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IEEE 1901.2-2013


IEEE Standard for Low-Frequency (less than 500 kHz) Narrowband Power Line Communications for Smart Grid Applications

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IEEE 2013
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New IEEE Standard – Active. A worldwide standard for narrowband power line communications (PLC) via alternating current, direct current, and nonenergized electric power lines using frequencies below 500 kHz. Data rates of up to 500 kb/s are supported. The field of use includes Smart Grid applications. Coexistence mechanisms that can be used by other PLC technologies operating below 500 kHz are also included. These coexistence mechanisms may be used separately from the rest of the standard.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 IEEE Std 1901.2-2013 Cover
3 Title page
4 Abstract/Keywords
5 Important Notices and Disclaimers Concerning IEEE Standards Documents
8 Participants
11 Introduction
12 Contents
17 List of Figures
20 List of Tables

1. Overview
1.1 Scope
24 1.2 Purpose
1.3 Overview of annexes
25 2. Normative references
26 3. Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
28 3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
31 4. General description
4.1 Introduction
4.2 General description
32 4.3 Reference model
33 4.4 ADP reference model
34 4.5 MAC reference model
36 4.6 PHY reference model
38 4.7 Conventions
4.7.1 Message and primitive nomenclature
4.7.2 Message sequence charts (MSCs)
40 4.7.3 Text conventions
45 5. MAC layer
5.1 MAC layer overview
5.2 Nomenclature for tables referencing other standards
5.3 Channel access
5.3.1 Overview
46 5.3.2 Interframe spacing (IFS)
47 5.3.3 Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA)
53 5.3.4 Priority
54 5.3.5 Automatic repeat request (ARQ)
57 5.3.6 Byte padding
5.3.7 Segmentation and reassembly
61 5.4 MAC acknowledgment
62 5.5 Services and primitives
67 5.5.1 MCPS-DATA.request
69 5.5.2 MCPS-DATA.indication
71 5.6 Frame formats
74 5.6.1 Segment Control field
75 5.6.2 Frame Control field
5.6.3 Information elements (IEs)
76 5.7 Command frames
78 5.8 Tone Map Response command
81 5.8.1 TXRES
5.8.2 TXGAIN
82 5.8.3 MOD
5.8.4 LQI
5.8.5 Tone map management fields
83 5.8.6 ONOFFMODE
5.8.7 Coherent mode capability
5.9 Constants and PIB attributes
87 5.10 Functional description
90 5.11 Neighbor table
93 5.12 Security suite specification
5.13 Message sequence chart illustrating MAC-PHY interaction
98 5.14 MAC annexes
5.15 Optional multi-tone mask mode
5.15.1 Definitions
99 5.15.2 Services and primitives
103 5.15.3 Frame formats
106 5.15.4 Command frames
108 5.15.5 Constants and PIB attributes
111 5.15.6 Functional description
114 5.15.7 Superframe structure
115 5.15.8 Router-node communications
124 5.15.9 Poll-based CFP
127 6. PHY using OFDM
6.1 Introduction
6.2 General system description
129 6.3 Fundamental system parameters
6.3.1 PHY parameters for FCC and ARIB bands
132 6.3.2 Band plans
135 6.4 Illustration of data rate calculation
136 6.5 Frame structure
137 6.6 Preamble
142 6.7 Frame control header (FCH)
145 6.8 CRC5
146 6.9 CRC8
6.10 Data scrambler
6.11 FEC coding
147 6.11.1 RS encoder
6.11.2 Convolutional encoder
148 6.12 Encoded FEC output padding
6.13 Repetition encoder
6.13.1 No repetition
6.13.2 Repetition coding by 4
149 6.13.3 Repetition coding by 6
6.14 Interleaver
152 6.15 DBPSK, DQPSK, and D8PSK mapping
154 6.16 Mapping for FCH BPSK modulation
6.17 Frequency domain preemphasis
6.18 OFDM generation (IFFT and CP addition)
155 6.19 Windowing
156 6.20 Adaptive tone mapping and transmit power control
157 6.21 Optional coherent mode
6.21.1 Introduction
158 6.21.2 Frame structure
6.21.3 S1 and S2 symbols
6.21.4 Preamble
159 6.21.5 Frame control header (FCH)
6.21.6 CRC5
6.21.7 CRC8
6.21.8 Data scrambler
6.21.9 FEC coding
6.21.10 Encoded FEC output padding
6.21.11 Interleaver
6.21.12 Coherent modulation mapping
160 6.21.13 Mapping for BPSK, ROBO, and Super-ROBO modulations
6.21.14 Mapping for QPSK modulation
6.21.15 Mapping for 8PSK modulation
6.21.16 Mapping for 16QAM modulation
161 6.21.17 Normalization factor
6.21.18 Pilot tones
165 6.21.19 Frequency domain preemphasis
6.21.20 OFDM generation (IFFT and CP addition)
6.21.21 Windowing
6.21.22 Adaptive tone mapping and transmit power control
6.21.23 Optional multi-tone masks for coherent mode
167 7. PHY transmitter electrical specifications
169 7.2 Spurious transmission
7.3 System clock frequency tolerance
7.4 Transmit constellation accuracy
7.4.1 Transmit constellation error
7.4.2 Transmit modulation accuracy test
171 7.5 Electromagnetic compatibility of data transmission on LV electrical installations in the frequency range of 3 kHz to 500 kHz
7.5.1 For the European market
172 7.5.2 For FCC-regulated regions
7.6 Receiver sensitivity and performance requirements
7.6.1 Fast carrier detection under additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) conditions
173 7.6.2 Preamble detection (CD detection) under AWGN conditions
7.6.3 FCH detection under AWGN conditions
174 7.6.4 Rx sensitivity
7.6.5 Packet reception under AWGN conditions
175 8. PHY service specifications
8.1 PHY data primitive
176 8.1.1 PD-DATA.request
8.1.2 PD-DATA.confirm
177 8.1.3 PD-DATA.indication
178 8.1.4 PD-ACK.request
8.1.5 PD-ACK.confirm
8.1.6 PD-ACK.indication
179 8.1.7 PD-PREAMBLE.indication
8.2 PHY management primitives
180 8.2.1 PLME-SET.request
8.2.2 PLME-SET.confirm
181 8.2.3 PLME-GET.request
8.2.4 PLME-GET.confirm
182 8.2.5 PLME-SET-TRX-STATE.request
8.2.6 PLME-SET-TRX-STATE.confirm
8.2.7 PLME-CS.request
8.2.8 PLME-CS.confirm
184 9. Legacy systems and interoperability profiles
9.1 Introduction
9.2 ITU-T G.9903 CENELEC A
9.3 ITU-T G.9904 CENELEC A
185 10. Coexistence
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Coexistence mechanisms
10.2.1 Coexistence mechanism: frequency separation/notching
186 10.2.2 Coexistence mechanism: preamble-based CSMA
188 10.3 Preamble-based coexistence behavior/fairness
10.3.1 Long coexistence preamble sequence
189 10.3.2 Duty cycle
10.3.3 Recommended configuration of parameters
190 10.4 Coexistence behavior/fairness attributes
191 10.5 Coexistence control PIB attributes
192 Annex A (normative) Alternating current phase detection
194 Annex B (informative) LOAD-based networks
B.1 Security suite specification
B.1.1 Access control and authentication
B.1.2 Confidentiality and integrity
B.1.3 Anti-replay and denial of service (DoS) prevention
B.1.4 Authentication and key distribution protocol
B.1.5 Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) method
B.2 ADP sublayer
B.2.1 IB attributes
B.2.2 IB attributes values description
B.3 Data frame format, datagram transmission and addressing
B.3.1 ADP sublayer command frames
195 B.3.2 Mesh routing
B.3.3 Unicast packet routing
B.3.4 Commissioning of new devices
B.3.5 Functional description
B.3.6 Route cost calculation
B.4 Services and primitives of the ADP sublayer
196 Annex C (informative) MV coupler
198 Annex D (informative) Channel models
D.1 Introduction
D.1.1 Overview of annex
D.1.2 Use of annex
D.2 Modeling the channel
D.2.1 Modeling the channel using the fading modeling method
200 D.2.2 Modeling the channel using ABCD parameters
221 D.3 Noise modeling
D.3.1 Noise model #1
243 D.3.2 Noise model #2
255 Annex E (informative) Electromagnetic compatibility measurement requirements for data transmission on LV electrical installations in the frequency range of 150 kHz to 500 kHz
E.1 For the European market
E.1.1 Methods of measurement
E.1.2 Operating conditions
256 E.1.3 Methods of measurement for transmitted signal level, permanent notching and dynamic notching
257 E.1.4 Methods of measurement of conducted disturbance
259 E.1.5 Method of measurement of radiated disturbance
E.2 For FCC-regulated regions
E.2.1 Conducted measurements
E.2.2 Radiated measurements
260 E.3 For ARIB-regulated regions
261 Annex F (informative) RPL-based network
F.1 IEEE 802.15.4 enhanced beacons
F.1.1 Security capabilities IE
F.1.2 Routing Cost IE
F.2 IPv6 LoWPAN (6LoWPAN) adaptation
F.2.1 IETF RFC 4944 [B17]
262 F.2.2 IETF RFC 6282 [B18]
F.3 Network access control
263 F.3.1 EAPOL PDUs
264 F.3.2 EAPOL over UDP
F.4 DHCPv6
265 Annex G (informative) Sniffer mode
266 Annex H (informative) Bibliography
H.1 General references
267 H.2 Modeling references
268 H.3 Coexistence references
IEEE 1901.2-2013