25.080.30 – Broaching machines – PDF Standards Store ?u= Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:50:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png 25.080.30 – Broaching machines – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 JIS B 6227:1982 (R1987) ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-b-62271982-r1987/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:50:24 +0000 Test Code for Performance and Accuracy of Vertical Internal Type Broaching Machines
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 1982-02-01 12
Test Code for Performance and Accuracy of Vertical Internal Type Broaching Machines
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 1982-02-01 12
ISO 6779:2019 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-67792019/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 23:47:27 +0000 Conditions de réception des machines verticales à brocher les intérieurs — Contrôle de l'exactitude
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2019-05 28
Le présent document spécifie, par référence à l'ISO 230-1, les essais géométriques sur les machines verticales à brocher les intérieurs à axe vertical Z assurant le principal mouvement de coupe.

Il spécifie également les tolérances applicables correspondant aux essais mentionnés ci-dessus pour les machines verticales à brocher les intérieurs d'exactitude normale.

Le présent document explique les concepts ou configurations et les caractéristiques communes des machines verticales à brocher les intérieurs. Il fournit également la terminologie associée et une désignation des axes.

Le présent document traite uniquement de la vérification de l'exactitude de la machine à brocher. Il ne s'applique ni à l'examen du fonctionnement de la machine (par exemple, vibrations, bruit anormal, points durs dans les déplacements d'organes) ni à celui des caractéristiques de la machine (par exemple, vitesses, avances), puisque de telles vérifications sont, en général, effectuées avant le contrôle de l'exactitude.

ISO 6779:1981 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-67791981/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 23:47:27 +0000 Acceptance conditions for broaching machines of vertical internal type — Testing of accuracy
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 1981-09 7
Specifies both preliminary levelling and geometrical tests for these general purpose and normal accuracy broaching machines, and gives the corresponding permissible deviations which apply. Gives also the terminology used for the main elements of the machine (in English, French and Russian as well as the equivalent terms in German). It deals only with the verification of accuracy of the machine. It does not apply to the testing of the running of the machine, nor to machine characteristics which should generally be checked before the accuracy is tested.

ISO 6481:1981 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-64811981/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 23:42:57 +0000 Acceptance conditions for vertical surface type broaching machines — Testing of accuracy
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 1981-10 8
specifies both preliminary levelling and geometrical tests for these general purpose and normal accuracy broaching machines, and gives the corresponding permissible deviations which apply. Gives also the terminology used for the main elements of the machine (in English, French and Russian as well as the equivalent terms in German and Italian). It deals only with the verification of accuracy of the machine. It does not apply to the testing of the running of the machine, nor to machine characteristics which should generally be checked before the accuracy is tested.

ISO 6481:2019 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-64812019/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 23:42:57 +0000 Conditions de réception des machines verticales à brocher les extérieurs — Contrôle de l'exactitude
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2019-06 26
Le présent document spécifie, par référence à l'ISO 230-1, les essais géométriques sur les machines à brocher les extérieurs à axe vertical Z assurant le principal mouvement de coupe.

Il spécifie également les tolérances applicables correspondant aux essais mentionnés ci-dessus pour les machines verticales à brocher les extérieurs d'exactitude normale.

Le présent document explique les différents concepts ou configurations et les caractéristiques communes des machines verticales à brocher les extérieurs. Il fournit également la terminologie associée et une désignation des axes.

Il ne s'applique pas à l'examen du fonctionnement de la machine (par exemple, vibrations, bruit anormal, points durs dans les déplacements d'organes), ni à celui des caractéristiques de la machine (par exemple, vitesses, avances), puisque de telles vérifications sont, en général, effectuées avant le contrôle de l'exactitude.

ISO 6480:2019 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-64802019/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 23:42:56 +0000 Conditions de réception des machines horizontales à brocher les intérieurs — Contrôle de l'exactitude
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2019-06 26
Le présent document spécifie, par référence à l'ISO 230-1, les essais géométriques sur les machines horizontales à brocher les intérieurs à axe horizontal Z assurant le principal mouvement de coupe.

Il spécifie également les tolérances applicables correspondant aux essais mentionnés ci-dessus pour les machines horizontales à brocher les intérieurs d'exactitude normale.

Le présent document explique les concepts ou configurations et les caractéristiques communes des machines horizontales à brocher les intérieurs. Il fournit également la terminologie associée et une désignation des axes.

Il traite uniquement de la vérification de l'exactitude de la machine. Il ne s'applique ni à l'examen du fonctionnement de la machine (par exemple, vibrations, bruit anormal, points durs dans les déplacements d'organes) ni à celui des caractéristiques de la machine (par exemple, vitesses, avances), puisque de telles vérifications sont, en général, effectuées avant le contrôle de l'exactitude.

ISO 6480:1983 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-64801983/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 23:42:56 +0000 Conditions of acceptance for horizontal internal broaching machines — Testing of the accuracy
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 1983-04 8
Specifies geometrical tests for these general purpose and normal accuracy broaching machines and gives the corresponding permissible deviations apply. Gives also the terminology used for the main elements of the machine (in English, French and Russian as well as the equivalent terms in German and Italian). It deals only with the verification of accuracy of the machine. It does not apply to the testing of the running of the machine, nor to machine characteristics which should generally be checked before the accuracy is tested.

ISO 19744:2020 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-197442020/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:16:34 +0000 Test conditions for numerically controlled broaching machines — Testing of accuracy — Vertical surface type broaching machines
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2020-02 52
This document specifies, with reference to ISO 230-1, the geometric tests on numerically controlled (NC) broaching machines of normal accuracy, with vertical axis acting for cutting operation. The accuracy of rotary axes, if available, is checked with reference to ISO 230-7.

This document also specifies, with reference to ISO 230-2, the positioning tests on vertical surface type broaching machines for both linear and rotary axes.

This document proposes test pieces containing broached slots and grooves with reference to ISO 230-1, cutting tests under finishing conditions. It also specifies the characteristics and dimensions of the test pieces themselves. This document is intended to supply minimum requirements for assessing the cutting accuracy of the machine.

This document also establishes the tolerances for the test results corresponding to general purpose and normal accuracy vertical surface type broaching machines equipped with numerical control.

This document explains different concepts or configurations and common features of NC vertical surface type broaching machines which are normally used in the manufacturing of turbine disks. It also provides a terminology and designation of controlled axes with reference to ISO 841.

This document deals only with the verification of the accuracy of the broaching machine. It does not apply to the operational testing of the machine (e.g. vibration, abnormal noise, stick-slip motion of components), nor to machine characteristics (e.g. speeds, feeds) as such checks are generally carried out before testing the accuracy.

BS ISO 6779:2023 – TC ?u=/product/publishers/bsi/bs-iso-67792023-tc/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 08:52:00 +0000 Tracked Changes. Test conditions for vertical internal type broaching machines. Testing of accuracy
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 2023 53
PDF Catalog
PDF Pages PDF Title
29 undefined
33 Foreword
34 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
35 4 Terminology and designation of axes
36 5 Preliminary remarks
5.1 Measurement units
5.2 Reference to the ISO 230 series
37 5.3 Testing sequence
5.4 Tests to be performed
5.5 Tolerances and minimum tolerance
5.6 Measuring instruments
38 6 Geometric tests
49 7 Machining tests
50 Annex A (informative) Terms in other languages
51 Bibliography
BS ISO 6779:2023 ?u=/product/publishers/bsi/bs-iso-67792023/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 08:45:11 +0000 Test conditions for vertical internal type broaching machines. Testing of accuracy
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 2023 26
PDF Catalog
PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
6 Foreword
7 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
8 4 Terminology and designation of axes
9 5 Preliminary remarks
5.1 Measurement units
5.2 Reference to the ISO 230 series
10 5.3 Testing sequence
5.4 Tests to be performed
5.5 Tolerances and minimum tolerance
5.6 Measuring instruments
11 6 Geometric tests
22 7 Machining tests
23 Annex A (informative) Terms in other languages
24 Bibliography