BS 8206-2:2008
Lighting for buildings – Code of practice for daylighting
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
BSI | 2008 | 56 |
This part of BS 8206 gives recommendations regarding design for daylight in buildings. It includes recommendations on the design of electric lighting when used in conjunction with daylight.
NOTE Data for daylight and sunlight calculations are given in Annex A.
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PDF Pages | PDF Title |
3 | Contents Section 1: General 1 1 Scope 1 2 Terms and definitions 1 Section 2: Aims and criteria for design 4 3 The contribution of daylight 4 4 Windows and view 5 5 Daylight and room brightness 8 6 Daylight for task lighting 11 Section 3: Further design issues 14 7 Electric lighting used in conjunction with daylight 14 8 Sunlight shading 16 9 Energy efficiency 18 10 Conservation of materials inside buildings 20 11 Statutory and legal requirements affecting the provision of daylight 21 Section 4: Methods of calculation 23 12 Sunlight 23 13 Calculation of average daylight factor 29 14 Calculation of daylight illuminance 31 15 Examples of the calculation of window transmittance 32 Annexes Annex A (informative) Data for daylight and sunlight calculations 33 Annex B (informative) Climate-based daylight modelling 40 Bibliography 44 List of figures Figure 1 – Solar altitude and solar azimuth 3 Figure 2 – Views from windows of different shapes and sizes 7 Figure 3 – Window reveal drawn on a sunpath diagram for London 26 Figure 4 – Obstructing building superimposed on the sunpath diagram 27 Figure 5 – Use of sunlight probability diagram to determine sunlight reaching window reference point 27 Figure 6 – Angle of visible sky used in calculating average daylight factor 30 Figure 7 – Limiting depth of a side-lit room 31 Figure A.1 – Sunpath diagram for London (latitude 51° N) 36 Figure A.2 – Sunpath diagram for Edinburgh (latitude 56° N) 37 Figure A.3 – Sunlight probability diagram 38 Figure A.4 – Diffuse illuminance (Eh) availability for London 39 Figure A.5 – Diffuse illuminance (Eh) availability for Edinburgh 39 Figure A.6 – Mean horizontal diffuse illuminances at London (Kew) 40 List of tables Table 1 – Minimum glazed areas for view when windows are restricted to one wall 6 Table 2 – Minimum average daylight factor 10 Table A.1 – Approximate values of the reflectance of light 33 Table A.2 – Mean light transmittance of glazing materials 34 |
4 | Table A.3 – Percentage losses of light in particular types of buildings 35 Table A.4 – Exposure multiplying factors 35 Table A.5 – Special exposure multiplying factors 35 Table A.6 – Correction factors for frames and glazing bars 36 Table A.7 – Diffuse orientation factors for an 09.00 to 17.00 working day 38 |
5 | Foreword |
7 | Section 1: General 1 Scope 2 Terms and definitions 2.1 daylight 2.2 window 2.3 rooflight 2.4 transom 2.5 obstruction 2.6 no-sky line 2.7 working plane 2.8 window reference point 2.9 supplementary electric lighting |
8 | 2.10 sunlight 2.11 skylight |
9 | Figure 1 Solar altitude and solar azimuth |
10 | Section 2: Aims and criteria for design 3 The contribution of daylight 3.1 General a) for view; b) to enhance the overall appearance of interiors, using sunlight (the direct beam) and skylight (diffuse daylight); c) for lighting of visual tasks. 3.2 Daylight and health 3.2.1 Regulation of the circadian system 3.2.2 Mood |
11 | 3.2.3 Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) 3.2.4 Ultraviolet (UV) radiation 4 Windows and view 4.1 Principle 4.2 Analysis of view a) Most people prefer a view of a natural scene: trees, grass, plants and open space. b) In densely built-up areas, a view of the natural scene may not be available. When only buildings, sky and street can be seen,… c) A specific close view may be essential, particularly for security and supervision of the space around dwellings. d) There is often a need for privacy. This varies with the building type and with the expectations of the users. The view into a building should be considered when the view outwards is determined. |
12 | 1) upper (distant), being the sky and its boundary with the natural or man-made scene; 2) middle, being the natural or man-made objects themselves; 3) lower (close), being the nearby ground. 4.3 Size and proportion of windows Table 1 Minimum glazed areas for view when windows are restricted to one wall |
13 | Figure 2 Views from windows of different shapes and sizes a) Large window providing a view containing all three layers. b) Smaller window of horizontal proportions providing a view with some sky visible. c) Smaller window of vertical proportions showing all three layers, but with a restricted view. |
14 | 5 Daylight and room brightness 5.1 General 5.2 Sunlight: principle |
15 | 5.3 Sunlight duration 5.4 Skylight: principle 5.5 Average daylight factor |
16 | 5.6 Minimum values of average daylight factor in dwellings Table 2 Minimum average daylight factor 5.7 Uniformity of daylight a) a significant part of the working plane (normally more than 20%) lies behind the no-sky line; or b) in a room lit by windows in one wall only, the depth of the room is too large in comparison with the height and the width of the windows. (A procedure for calculating this is given in 13.3.) |
17 | 5.8 Contrast between the interior and the view outside a) providing additional illumination on the window wall from other windows; b) reducing the luminance of the sky as seen from the interior with translucent blinds, curtains or tinted/solar-control glazing, if adequate illumination can be provided by other sources; c) splaying window reveals, to give a larger area of intermediate brightness between the exterior view and the window wall. 6 Daylight for task lighting 6.1 General |
18 | a) A constant illuminance on the task cannot be maintained. When the sky becomes brighter, the interior illuminance increases; a… b) The direction of light from windows, which act as large diffuse light sources to the side of a worker, gives good three-dimen… c) The spectral distribution of daylight varies significantly during the course of a day, but the colour rendering is usually considered to be excellent. 6.2 Quantity of daylight 6.2.1 Illuminance 6.2.2 Uniformity 6.3 Quality of daylight 6.3.1 General 6.3.2 Glare |
19 | 6.3.3 Specular reflection |
20 | Section 3: Further design issues 7 Electric lighting used in conjunction with daylight 7.1 Functions of supplementary electric lighting design a) to enhance the overall appearance of the room, by improving the distribution of illuminance and by reducing the luminance contrast between the interior and the view outside; b) to achieve satisfactory illuminance on visual tasks. 7.2 Lighting quality 7.2.1 Balance of daylight and electric light 7.2.2 Modelling 7.2.3 Contrast between interior and exterior |
21 | 7.2.4 Colour appearance of lamps a) using lamps of cool or intermediate class correlated colour temperature (see BS EN 12464-1:2002, Table 3); b) screening lamps from the view of occupants (see BS EN 12464-1:2002). 7.2.5 Sequences of spaces 7.3 Task lighting 7.3.1 Illuminance 7.3.2 Direction and modelling 7.3.3 Colour |
22 | 7.4 Change in lighting at dusk 8 Sunlight shading 8.1 General |
23 | 8.2 Overshadowing 8.2.1 Loss of daylight to existing buildings a) If the vertical sky component at the centre of the existing window would exceed 27% with the new development in place, then enough skylight would still be reaching the existing window. b) If the vertical sky component with the new development in place would be both less than 27% and less than 0.8 times its forme… |
24 | 8.2.2 Loss of sunlight to existing buildings 8.2.3 Overshadowing of an open space by a proposed development 9 Energy efficiency 9.1 Energy consumption in lighting |
25 | 9.2 Window design and energy efficiency 9.3 Passive solar design |
26 | 9.4 Lighting controls a) manual; b) timed switch-off with optional manual reset; c) photoelectric switching on/off; d) photoelectric dimming. 10 Conservation of materials inside buildings 10.1 General 10.2 Factors affecting degradation a) spectral composition of the light; b) illuminance; c) period of exposure. |
27 | 10.3 Improving conservation 10.3.1 Spectral composition 10.3.2 Illuminance 10.3.3 Exposure period 11 Statutory and legal requirements affecting the provision of daylight |
29 | Section 4: Methods of calculation 12 Sunlight 12.1 Sunpath diagrams 12.1.1 General 12.1.2 Day angle 12.1.3 Solar declination 12.1.4 Equation of time |
30 | 12.1.5 True solar time 12.1.6 Hour angle 12.1.7 Solar altitude 12.1.8 Solar azimuth |
31 | 12.1.9 Stereographic sunpath diagrams 12.2 Probable sunlight hours |
32 | Figure 3 Window reveal drawn on a sunpath diagram for London |
33 | Figure 4 Obstructing building superimposed on the sunpath diagram Figure 5 Use of sunlight probability diagram to determine sunlight reaching window reference point |
34 | 12.3 Use of physical models 12.4 Use of computer models |
35 | 13 Calculation of average daylight factor 13.1 Windows and rooflights with continuous obstructions of uniform height |
36 | Figure 6 Angle of visible sky used in calculating average daylight factor 13.2 Limitations of the formula 13.3 Room depth |
37 | Figure 7 Limiting depth of a side-lit room 14 Calculation of daylight illuminance |
38 | 15 Examples of the calculation of window transmittance 15.1 Average daylight factor 15.2 Overall aperture and net glazed area |
39 | Annex A (informative) Data for daylight and sunlight calculations A.1 Values of reflectance and transmittance A.1.1 Reflectances Table A.1 Approximate values of the reflectance of light |
40 | Table A.1 Approximate values of the reflectance of light (continued) A.1.2 Transmittances Table A.2 Mean light transmittance of glazing materials |
41 | A.1.3 Maintenance factors Table A.3 Percentage losses of light in particular types of buildings Table A.4 Exposure multiplying factors Table A.5 Special exposure multiplying factors |
42 | A.1.4 Correction for frames and glazing bars Table A.6 Correction factors for frames and glazing bars A.2 Availability of sunlight Figure A.1 Sunpath diagram for London (latitude 51° N) |
43 | Figure A.2 Sunpath diagram for Edinburgh (latitude 56° N) |
44 | Figure A.3 Sunlight probability diagram A.3 Availability of skylight Table A.7 Diffuse orientation factors for an 09.00 to 17.00 working day (factor fo in equation 3 in Clause 14) |
45 | Figure A.4 Diffuse illuminance (Eh) availability for London (see Clause 14 for factor Eh in equation 3) Figure A.5 Diffuse illuminance (Eh) availability for Edinburgh (see Clause 14 for factor Eh in equation 3) |
46 | Figure A.6 Mean horizontal diffuse illuminances at London (Kew) Annex B (informative) Climate-based daylight modelling B.1 General |
47 | B.2 Use of climate data B.3 Applications |
48 | B.4 Methodology |
49 | a) arithmetic aggregation of the time-series values derived from a daylight coefficient approach; and b) synthesizing sky and sun descriptions that contain the aggregated luminance (or radiance) of many “instantaneous” sky and sun configurations. |
50 | Bibliography [1] CHARTERED INSTITUTION OF BUILDING SERVICES ENGINEERS. Lighting Guide LG10 Daylighting and window design. 1999. [2] NHS ESTATES. Windows. Health Technical Memorandum 55. London: The Stationery Office, 1998. [3] SOCIETY OF LIGHT AND LIGHTING. The code for lighting. [4] BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT. Report Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight: a guide to good practice. 1991. [5] KASABOV, G., ed. Buildings, the key to energy conservation. RIBA Energy Group, 1979. |
51 | [6] CRISP, V.H.C., LITTLEFAIR, P.J., COOPER, I. and G. McKENNAN. BRE Report Daylighting as a passive solar energy option: an assessment of its potential in non-domestic buildings. Building Research Establishment, 1988. [7] BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT. Selecting lighting controls and daylight use. BRE Digest 498. Building Research Establishment, 2006. [8] CHARTERED INSTITUTION OF BUILDING SERVICES ENGINEERS. Lighting Guide LG8 Lighting for museums and art galleries. 1994. [9] GREAT BRITAIN. Approved Documents for the Building Regulations. [10] GREAT BRITAIN. Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 (as amended). London: The Stationery Office. [11] GREAT BRITAIN. Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 (as amended). London: The Stationery Office. [12] TREGENZA, P.R. Modification of the split-flux formulae for mean daylight factor and internal reflected component with large external obstructions. Lighting Research and Technology. 1989, 21, 125-128. [13] LITTLEFAIR, P.J. BRE Information paper IP 15/88 Average daylight factor: a simple basis for daylight design. Building Research Establishment, 1988. |
52 | [14] CHARTERED INSTITUTION OF BUILDING SERVICES ENGINEERS. Guide J Weather, solar and illuminance data. [15] CLARKE, J.A. Energy simulation in building design. 2nd Edition. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001. [16] LITTLEFAIR, P. The luminous efficacy of daylight: a review. Lighting Research and Technology. 1985, 17(4), 162-182. [17] MARDALJEVIC, J. The simulation of annual daylighting profiles for internal illuminance. Lighting Research and Technology. 2000, 32(3). [18] REINHART, C.F. and S. HERKEL. The simulation of annual illuminance distributions – a state-of-the-art comparison of six radiance-based methods. Energy and Buildings. 2000, 32(2), 167-187. [19] NABIL, A. and J. MARDALJEVIC. Useful daylight illuminances: A replacement for daylight factors. Energy and Buildings. 2006, 38(7), 905-913. [20] REINHART, C.F., MARDALJEVIC, J. and Z. ROGERS. Dynamic daylight performance metrics for sustainable building design. Leukos. 2006, 3(1). [21] MARDALJEVIC, J. Time to see the light. Building Services Journal. 2006, September, 59-62. [22] TREGENZA, P. and I.M. WATERS. Daylight coefficients. Lighting Research and Technology. 1983, 15(2), 65-71. [23] MARDALJEVIC, J. Daylight simulation: Validation, sky models and daylight coefficients. PhD thesis. 2000, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. [24] LI, D.H.W., LAU, C.C.S. and J.C. LAM. Predicting daylight illuminance by computer simulation techniques. Lighting Research and Technology. 2004, 36(2), 113-128. |