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IEEE C37.41 2009


IEEE Standard Design Tests for High-Voltage (>1000 V) Fuses, Fuse and Disconnecting Cutouts, Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Fuse Links and Accessories Used with These Devices

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IEEE 2009 100
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Revision Standard – Active. Required procedures for performing design tests for high-voltage distribution class and power class fuses, as well as for fuse-disconnecting switches and enclosed single-pole air switches, are specified. These design tests, as appropriate to a particular device, include the following test types: dielectric, interrupting, load-break, radio-influence, short-time current, temperature rise, time-current, manual operation, thermal-cycle, bolt torque, and liquid tightness.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
3 Title page
6 Introduction
7 Notice to users
Laws and regulations
Updating of IEEE documents
8 Patents
13 1. Overview
1.1 Scope
14 1.2 Purpose
1.3 Background
1.4 Description of fuse-enclosure packages (FEPs) using expulsion type indoor power class fuses
15 1.5 Description of FEPs using current-limiting type indoor distribution and power class fuses
2. Normative references
16 3. Required tests
3.1 General
17 3.2 Device tests
18 3.3 FEP tests
3.4 Test values
3.5 Testing responsibility
3.6 Test report
4. Common test requirements
4.1 General
19 4.2 Test site conditions
4.3 Frequency and wave shape of test voltage
4.4 Devices to be tested
4.5 Acceptance criteria
20 4.6 Test-conductor dimensions
21 4.7 Mounting and grounding of the device for tests
23 5. Dielectric tests
5.1 General
5.2 Measurement of test voltages
5.3 Description of power-frequency dry-withstand voltage tests
24 5.4 Description of power-frequency wet-withstand voltage tests on outdoor devices
5.5 Description of power-frequency dew-withstand voltage tests on indoor devices
5.6 Description of impulse withstand voltage tests
25 5.7 Distribution class expulsion type fuses, cutouts, and fuse disconnecting switch test connections and test values
26 5.8 Distribution class enclosed single-pole air switch test connections and test values
5.9 Power class expulsion fuses, power class current-limiting fuses, and power class fuse disconnecting switch test connections and test values
27 5.10 Distribution class current-limiting fuse and fuse disconnecting switch test connections and test values
28 5.11 Distribution class, power class expulsion and current-limiting type fuses, and fuse disconnecting switches used in FEPs
30 5.12 Distribution and power class external fuses for shunt capacitors
6. Interrupting tests
6.1 Procedures common to all interrupting tests
32 6.2 Interrupting tests on a homogeneous series of expulsion type fuses
38 6.3 Description of interrupting tests on distribution class open-link cutouts
6.4 Description of interrupting tests on distribution class fuse cutouts (open and enclosed) (except current-limiting fuses)
44 6.5 Description of interrupting tests on power class fuses and fuse disconnecting switches (except current-limiting fuses and liquid-submerged expulsion fuses)
47 6.6 Description of interrupting tests on current-limiting power and distribution fuses
60 6.7 Description of interrupting tests for FEPs using current-limiting-type indoor distribution and power class fuses
62 6.8 Description of interrupting tests for FEPs using liquid-submerged, expulsion type indoor power class fuses
64 6.9 Description of interrupting tests for air-insulated FEPs using expulsion type indoor power class fuses
66 6.10 Description of interrupting tests for external fuses for shunt capacitors
74 7. Load-break tests
7.1 Procedures common to all load-break tests
76 7.2 Description of load-break tests for all fused devices
8. Radio-influence tests
8.1 Procedures common to all radio-influence tests
78 8.2 Description of radio-influence tests on a single device
79 8.3 Description of radio-influence tests on multiple devices
8.4 Description of radio-influence tests for assembled apparatus
9. Short-time current tests
9.1 General
9.2 Mounting and grounding of device for the momentary test
9.3 Test connections
9.4 Test circuit
81 9.5 Description of 15-cycle current tests
9.6 Description of 3-second current tests
9.7 Description of momentary current tests
82 9.8 Acceptance criteria
10. Temperature-rise tests
10.1 Procedures common to all temperature-rise tests
83 10.2 Description of temperature-rise tests
10.3 Description of temperature-rise tests for air-insulated FEPs using expulsion type indoor power class fuses
84 11. Time-current tests
11.1 Procedures common to all time-current tests
85 11.2 Description of melting time-current tests
86 11.3 Description of total-clearing time-current tests
12. Manual-operation, thermal-cycle, and bolt-torque tests (distribution cutouts)
12.1 Description of manual-operation tests
87 12.2 Description of thermal cycle tests
88 12.3 Description of torque tests
13. Liquid-tightness tests
13.1 Description of liquid-tightness tests
89 13.2 Test series
13.3 Acceptance criteria
14. Description of expendable-cap static-relief pressure tests
90 Annex A (informative)
93 Annex B (informative)
94 Annex C (informative)
98 Annex E (informative)
100 Annex F (informative)
IEEE C37.41 2009