 Feed supply and piping
675 IAC 30-9-3 Water level indicators
675 IAC 30-9-4 Steam gages; dial range
828 675 IAC 30-9-5 Stop valves; location
675 IAC 30-9-6 Blow-off piping; dimensions; material standards
675 IAC 30-9-7 Safety valves; type permitted; identification; relieving capacity
829 675 IAC 30-9-8 Burners in gas-fired installations
675 IAC 30-9-9 Flue connections for gas fired installations
675 IAC 30-9-10 Inspection; stamping of serial number
Rule 10. Existing Installations of Heating Boilers
675 IAC 30-10-1 Maximum allowable working pressure for standard boilers
830 675 IAC 30-10-2 Maximum allowable working pressure for nonstandard riveted boilers
675 IAC 30-10-3 Maximum allowable working pressure for nonstandard welded boilers
675 IAC 30-10-4 Maximum allowable working pressure for nonstandard cast iron boilers
675 IAC 30-10-5 Feed water connections; stop and check valves
831 675 IAC 30-10-6 Return pumps; water level control
675 IAC 30-10-7 Water gage glasses; location
675 IAC 30-10-8 Steam gages for low pressure steam heating boilers; connections; dial range; stops
832 675 IAC 30-10-9 Pressure or altitude gages for hot water heating boilers; connections; dial range; stops
675 IAC 30-10-10 Thermometers for hot water heating boilers; location and connection
675 IAC 30-10-11 Stop valves and check valves
833 675 IAC 30-10-12 Safety valves for low pressure steam heating boilers; dimensions and capacity
675 IAC 30-10-13 Relief valves for hot water heating or supply boilers; settings; dimensions; relief capacity
834 675 IAC 30-10-14 Installation of safety and relief valves
675 IAC 30-10-15 Repair or replacement of fittings or appliances
835 675 IAC 30-10-16 Inspection; stamping of serial number
Rule 11. Existing Installations of Unfired Pressure Vessels
675 IAC 30-11-1 Maximum allowable working pressure for standard unfired pressure vessels
675 IAC 30-11-2 Maximum allowable working pressure for nonstandard unfired pressure vessels
837 675 IAC 30-11-3 Safety factor
675 IAC 30-11-4 Safety appliances
675 IAC 30-11-5 Inspection; stamping of serial number
838 675 IAC 30-11-6 Repair or replacement of fittings or appliances
Rule 1. General Provisions
675 IAC 31-1-1 Title; purpose; availability
675 IAC 31-1-2 Exempted devices
Rule 2. Adoption by Reference
675 IAC 31-2-1 General
840 675 IAC 31-2-2 Standard specification for physical information to be provided for amusement rides and devices
675 IAC 31-2-3 Standard terminology relating to amusement rides and devices
841 675 IAC 31-2-4 Standard practice for operation procedures for amusement rides and devices
675 IAC 31-2-5 Standard guide for testing performance of amusement rides and devices
842 675 IAC 31-2-6 Standard practice for maintenance procedures for amusement rides and devices
675 IAC 31-2-7 Standard guide for inspection of amusement rides and devices
843 675 IAC 31-2-8 Standard practice for the design of amusement rides and devices
675 IAC 31-2-9 Standard practice for an amusement ride and device manufacturer quality assurance program
675 IAC 31-2-10 Standard guide for the classification of amusement ride and device related injuries and illnesses
844 675 IAC 31-2-11 Standard for passenger tramways-aerial tramways and lifts, surface lifts, and tows
845 Rule 3. Definitions
675 IAC 31-3-1 Applicability
675 IAC 31-3-2 “Accepted engineering practice” defined
675 IAC 31-3-3 “Air-supported structure” defined
846 675 IAC 31-3-4 “Amusement device” defined
675 IAC 31-3-5 “Amusement park” defined
675 IAC 31-3-6 “Approved” defined
675 IAC 31-3-7 “Carnival” defined
847 675 IAC 31-3-8 “Circular ride” defined
675 IAC 31-3-9 “Control access system” defined
675 IAC 31-3-10 “Convey” defined
675 IAC 31-3-11 “Critical components” defined
848 675 IAC 31-3-12 “Department” defined
675 IAC 31-3-13 “Device” defined
675 IAC 31-3-14 “Division” defined
675 IAC 31-3-15 “Fence” defined
849 675 IAC 31-3-16 “Flat ride” defined
675 IAC 31-3-17 “High ride” defined
675 IAC 31-3-18 “Inspection seal” defined
675 IAC 31-3-19 “Inspections” defined
850 675 IAC 31-3-20 “Inspector” defined
675 IAC 31-3-21 “Maintenance” defined
675 IAC 31-3-22 “Major modification” defined
675 IAC 31-3-23 “Minor modification” defined
851 675 IAC 31-3-24 “Monitoring” defined
675 IAC 31-3-25 “Operating permit” defined
675 IAC 31-3-26 “Operator” defined
675 IAC 31-3-27 “Owner” defined
852 675 IAC 31-3-28 “Owner/operator” defined
675 IAC 31-3-29 “Prime mover” defined
675 IAC 31-3-30 “Properly maintained” defined
675 IAC 31-3-31 “Regulated amusement device” defined
853 675 IAC 31-3-32 “Restraining device” defined
675 IAC 31-3-33 “Safe” defined
675 IAC 31-3-34 “Safety retainer” defined
675 IAC 31-3-35 “Serious injury” defined
675 IAC 31-3-36 “Shall” or “must” defined
854 675 IAC 31-3-37 “Trackless train” defined
675 IAC 31-3-38 “Unscheduled cessation” defined
Rule 4. Administration
675 IAC 31-4-1 Responsibility for compliance
675 IAC 31-4-2 Enforcement
855 675 IAC 31-4-3 Operating permit form; application
675 IAC 31-4-4 Annual inspection
856 675 IAC 31-4-5 Inspection seal
675 IAC 31-4-6 Periodic on-site inspection
675 IAC 31-4-7 Correction order
857 675 IAC 31-4-8 Sealed out of service
675 IAC 31-4-9 Subsequent inspection
675 IAC 31-4-10 Reinspections
858 675 IAC 31-4-11 Reporting injuries, deaths, and mechanical failures
Rule 5. Technical Requirements
675 IAC 31-5-1 Technical requirements; scope
859 675 IAC 31-5-2 General provisions
675 IAC 31-5-3 Maintenance
675 IAC 31-5-4 Amusement device identification
675 IAC 31-5-5 Testing
860 675 IAC 31-5-6 Major modifications of regulated amusement devices
861 675 IAC 31-5-7 Repairs
675 IAC 31-5-8 Welding, cutting, and brazing
675 IAC 31-5-9 Operating fact sheet
862 675 IAC 31-5-10 Overloading and overspeeding
675 IAC 31-5-11 Public protection; general
675 IAC 31-5-12 Signal systems
675 IAC 31-5-13 Assembly and disassembly; supervision
863 675 IAC 31-5-14 Assembly
675 IAC 31-5-15 Inspection of parts
675 IAC 31-5-16 Tools and equipment
675 IAC 31-5-17 Location
864 675 IAC 31-5-18 Leveling and alignment
675 IAC 31-5-19 Number of exits
675 IAC 31-5-20 Access and egress; general
865 675 IAC 31-5-21 Lighting
675 IAC 31-5-22 Brakes
675 IAC 31-5-23 Speed limiting devices
866 675 IAC 31-5-24 Machinery guards
675 IAC 31-5-25 Driving mechanism guards
675 IAC 31-5-26 Mechanical power transmission
675 IAC 31-5-27 Interior finish
867 675 IAC 31-5-28 Safety equipment
675 IAC 31-5-29 Enclosed regulated amusement device structures; general
675 IAC 31-5-30 Air compressors
675 IAC 31-5-31 Internal combustion power sources
868 675 IAC 31-5-32 Hydraulic systems; general
675 IAC 31-5-33 Relief devices
675 IAC 31-5-34 Electrical safety requirements
675 IAC 31-5-35 Elevators, escalators, and moving walks; general
869 675 IAC 31-5-36 Ski equipment
Rule 6. Trackless Trains or Similar Devices
675 IAC 31-6-1 Operators
675 IAC 31-6-2 Design criteria
675 IAC 31-6-3 Data plate
870 675 IAC 31-6-4 Design grades
675 IAC 31-6-5 Couplings and safety chains
675 IAC 31-6-6 Brakes
675 IAC 31-6-7 Steering
871 675 IAC 31-6-8 Drawbar capacity
675 IAC 31-6-9 Center of gravity
675 IAC 31-6-10 Use of spring suspension
675 IAC 31-6-11 Additional safety features
872 675 IAC 31-6-12 Other traffic
IN LakeCounty Griffithtown Amendment 3 ?u=/product/publishers/in/in-lakecounty-griffithtown-amendment-3/ Sat, 19 Oct 2024 09:43:09 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/in-lakecounty-griffithtown-amendment-3/ IN - Lake County - Griffith town - Amendment
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IN MarionCounty Speedwaytown Amendment 1 ?u=/product/publishers/in/in-marioncounty-speedwaytown-amendment-1/ Sat, 19 Oct 2024 09:41:43 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/in-marioncounty-speedwaytown-amendment-1/ IN - Marion County - Speedway town - Amendment
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IN MarionCounty Speedwaytown Amendments 1 ?u=/product/publishers/in/in-marioncounty-speedwaytown-amendments-1/ Sat, 19 Oct 2024 09:41:43 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/in-marioncounty-speedwaytown-amendments-1/ IN - Marion County - Speedway town - Amendments
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IN N/A 27

IN MarionCounty BeechGrovecity Amendments 1 ?u=/product/publishers/in/in-marioncounty-beechgrovecity-amendments-1/ Sat, 19 Oct 2024 09:41:43 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/in-marioncounty-beechgrovecity-amendments-1/ IN - Marion County - Beech Grove city - Amendments
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IN N/A 87

IN MontgomeryCounty Crawfordsvillecity Amendment 1 ?u=/product/publishers/in/in-montgomerycounty-crawfordsvillecity-amendment-1/ Sat, 19 Oct 2024 09:41:43 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/in-montgomerycounty-crawfordsvillecity-amendment-1/ IN - Montgomery County - Crawfordsville city - Amendment
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IN N/A 9

IN LakeCounty St.Johntown Amendment 2 ?u=/product/publishers/in/in-lakecounty-st-johntown-amendment-2/ Sat, 19 Oct 2024 09:41:42 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/in-lakecounty-st-johntown-amendment-2/ IN - Lake County - St. John town - Amendment
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IN N/A 6

IN LakeCounty LakeStationcity Amendments 1 ?u=/product/publishers/in/in-lakecounty-lakestationcity-amendments-1/ Sat, 19 Oct 2024 09:41:41 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/in-lakecounty-lakestationcity-amendments-1/ IN - Lake County - Lake Station city - Amendments
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IN N/A 3

IN LakeCounty St.Johntown Amendment 1 ?u=/product/publishers/in/in-lakecounty-st-johntown-amendment-1/ Sat, 19 Oct 2024 09:41:41 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/in-lakecounty-st-johntown-amendment-1/ IN - Lake County - St. John town - Amendment
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IN N/A 22
