ASCE 20 96 1996
ASCE Standard 20 Standard Guidelines for the Design and Installation of Pile Foundations
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
ASCE | 1996 | 46 |
This IStandardn provides a guideline for an engineering approach to the design and subsequent installation of pile foundations. The purpose is to furnish a rational basis for this process, taking into account published model building codes and general standards of practice. It covers such topics as: 1) Administrative requirements; 2) pile shaft strength requirements; 3) soil-pile interface strength requirements and capacity; 4) design loads; 5) design stresses; 6) construction and layout guidelines for pile design; and 7) installation guidelines for pile construction. In addition, the IStandardn includes information on applicable standards from ASTM, AWPA, and ACI. It concludes with an Appendix on partial factors of safety.
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PDF Pages | PDF Title |
13 | 1 GENERAL 1 GENERAL 1.1 Scope 1.1 Scope 1.2 Referenced Standards 1.2 Referenced Standards Deviations from This Standard Deviations from This Standard 1.4 EngineerRequired 1.4 EngineerRequired 1.5 Definitions 1.5 Definitions |
15 | 2 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 2 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Investigation for Design Investigation for Design 2.2 Design Analysis 2.2 Design Analysis 2.3 Durability 2.3 Durability 2.4 Adjacentproperty 2.4 Adjacentproperty Use of Existing Piles Use of Existing Piles Special Design Considerations Special Design Considerations 2.7 Coordination with Other Work 2.7 Coordination with Other Work |
16 | 2.8 Installation Criteria 2.8 Installation Criteria 2.9 Plans and Specifications 2.9 Plans and Specifications 2.10 Records 2.10 Records 2.11 Design Modifications 2.11 Design Modifications 2.12 LoadTests 2.12 LoadTests 3.1 General 3.1 General 3.1.1 Minimum pile shaft material requirements 3.1.1 Minimum pile shaft material requirements 3.2 Structural Strength of Piles 3.2 Structural Strength of Piles |
17 | 3.2.1 Maximum allowable shaft stresses 3.2.1 Maximum allowable shaft stresses Critical Shaft Section Critical Shaft Section 3.4 Handling and Driving Stresses 3.4 Handling and Driving Stresses Piles with Unsupported Length Piles with Unsupported Length SOIL-PILE INTERFACE STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS AND CAPACITY SOIL-PILE INTERFACE STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS AND CAPACITY 4.1 General 4.1 General 4.1.1 Analysis of soil-pile capacity 4.1.1 Analysis of soil-pile capacity 4.2 Designation of Supporting Strata 4.2 Designation of Supporting Strata 4.2.1 Ultimate capacity 4.2.1 Ultimate capacity 4.2.2 Pile groups 4.2.2 Pile groups |
18 | Static Resistance Analysis Static Resistance Analysis Pile movement under load Pile movement under load 4.4 Negative Friction 4.4 Negative Friction 4.5 Pile Load Tests 4.5 Pile Load Tests Design capacity by load tests Design capacity by load tests 4.5.2 Dynamic testing 4.5.2 Dynamic testing |
19 | 3 PILE SHAFT STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS 3 PILE SHAFT STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS Static load tests Static load tests Static compressive load tests Static compressive load tests Static tensile load tests Static tensile load tests Static lateral load tests Static lateral load tests Time of load tests Time of load tests Interpretation of static pile load tests Interpretation of static pile load tests |
20 | 5 DESIGNLOADS 5 DESIGNLOADS 5.1 LoadsToBeUsed 5.1 LoadsToBeUsed 5.2 Maximum Combination of Loads 5.2 Maximum Combination of Loads 5.3 PileGroups 5.3 PileGroups |
21 | 6 DESIGNSTRESSES 6 DESIGNSTRESSES 6.1 General 6.1 General Use of higher allowable stresses Use of higher allowable stresses 6.2 Timberpiles 6.2 Timberpiles Dimensions and stresses Dimensions and stresses 6.2.2 Preservative treatment 6.2.2 Preservative treatment Untreated timber piles Untreated timber piles 6.3 Concretepiles 6.3 Concretepiles Reinforced precast concrete piles Reinforced precast concrete piles Prestressed precast concrete piles Prestressed precast concrete piles |
22 | Concrete-filled shell piles Concrete-filled shell piles Uncased cast-in-place and augered pressure grouted concrete piles Uncased cast-in-place and augered pressure grouted concrete piles 6.4 SteelPiles 6.4 SteelPiles 6.4.1 Allowable stresses 6.4.1 Allowable stresses Minimum dimensions rolled steel H piles and fabricated piles Minimum dimensions rolled steel H piles and fabricated piles |
23 | Minimum dimensions steel pipe piles Minimum dimensions steel pipe piles Steel pipe or tube piles-concrete filled Steel pipe or tube piles-concrete filled 6.4.5 Mandrel-driven shell or tube piles 6.4.5 Mandrel-driven shell or tube piles Driven caisson-type piles Driven caisson-type piles 6.4.7 Composite and other pile types 6.4.7 Composite and other pile types |
24 | 6.5 Mini-Piles 6.5 Mini-Piles 6.5.1 Mini-pile strength requirements and capacity 6.5.1 Mini-pile strength requirements and capacity Mini-pile quality control Mini-pile quality control 7.3 Driving Stresses 7.3 Driving Stresses |
25 | 7.4 Location and Axial Alignment Tolerances 7.4 Location and Axial Alignment Tolerances Obstructions and Hard Strata Obstructions and Hard Strata 7.6 Design Modifications Due to Field Conditions 7.6 Design Modifications Due to Field Conditions 7.7 Cross-Sectional Area 7.7 Cross-Sectional Area 7.8 Pilespacing 7.8 Pilespacing |
26 | 7.10 Splices 7.10 Splices |
27 | INSTALLATION GUIDELINES FOR PILE CONSTRUCTION INSTALLATION GUIDELINES FOR PILE CONSTRUCTION 8.1 General 8.1 General 8.2 Installation Equipment 8.2 Installation Equipment Selection of driving system Selection of driving system 8.2.2 Followers 8.2.2 Followers Equipment for Augered Pressure Grouted Piles Equipment for Augered Pressure Grouted Piles 8.3.1 Augering equipment 8.3.1 Augering equipment 8.3.2 Mixing and pumping equipment 8.3.2 Mixing and pumping equipment Operations Operations |
28 | Continuous Driving Continuous Driving Heaved Piles Heaved Piles |
29 | Cast-in-Place Concrete Cast-in-Place Concrete Driving and Installation Anomalies Driving and Installation Anomalies Relaxation Relaxation Soil Freeze or Setup Soil Freeze or Setup Obstructions Obstructions Pile Protection Pile Protection |
30 | Bent Dog-Legged Bent Dog-Legged Pile Installation and Testing Records Pile Installation and Testing Records Probepiles Probepiles 9 APPLICABLE STANDARDS 9 APPLICABLE STANDARDS 9.1 ASTMStandards 9.1 ASTMStandards |
32 | 9.2 AWPAStandards 9.2 AWPAStandards 9.3 ACIStandards 9.3 ACIStandards |
36 | A.3.1 Factor F A.3.1 Factor F |