BS ISO 15373:2001
Plastics. Polymer dispersions. Determination of free formaldehyde
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
BSI | 2001 | 20 |
This International Standard describes two methods for the determination of free formaldehyde (HCHO) in polymer dispersions. The procedure has been evaluated using acrylic, acrylonitrile butadiene, carboxylated styrenebutadiene and vinyl acetate polymer dispersions. Both test methods may also be applicable to polymer dispersions of other compositions.
Method A is the preferred method for polymer dispersions with a free-formaldehyde content higher than 10 mg/kg. Method B is recommended if lower formaldehyde contents have to be determined or arbitration analyses have to be carried out.
Both methods minimize changes in free-formaldehyde concentration that can result from changes in the physical or chemical properties of polymer dispersions.
There are no known limitations to these methods when used in the manner described.
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PDF Pages | PDF Title |
3 | Plastics�— Polymer dispersions�— Determination of free formaldehyde |
5 | Contents Page |
6 | Foreword |
7 | Plastics�— Polymer dispersions�— Determination of free formaldehyde 1��� Scope 2��� Normative references 3��� Principle |
8 | 4��� Interference 4.1��� Method A 4.2��� Method B 5��� Reagents (methods�A and B) 5.1��� Acetic acid 5.2��� Ammonium acetate 5.3��� Formaldehyde 5.4��� 2,4-Pentanedione 5.5��� Phosphoric acid solution 5.6��� Potassium ferrocyanide trihydrate solution 5.7��� Zinc sulfate heptahydrate solution 5.8��� Sodium hydroxide |
9 | 5.9��� Sodium phosphate, dibasic 5.10��� Nash reagent 5.10.1��� Transfer 5.10.2��� Pipette 5.10.3��� Transfer the Nash reagent to the post-column reactor reservoir (see 5.10.4��� Degas the Nash reagent with a helium sparge. 5.11��� Mobile phase and standard diluent 5.11.1��� Transfer 5.11.2��� Adjust the pH of the solution to 5.11.3��� Prepare the standard diluent in the same manner. 5.11.4��� Degas the mobile phase with a helium sparge. 5.12��� Sample diluent 5.12.1��� The sample diluent is prepared in the same way as the mobile phase described in 5.12.2��� The final step of the diluent preparation requires a pH adjustment. Before this step, m… 5.13��� Standard reference solution 5.13.1��� Stock standard reference solution 5.13.2��� Series of standard reference solutions |
10 | 5.13.3��� Frequency of preparation 6��� Apparatus 6.1��� Amber bottle 6.2��� Sample filter 6.3��� High-speed centrifuge 6.4��� Low-speed centrifuge 6.5��� Method A 6.5.1��� Photoelectric colorimeter 6.5.2��� Test tubes 6.6��� Method B 6.6.1��� HPLC system��� Liquid chromatograph��� Post-column reactor��� Chromatographic column��� Chromatographic guard column��� Data system��� Configuration of liquid chromatograph��� Configuration of post-column reactor (PCR) |
12 |��� Operating conditions 6.6.2��� Syringe 7��� Procedure 7.1��� Preparation of test solution 7.1.1��� Dilution of test sample 7.1.2��� Filtration 7.1.3��� Centrifugation 7.1.4��� Coagulation |
13 | 7.2��� Blank solution 7.3��� Check test (method B) 7.3.1��� Determine whether the system is working properly by injecting 7.3.2��� The run time for the analysis is 7.4��� Calibration 7.4.1��� Method A��� Two types of calibration are specified, depending on which test solution preparation p…��� Measure the extinction coefficient of the standard solutions and prepare a calibration… 7.4.2��� Method B��� Inject��� The area under the formaldehyde peak in the chromatogram is considered to be a quantit…��� Measure the area of the formaldehyde peak (see |
15 | 7.5��� Determination of formaldehyde 7.5.1��� Method A 7.5.2��� Method B��� Analyse the filtrate prepared in��� Identify the formaldehyde peak on the chromatogram using the retention time.��� Measure the formaldehyde peak area (see��� Analyse the reagent blank (standard diluent) (see |
16 | 8��� Calculation 8.1��� Calculate the mass fraction of formaldehyde in the diluted polymer dispersion, 8.2��� Determine the mass fraction of formaldehyde in the test sample, 9��� Precision for method B 9.1��� Precision estimates |
17 | 9.2��� Repeatability 9.3��� Reproducibility 9.4��� Bias 10��� Test report |
18 | Bibliography |