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IEEE 1641.1-2006


IEEE Guide for the Use of IEEE Std 1641, Standard for Signal and Test Definition

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IEEE 2006 201
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New IEEE Standard – Superseded. Guidance in the use of the signal and test definition (STD) standard is provided. STD provides the means to define and describe signals used in testing. This guide describes how to implement, apply, and use a set of common basic signals to form complex signals usable across all test platforms.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 IEEE Guide for the Use of IEEE Std 1641, Standard for Signal and Test Definition
3 Title page
6 Introduction
Notice to users
7 Participants
11 1. Overview
1.1 Scope
1.2 Purpose
2. Normative references
12 3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
13 3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
14 4. Historical background
4.1 Review of ATLAS
4.2 Decision to define a new standard
4.3 Requirements for STD standard
15 4.4 Inclusion of support for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML)
5. Features of the STD standard
6. Hierarchy of signal definitions
17 7. Process overview
7.1 General
7.2 TSF model as signal template
20 7.3 Typical TSF model
21 7.4 Using TSFs in test requirement or program
22 7.5 Signal measurement
8. Creating signals using STD standard
8.1 Overview
25 8.2 Physical types
26 8.3 Signals
30 8.4 Using signal graphs to create a signal
34 8.5 Documenting signal descriptions
39 8.6 Test requirement capture
48 8.7 Using TPL to create test requirements
69 9. Defining measurements with STD
9.1 General
71 9.2 Sensors
74 9.3 Measurement maps
75 9.4 Generic measurement
78 9.5 Intrinsic measurements
80 9.6 Different valid measurement methods
83 9.7 Reference signals description
84 10. Basic signal components (BSCs)
10.1 Introduction of new BSCs
10.2 BSC interfaces
85 10.3 Diagrammatic representation of BSCs
87 10.4 SignalFunctions and events
103 11. Test Signal Framework (TSF)
11.1 Introduction to TSF
11.2 Building TSF signal models using BSCs
11.3 Examples of source signal models
112 11.4 Signal models with preset internal attributes
116 11.5 Examples of signal models that process input signal
121 11.6 Example of signal models that include connection BSCs
124 11.7 SignalDelay TSF model for SWEEP
126 11.8 TSF model for linear sweep using frequency modulation (FM) BSC
127 11.9 TSF model for logarithmic sweep using FM BSC
128 11.10 TSF attributes mappings and formulae
129 11.11 Synchronization of signal model
139 11.12 Gating a signal model
141 11.13 Use of XML to specify TSF signal model information
151 11.14 Use of IDL to specify TSF signal model information
155 12. Test Procedure Language (TPL)
12.1 Introduction to TPL
156 12.2 Use of ATLAS with STD
12.3 Simple test requirement in TPL
164 12.4 Further test requirement in TPL
172 12.5 Examples of test statements in TPL
181 12.6 Quantities, units, and unit symbols
182 13. Signal Modeling Language (SML)
183 13.1 Introduction to SML
13.2 Using SML to define a BSC
189 Annex A (informative) Glossary
191 Annex B (informative) Generic measurement
198 Annex C (informative) Implementation examples
200 Annex D (informative) Bibliography
IEEE 1641.1-2006