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AAMI 13022 2012


ANSI/AAMI/ISO 13022:2012 – Medical products containing viable human cells-Application of risk management and requirements for processing practices

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AAMI 2012 71
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Specifies a procedure to identify the hazards and hazardous situations and to manage the risk associated with viable cellular component(s) of products regulated as medicinal products, biologics, medical devices and active implantable medical devices or combinations thereof. Covers viable human materials of autologous as well as allogeneic human origin.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 ANSI/AAMI/ISO 13022:2012, Medical products containing viable human cells — Application of risk management and requirements for processing practices
2 Objectives and uses of AAMI standards and recommended practices
3 Title page
4 AAMI Standard

Copyright information
5 Table of contents
7 Glossary of equivalent standards
9 Committee representation
11 Background of ANSI/AAMI adoption of ISO 13022:2012
12 Foreword
13 Introduction
15 1 Scope
16 2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
21 4 Risk management process
4.1 General
22 4.2 Hazards associated with the cellular component
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Responsibilities
4.2.3 Documentation
23 4.2.4 Personnel
4.3 Risk analysis
4.3.1 General
24 4.3.2 Intended use and identification of characteristics related to the safety of the cellular component of the product
4.3.3 Identification of hazards
25 4.4 Risk evaluation
4.5 Risk control
4.5.1 General
4.5.2 Residual risk evaluation
4.6 Evaluation of overall residual risk acceptability
26 4.7 Production and post-production information system
27 Annex A (informative) Guidance on the application of ISO 13022
A.1 General
A.2 Application to sources for human cells and tissues
A.3 Application to materials supplied by third parties
28 Annex B (informative) Graphic representation of the part of the risk management process for cell-based medical products
29 Annex C (normative)
Requirements for donor selection and testing
C.1 General
C.2 Deceased donors
C.2.1 General criteria for exclusion
30 C.2.2 Additional criteria for deceased child donors
C.3 Living donors – General criteria for selection
C.3.1 Autologous living donor

C.3.2 Allogeneic living donor
31 C.4 Biological tests required for donors
32 C.5 Requirements to be met for determining biological markers
C.5.1 General
C.5.2 Hemodilution
C.5.3 Sampling from deceased donors
C.5.4 Sampling from living donors
34 Annex D (informative)
Guidance for tissue procurement
D.1 General
D.2 Consent and donor identification
D.3 Donor evaluation for allogeneic donors
D.4 Procurement procedures for tissues and cells
35 D.5 Donor documentation
37 Annex E (normative) Requirements for handling of cells and tissue during manufacture
E.1 General
E.2 Specifications
E.3 Documentation
E.4 Combined cell-based medical products
38 E.5 Manufacturing area
E.6 Cell handling procedures
E.6.1 General
E.6.2 Organ/tissue dissociation
E.6.3 Isolation of the cell population of interest
39 E.6.4 Cell culture
E.6.5 Cell modification
E.6.6 Cells cultured in or on a matrix/device/scaffold
E.7 In-process controls
E.8 Batch definition
40 Annex F (normative)
Requirements for packaging and labeling
F.1 General
F.2 Specifications
F.3 Documentation
F.4 Chemical properties of the packaging container
F.5 Physical properties of the packaging container
F.6 Contamination
41 F.7 Labeling
42 F.8 Requirements for primary packaging
F.8.1 Primary packaging used after the procurement or during the process (intermediaries or finished products)
F.8.2 Primary packaging of the blood samples obtained from the donor
F.8.3 Primary packaging of the samples used for the quality control of the products
F.9 Shipping container
43 F.10 Packaging of waste products with biological risk resulting from the procurement or the processing
44 Annex G (informative)
Guidance for transport
G.1 General
45 G.2 Specifications
G.3 Validation
G.4 Documentation
G.5 Cross-contamination
G.6 Contractual agreements
46 G.7 Preparation of the transport container
G.8 Transport of the products
G.9 Responsibilities of the manufacturer
47 G.10 Material and hygiene
G.11 Packaging and labeling of the transport container
G.12 Documents relating to transport
48 G.13 Transport conditions and duration
G.14 Delivery and control at reception
G.15 Reception of the tissue and cells
50 Annex H (informative)
Guidance for storage
H.1 General
H.2 Facility
H.3 Personnel
51 H.4 Specification
H.5 Qualification and validation
H.6 Monitoring and documentation
H.7 Cross-contamination
52 H.8 Storage of non-cellular material
H.9 Storage of waste with biological risk/biohazard
H.10 Stability
53 H.11 Storage conditions for the final product
54 Annex I (normative)
Requirements for traceability
I.1 General
I.2 Specific requirements
55 Annex J (normative)
Risk reduction measures relating to contamination with viruses and other infectious agents such as TSE
J.1 General
J.2 Source of virus/TSE contamination
J.2.1 Human tissues and cells
56 J.2.2 Processing aids
J.3 Risk reduction methods
J.3.1 Testing of donors of human tissue and cells
57 J.3.2 Testing of cell banks
J.3.3 Selection of appropriate raw materials and/or reagents
58 Annex K (informative)
Guidance relating to hazards caused by the tumorigenic potential of human cells or tissues used for the production of medical products
59 Annex L (informative)
Guidance relating to microbiological contamination
L.1 General
L.2 Detection of microbiological contamination of the cell or tissue raw material
L.3 Prevention of microbiological contamination of the product during manufacture
60 Annex M (informative) Guidance relating to potential adverse effects of non-cellular residues of the product
M.1 General
M.2 Non-clinical testing
M.3 Combined products
61 Annex N (normative)
Requirements relating to potential adverse effects of the cellular components of a medical product
N.1 General
N.2 Non-clinical testing for adverse effects
63 Annex O (informative) Guidance for the characterization of the cellular components of a medical product
O.1 General
O.2 Identity
O.3 Cell purity
64 O.4 Process-derived impurities
O.5 Viability
O.6 Potency
O.6.1 General
65 O.6.2 Cells for tissue repair/regeneration
O.6.3 Cells with primarily metabolic/pharmacological function
66 O.6.4 Cells for immunotherapy
67 Annex P (informative)
Clinical evaluation and testing
68 Bibliography

69 Europe
70 Japan

AAMI 13022 2012